** This file is part of Qt Creator
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#include <ASTfwd.h>
#include <FullySpecifiedType.h>
#include <cplusplus/Icons.h>
#include <cplusplus/Overview.h>
#include <cplusplus/TypeOfExpression.h>

#include <texteditor/icompletioncollector.h>

#include <QtCore/QObject>
#include <QtCore/QPointer>

class QTextCursor;

namespace TextEditor {
class ITextEditor;
class BaseTextEditor;

namespace CPlusPlus {
class LookupItem;
class ClassOrNamespace;

namespace CppTools {
namespace Internal {

class CppModelManager;
class FunctionArgumentWidget;

class CppCodeCompletion : public TextEditor::ICompletionCollector
    explicit CppCodeCompletion(CppModelManager *manager);

    void setObjcEnabled(bool objcEnabled)
    { m_objcEnabled = objcEnabled; }

    TextEditor::ITextEditable *editor() const;
    int startPosition() const;
    QList<TextEditor::CompletionItem> getCompletions();
    bool supportsEditor(TextEditor::ITextEditable *editor);
    bool triggersCompletion(TextEditor::ITextEditable *editor);
    int startCompletion(TextEditor::ITextEditable *editor);
    void completions(QList<TextEditor::CompletionItem> *completions);

    void complete(const TextEditor::CompletionItem &item);
    bool partiallyComplete(const QList<TextEditor::CompletionItem> &completionItems);
    void cleanup();

    QIcon iconForSymbol(CPlusPlus::Symbol *symbol) const;

    void addKeywords();
    void addMacros(const QString &fileName, const CPlusPlus::Snapshot &snapshot);
    void addMacros_helper(const CPlusPlus::Snapshot &snapshot,
                          const QString &fileName,
                          QSet<QString> *processed,
                          QSet<QString> *definedMacros);
    void addCompletionItem(CPlusPlus::Symbol *symbol);

    bool completeInclude(const QTextCursor &cursor);
    void completePreprocessor();

    void globalCompletion(CPlusPlus::Scope *scope);

    bool completeConstructorOrFunction(const QList<CPlusPlus::LookupItem> &results,
                                       int endOfExpression, bool toolTipOnly);

    bool completeMember(const QList<CPlusPlus::LookupItem> &results);
    bool completeScope(const QList<CPlusPlus::LookupItem> &results);

    void completeNamespace(CPlusPlus::ClassOrNamespace *binding);

    void completeClass(CPlusPlus::ClassOrNamespace *b,
                       bool staticLookup = true);

    bool completeConstructors(CPlusPlus::Class *klass);

    bool completeQtMethod(const QList<CPlusPlus::LookupItem> &results,
                          bool wantSignals);

    bool completeSignal(const QList<CPlusPlus::LookupItem> &results)
    { return completeQtMethod(results, true); }

    bool completeSlot(const QList<CPlusPlus::LookupItem> &results)
    { return completeQtMethod(results, false); }

    int findStartOfName(int pos = -1) const;

    int startCompletionInternal(TextEditor::BaseTextEditor *edit,
                                const QString fileName,
                                unsigned line, unsigned column,
                                const QString &expression,
                                int endOfExpression);

    bool objcKeywordsWanted() const;

    static QStringList preprocessorCompletions;

    CppModelManager *m_manager;
    TextEditor::ITextEditable *m_editor;
    int m_startPosition;     // Position of the cursor from which completion started

    bool m_forcedCompletion;
    unsigned m_completionOperator;
    bool m_objcEnabled;

    CPlusPlus::Icons m_icons;
    CPlusPlus::Overview overview;
    CPlusPlus::TypeOfExpression typeOfExpression;
    QPointer<FunctionArgumentWidget> m_functionArgumentWidget;

    QList<TextEditor::CompletionItem> m_completions;
    bool m_sorted;

} // namespace Internal
} // namespace CppTools