** This file is part of Qt Creator
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#include <coreplugin/iversioncontrol.h>

namespace Git {
namespace Internal {

class GitClient;

// Just a proxy for GitPlugin
class GitVersionControl : public Core::IVersionControl
    explicit GitVersionControl(GitClient *plugin);

    QString displayName() const;

    bool managesDirectory(const QString &directory, QString *topLevel) const;

    bool supportsOperation(Operation operation) const;
    bool vcsOpen(const QString &fileName);
    bool vcsAdd(const QString &fileName);
    bool vcsDelete(const QString &filename);
    bool vcsMove(const QString &from, const QString &to);
    bool vcsCreateRepository(const QString &directory);
    bool vcsCheckout(const QString &directory, const QByteArray &url);
    QString vcsGetRepositoryURL(const QString &directory);
    QString vcsCreateSnapshot(const QString &topLevel);
    QStringList vcsSnapshots(const QString &topLevel);
    bool vcsRestoreSnapshot(const QString &topLevel, const QString &name);
    bool vcsRemoveSnapshot(const QString &topLevel, const QString &name);

    bool vcsAnnotate(const QString &file, int line);

    void emitFilesChanged(const QStringList &);
    void emitRepositoryChanged(const QString &);

    bool m_enabled;
    GitClient *m_client;

} // Internal
} // Git