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#include "commitdata.h"
#include <utils/qtcassert.h>

#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDebug>

namespace Git {
namespace Internal {

void GitSubmitEditorPanelInfo::clear()

QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const GitSubmitEditorPanelInfo &data)
    d.nospace() << "Rep: " << data.repository << " branch: " << data.branch;
    return d;

void GitSubmitEditorPanelData::clear()
    bypassHooks = false;
    pushAction = CommitOnly;
    hasRemotes = false;

QString GitSubmitEditorPanelData::authorString() const
    QString rc;
    rc += author;

    if (email.isEmpty())
        return rc;

    rc += QLatin1String(" <");
    rc += email;
    rc += QLatin1Char('>');
    return rc;

QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const GitSubmitEditorPanelData &data)
    d.nospace() << " author:" << data.author << " email: " << data.email
                << " bypass hooks: " << data.bypassHooks
                << " action after commit " << data.pushAction;
    return d;

CommitData::CommitData(CommitType type) : commitType(type)

void CommitData::clear()


static FileStates stateFor(const QChar &c)
    switch (c.unicode()) {
    case ' ':
        return EmptyFileState;
    case 'M':
        return ModifiedFile;
    case 'A':
        return AddedFile;
    case 'D':
        return DeletedFile;
    case 'R':
        return RenamedFile;
    case 'C':
        return CopiedFile;
    case 'U':
        return UnmergedFile;
    case '?':
        return UntrackedFile;
        return UnknownFileState;

bool operator<(const CommitData::StateFilePair &a, const CommitData::StateFilePair &b)
    if ((a.first & UnmergedFile) && !(b.first & UnmergedFile))
        return false;
    if ((b.first & UnmergedFile) && !(a.first & UnmergedFile))
        return true;
    return a.second < b.second;

bool CommitData::checkLine(const QString &stateInfo, const QString &file)
    QTC_ASSERT(stateInfo.count() == 2, return false);

    if (stateInfo == QLatin1String("??")) {
        files.append(qMakePair(FileStates(UntrackedFile), file));
        return true;

    FileStates xState = stateFor(stateInfo.at(0));
    FileStates yState = stateFor(stateInfo.at(1));
    if (xState == UnknownFileState || yState == UnknownFileState)
        return false;

    bool isMerge = (xState == UnmergedFile || yState == UnmergedFile
                    || ((xState == yState) && (xState == AddedFile || xState == DeletedFile)));
    if (isMerge) {
        if (xState == yState) {
            if (xState == UnmergedFile)
                xState = ModifiedFile;
            files.append(qMakePair(xState | UnmergedFile | UnmergedUs | UnmergedThem, file));
        } else if (xState == UnmergedFile) {
            files.append(qMakePair(yState | UnmergedFile | UnmergedThem, file));
        } else {
            files.append(qMakePair(xState | UnmergedFile | UnmergedUs, file));
    } else {
        if (xState != EmptyFileState)
            files.append(qMakePair(xState | StagedFile, file));

        if (yState != EmptyFileState) {
            QString newFile = file;
            if (xState & (RenamedFile | CopiedFile))
                newFile = file.mid(file.indexOf(QLatin1String(" -> ")) + 4);

            files.append(qMakePair(yState, newFile));
    return true;

/* Parse a git status file list:
 * \code
    ## branch_name
    XY file
    \endcode */
bool CommitData::parseFilesFromStatus(const QString &output)
    const QStringList lines = output.split(QLatin1Char('\n'));

    foreach (const QString &line, lines) {
        if (line.isEmpty())

        if (line.startsWith(QLatin1String("## "))) {
            // Branch indication:
            panelInfo.branch = line.mid(3);
        QTC_ASSERT(line.at(2) == QLatin1Char(' '), continue);
        QString file = line.mid(3);
        if (file.startsWith(QLatin1Char('"')))
            file.remove(0, 1).chop(1);
        if (!checkLine(line.mid(0, 2), file))
            return false;

    return true;

QStringList CommitData::filterFiles(const FileStates &state) const
    QStringList result;
    foreach (const StateFilePair &p, files) {
        if (state == p.first)
    return result;

QString CommitData::stateDisplayName(const FileStates &state)
    QString resultState;
    if (state == UntrackedFile)
        return QCoreApplication::translate("Git::Internal::CommitData", "untracked");

    if (state & StagedFile)
        resultState = QCoreApplication::translate("Git::Internal::CommitData", "staged + ");
    if (state & ModifiedFile)
        resultState.append(QCoreApplication::translate("Git::Internal::CommitData", "modified"));
    else if (state & AddedFile)
        resultState.append(QCoreApplication::translate("Git::Internal::CommitData", "added"));
    else if (state & DeletedFile)
        resultState.append(QCoreApplication::translate("Git::Internal::CommitData", "deleted"));
    else if (state & RenamedFile)
        resultState.append(QCoreApplication::translate("Git::Internal::CommitData", "renamed"));
    else if (state & CopiedFile)
        resultState.append(QCoreApplication::translate("Git::Internal::CommitData", "copied"));
    if (state & UnmergedUs) {
        if (state & UnmergedThem)
            resultState.append(QCoreApplication::translate("Git::Internal::CommitData", " by both"));
            resultState.append(QCoreApplication::translate("Git::Internal::CommitData", " by us"));
    } else if (state & UnmergedThem) {
        resultState.append(QCoreApplication::translate("Git::Internal::CommitData", " by them"));
    return resultState;

} // namespace Internal
} // namespace Git