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Morten Sørvig's avatar
Morten Sorvig authored
qtwebutils::queryString() -> QString
  Returns the query string as a QString: 

qtwebutils::searchParameters() -> QHash<QString, QString>

  Returns the search parameters in a QHash: 
      "u" ->  "123"
      "v" ->  "abc"



Utilities and Helper functions for Qt on the Web.

Utility API

The API is declared in qtwebutils.h and implemented in qtwebutils.cpp. The API is provided in two flavours: as static functions in the qtwebutils namespace for use from C++, and as Q_INVOKABLE functions on QtWebUtils singleton for use from QML

  • toggleFullscreen()

    Toggles the browser in and out of fullscreen mode.

  • enableTabCloseConfirmation(bool enable)

    Eables "unsaved data" confirmation dialog on tab close.

  • loadFileToFileSystem() / saveFileFromFileSystem()

    Loads file from the local file system via file dialog; saves to the in-memory file system provided by Emscripten. See also QFileDialog::getOpenFileContents() in Qt.

  • openBrowserWindow()

    Opens a native browser window or tab.


The examples are located in the exampels/ directory and demonstrates how to integrate with the web platform, beyond what the default Qt build does.

Usage: build examples/testapp first, using Qt for WebAssembly. This application contains common code used by the examples. The app should be built in-source (i.e. not using shadow builds).

(in examples/testapp): /path/to/qt-wasm/bin/qt-cmake .
  • background_loading

    Shows how to load a Qt applicaiton in the background, without delaying page loading.

  • javascript_interop

    Shows how to make function calls between C++ and JavaScript, and how to transfer data from the JavaScript heap to the C++ heap.

  • multiple_instances

    Shows how to create multiple application instances from a single wasm module.

  • multiple_windows_simple

    Shows how to display multiple application windows on a single html document.

  • multiple_windows

    Shows how to add and reomove application windows on an html document.

  • popup_window

    Shows how to create new tabs or popup windows, and how to render to them from a single WebAssembly instance.