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  • Oswald Buddenhagen's avatar
    support a cache that is really just a cache · f30f4406
    Oswald Buddenhagen authored
    unlike .qmake.cache & co., the presence of this file has no magic
    effects on where mkspecs, modules and other things are searched.
    as the obvious name "cache" is of course already taken, we call it
    the file is searched up to the super cache (if present), otherwise up to
    the normal cache/conf (if present), otherwise up to the root.
    if it's not found, it is created next to the super cache (if present),
    otherwise next to the cache/conf (if present), otherwise in the current
    output directory.
    note that the cache really should be created and populated by the
    top-level project if there are subprojects: otherwise, if there is an
    "anchor" (super/cache/conf), subprojects would race for updating the
    cache and make a mess. without an "anchor", each subproject would just
    create its own cache, kind of defeating its purpose. this is no
    different from the existing "cache", but it's worth mentioning that
    removing the "anchoring" function does not remove the "nesting order"
    Task-number: QTBUG-31340
    Change-Id: I786d40cef40d14582a0dd4a9407863001bec4c98
    Reviewed-by: default avatarJoerg Bornemann <>
    (cherry picked from qtbase/ff31d87cc883dcf17ab459a15eac04e074d9614a)
    Reviewed-by: default avatarDaniel Teske <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarOswald Buddenhagen <>