diff --git a/doc/api/coding-style.qdoc b/doc/api/coding-style.qdoc
index 5d308131d0dc03f77dcda82992e07534608c6ed4..b6c5f76dae35d0b01228e59747516d29bec4a35a 100644
--- a/doc/api/coding-style.qdoc
+++ b/doc/api/coding-style.qdoc
@@ -658,14 +658,15 @@
         \o  Use the following format to include Qt headers:
-            \c{#include <QtCore/QWhatEver>}.
+            \c{#include <QWhatEver>}. Do not include the module as it might have changed between
+            Qt4 and Qt5.
         \o  Arrange includes in an order that goes from specific to generic to
             ensure that the headers are self-contained. For example:
             \o  \c{#include "myclass.h"}
             \o  \c{#include "otherclassinplugin.h"}
             \o  \c{#include <otherplugin/someclass.h>}
-            \o  \c{#include <QtModule/QtClass>}
+            \o  \c{#include <QtClass>}
             \o  \c{#include <stdthing>}
             \o  \c{#include <system.h>}