diff --git a/api_review_qt_6_7_part2.md b/api_review_qt_6_7_part2.md
index 4246bf741725a4de78f928ad53eec4ae56213bb0..f7b4885501b0ae6943ff7fa54809145af86226ac 100644
--- a/api_review_qt_6_7_part2.md
+++ b/api_review_qt_6_7_part2.md
@@ -84,152 +84,6 @@ AP: Update example snippet with something richer
-### `qt_add_lrelease` - New API options and changed option
-Make the target argument of `qt_add_lrelease` optional.
-Passing a target as the first argument to
-`qt_add_lrelease` was deprecated.
-Old signature
-qt_add_lrelease(target TS_FILES file1.ts [file2.ts ...]
-                [NO_TARGET_DEPENDENCY]
-New signature
-qt_add_lrelease(TS_FILES file1.ts [file2.ts ...]
-                [LRELEASE_TARGET target-name]
-                [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL]
-No specific example snippet.
-No "since qt version" blurb for new / changed options.
-`NO_TARGET_DEPENDENCY` disappeared from docs, not mentioned in deprecated section.
-First `target` option that is now deprecated IS documented.
-**Action points:**
-### `qt_add_lupdate` - New API options and changed option
-Allow specifying multiple targets in `qt_add_lupdate`
-Old signature
-qt_add_lupdate(target TS_FILES file1.ts [file2.ts ...]
-New signature
-qt_add_lupdate(TS_FILES file1.ts [file2.ts ...]
-               [TARGETS target1 [target2 ...]]
-No specific example snippet.
-No "since qt version" blurb for new / changed options.
-First `target` option that is now deprecated IS documented.
-**Action points:**
-### `qt_collect_i18n_targets` - New API
-Add `qt_collect_i18n_targets`, collects targets that are eligible for translation.
-qt_collect_i18n_targets(out_var [DIRECTORY path])
-Has "since qt version" blurb.
-Has example snippet.
-**Action points:**
-### `QT_EXCLUDE_FROM_TRANSLATION` - New target and directory properties
-Targets can be excluded from translation by setting the target property
-Targets below a certain directory can be excluded from translation by
-setting the directory property `QT_EXCLUDE_FROM_TRANSLATION` to TRUE.
-Has "since qt version" blurb.
-No example snippets.
-**Action points:**
-### `QT_EXCLUDE_SOURCES_FROM_TRANSLATION` - New target property
-Allow excluding target sources from i18n.
-The target property
-`QT_EXCLUDE_SOURCES_FROM_TRANSLATION` was added to exclude source files of
-a target from handling with lupdate.
-    untranslatable.cpp
-    3rdparty/*
-Has "since qt version" blurb.
-Has example snippet.
-**Action points:**
 ### `qt_add_translations` - New API options and behavior change
@@ -280,118 +134,3 @@ https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/linguist-id-based-i18n.html
 AP: Mention idbased option on qt_add_translations doc page, and link to page above
 just mention `LRELEASE_OPTIONS -idbased`
 AP: Kai: Talk to qt design team why they use idbased translations
-### `qt_add_translations` - New API options and behavior change
-Automatically determine `.ts` file names in `qt_add_translations`
-The `TS_FILES` argument of `qt_add_translations` is
-optional now, and .ts file paths can be automatically determined after
-setting the `QT_I18N_LANGUAGES` variable.
-Old signature
-                    TS_FILES file1.ts [file2.ts ...]
-New signature
-                    [TS_FILE_BASE name]
-                    [TS_FILE_DIR directory]
-                    [TS_FILES file1.ts [file2.ts ...]]
-Has example snippet.
-No "since qt version" blurb for new options.
-**Action points:**
-### `qt_add_translations` - Behavior change
-Automatically determine the path of the native .ts file
-If the `TS_FILES` argument is not passed to
-`qt_add_translations`, the path to the native .ts file is automatically
-determined if `QT_I18N_NATIVE_LANGUAGE` variable is set.
-No example / comparison snippet.
-No "since qt version" blurb for new options.
-**Action points:**
-### `qt_add_lupdate` - New API options and behavior change
-Add a way to specify the native language for i18n
-Old signature
-qt_add_lupdate(TS_FILES file1.ts [file2.ts ...]
-New signature
-qt_add_lupdate(TS_FILES file1.ts [file2.ts ...]
-               [NATIVE_TS_FILE file.ts]
-No example snippet.
-No "since qt version" blurb for new options.
-**Action points:**
-### Overall translations documentation page
-We are missing a more general adding translations page after all the new API was added.
-The most prominent CMake one is
-which is quite short.
-And the generic ones at
-don't mention very much about build systems.
-**Action points:**
diff --git a/api_review_qt_6_7_part3.md b/api_review_qt_6_7_part3.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00d1f0e7df211ea60eae3f57acf6501a2113d391
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api_review_qt_6_7_part3.md
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+# Task and links
+# Changes
+## qttools
+### `qt_add_lrelease` - New API options and changed option
+Make the target argument of `qt_add_lrelease` optional.
+Passing a target as the first argument to
+`qt_add_lrelease` was deprecated.
