# This file is used to ignore files which are generated # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *~ *.a *.core *.moc *.o *.obj *.orig *.rej *.so *_pch.h.cpp *_resource.rc *.qm .#* *.*# core tags .DS_Store *.debug Makefile* *.prl *.app moc_*.cpp ui_*.h qrc_*.cpp # qtcreator generated files *.pro.user # xemacs temporary files *.flc # Vim temporary files .*.swp # Visual Studio generated files *.ib_pdb_index *.idb *.ilk *.pdb *.sln *.suo *.vcproj *vcproj.*.*.user *.ncb # MinGW generated files *.Debug *.Release # translation related: share/qtcreator/translations/extract-mimetypes.xq # Directories to ignore # --------------------- debug lib/* lib64/* release doc/html/* doc/api/html/* .rcc .pch # Binaries # -------- bin/*.dll bin/qtcreator.bin bin/qtcreator_process_stub* bin/qtcreator.exe share/doc/qtcreator/qtcreator.qch tests/manual/cplusplus/cplusplus0 tests/auto/qml/qmldesigner/bauhaustests/tst_bauhaus tests/auto/qml/qmldesigner/coretests/tst_qmldesigner_core tests/auto/qml/qmldesigner/propertyeditortests/tst_propertyeditor