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  • Joerg Bornemann's avatar
    CppEditor: fix follow symbol under cursor in SIGNAL/SLOT macros · 1ee14166
    Joerg Bornemann authored
    If the cursor was on the first character of a SIGNAL/SLOT name in a
    QObject::connect call, the detection in findLinkAt failed.
    Token::end() is the first position behind the token, so we must check
    if positionInBlock is less than tk.end().
    An extra branch has been added to handle the case where the cursor is
    on the opening parenthesis after the identifier within a SIGNAL/SLOT
    macro. This worked before, because of the "fuzziness" of the former
    Task-number: QTCREATORBUG-10264
    Change-Id: I2122bc2c13af1eb6c37dba9134d2b5ab931f80a9
    Reviewed-by: default avatarNikolai Kosjar <>