+Old signature
+qt_add_lrelease(target TS_FILES file1.ts [file2.ts ...]
+                [NO_TARGET_DEPENDENCY]
+New signature
+qt_add_lrelease(TS_FILES file1.ts [file2.ts ...]
+                [LRELEASE_TARGET target-name]
+                [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL]
+No specific example snippet.
+No "since qt version" blurb for new / changed options.
+`NO_TARGET_DEPENDENCY` disappeared from docs, not mentioned in deprecated section.
+First `target` option that is now deprecated IS documented.
+**Action points:**
+### `qt_add_lupdate` - New API options and changed option
+Allow specifying multiple targets in `qt_add_lupdate`
+Old signature
+qt_add_lupdate(target TS_FILES file1.ts [file2.ts ...]
+New signature
+qt_add_lupdate(TS_FILES file1.ts [file2.ts ...]
+               [TARGETS target1 [target2 ...]]
+No specific example snippet.
+No "since qt version" blurb for new / changed options.
+First `target` option that is now deprecated IS documented.
+**Action points:**
+### `qt_collect_i18n_targets` - New API
+Add `qt_collect_i18n_targets`, collects targets that are eligible for translation.
+qt_collect_i18n_targets(out_var [DIRECTORY path])
+Has "since qt version" blurb.
+Has example snippet.
+**Action points:**
+### `QT_EXCLUDE_FROM_TRANSLATION` - New target and directory properties
+Targets can be excluded from translation by setting the target property
+Targets below a certain directory can be excluded from translation by
+setting the directory property `QT_EXCLUDE_FROM_TRANSLATION` to TRUE.
+Has "since qt version" blurb.
+No example snippets.
+**Action points:**
+### `QT_EXCLUDE_SOURCES_FROM_TRANSLATION` - New target property
+Allow excluding target sources from i18n.
+The target property
+`QT_EXCLUDE_SOURCES_FROM_TRANSLATION` was added to exclude source files of
+a target from handling with lupdate.
+    untranslatable.cpp
+    3rdparty/*
+Has "since qt version" blurb.
+Has example snippet.
+**Action points:**
+### `qt_add_translations` - New API options and behavior change
+Support project-wide i18n with `qt_add_translations`.
+Gained the `TARGETS` argument to specify multiple targets that intend to load .qm files.
+Gained the `SOURCE_TARGETS` argument to specify multiple targets that contain sources with
+translatable strings.
+If the first argument of `qt_add_translations` is a target, that target is not used
+anymore for extracting translatable sources.
+Now defers itself to the end of the scope of `PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR` if `SOURCE_TARGETS` is not given.
+This behavior can be turned off by passing `IMMEDIATE_CALL`.
+Old signature
+qt_add_translations(target TS_FILES file1.ts [file2.ts ...]
+New signature
+                    [TARGETS target1 [target2...]]
+                    [SOURCE_TARGETS target1 [target2...]]
+                    TS_FILES file1.ts [file2.ts ...]
+                    [IMMEDIATE_CALL])
+No `IMMEDIATE_CALL` example snippet.
+Partial "since qt version" blurb for new / changed options.
+**Action points:**
+AP: There is a use case to pass in extra qm files (e.g qt sdk translations) to
+`qt_add_translations` to merge them, currently not released, open gerrit change,
+possibly in Qt 6.8.
+AP: Look into what happens when id-based translations are mixed with regular translations
+AP: Mention idbased option on qt_add_translations doc page, and link to page above
+just mention `LRELEASE_OPTIONS -idbased`
+AP: Kai: Talk to qt design team why they use idbased translations
+### `qt_add_translations` - New API options and behavior change
+Automatically determine `.ts` file names in `qt_add_translations`
+The `TS_FILES` argument of `qt_add_translations` is
+optional now, and .ts file paths can be automatically determined after
+setting the `QT_I18N_LANGUAGES` variable.
+Old signature
+                    TS_FILES file1.ts [file2.ts ...]
+New signature
+                    [TS_FILE_BASE name]
+                    [TS_FILE_DIR directory]
+                    [TS_FILES file1.ts [file2.ts ...]]
+Has example snippet.
+No "since qt version" blurb for new options.
+**Action points:**
+### `qt_add_translations` - Behavior change
+Automatically determine the path of the native .ts file
+If the `TS_FILES` argument is not passed to
+`qt_add_translations`, the path to the native .ts file is automatically
+determined if `QT_I18N_NATIVE_LANGUAGE` variable is set.
+No example / comparison snippet.
+No "since qt version" blurb for new options.
+**Action points:**
+### `qt_add_lupdate` - New API options and behavior change
+Add a way to specify the native language for i18n
+Old signature
+qt_add_lupdate(TS_FILES file1.ts [file2.ts ...]
+New signature
+qt_add_lupdate(TS_FILES file1.ts [file2.ts ...]
+               [NATIVE_TS_FILE file.ts]
+No example snippet.
+No "since qt version" blurb for new options.
+**Action points:**
+### Overall translations documentation page
+We are missing a more general adding translations page after all the new API was added.
+The most prominent CMake one is
+which is quite short.
+And the generic ones at
+don't mention very much about build systems.
+**Action points:**