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  • Eike Ziller's avatar
    Xcodebuild parser: Improve performance · 66e9cb0a
    Eike Ziller authored and Eike Ziller's avatar Eike Ziller committed
    QRegExp is extremely ineffecient when capturing everything at the start,
    but not matching the end of the expression (e.g. 200+ms when parsing for
    signature change message in the relatively long xcodebuild compile
    output line).
    QRegularExpression is much faster with the same expression (40ms with
    the same example), but just checking for "endsWith" and getting the
    first part of the line manually is the fastest.
    Change-Id: Id5f0378e38f0edeba24036c6e9519c8107e4a361
    Task-number: QTCREATORBUG-15613
    Reviewed-by: default avatarVikas Pachdha <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarTobias Hunger <>