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  • Eike Ziller's avatar
    Locator: Do not loose focus on active window change · b7473459
    Eike Ziller authored
    We cleared focus on the locator input when it lost focus because the
    active window changed, so the popup is not reopened when the Qt Creator
    window is activated again. Instead keep the focus in the locator input,
    but do not open the popup if the focus comes back to it because of an
    active window change.
    Then we need to make sure that the popup is always opened when
    explicitly requested through show(...).
    Change-Id: Icd78673bece542ae78340b2ab6aa7834d700a3b7
    Task-number: QTCREATORBUG-13548
    Task-number: QTCREATORBUG-9953
    Reviewed-by: default avatarAndré Hartmann <>