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  • Kari Hormi's avatar
    Fix DeviceLauncher to measure falling edge values properly and load · 6765e70b
    Kari Hormi authored instead of using RTLD_NEXT in Boottime-EGL.
    Using RTLD_NEXT would cause the program to crash for reasons yet
    unknown. This fix replaces the usage of RTLD_NEXT by loading
    and executing the needed functions from there. This is "the correct" way
    to do hooking, but unfortunately now requires from /usr/lib
    instead of loading the next symbol dynamically.
    The other fix is to DeviceLauncher. Apparently, something has changed in
    the way the GPIO pin in the target device goes up/down which broke the
    way DeviceLauncher worked. This is now fixed, although the solution
    might need refining in the future.