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  • Alexander Potashev's avatar
    RT79078. k70-som: Enable and use the RTC clock for FLL when switching to FBE mode · 0c572f22
    Alexander Potashev authored
     * In order to switch the MCG to the PLL Engaged External mode (PEE
    mode), it must pass the FLL Bypassed External mode (FBE mode) as an
    intermediate step. See section `25.4.1 MCG Mode State Diagram` on page
    656 of the K70 Reference Manual.
     * Enable and use the RTC clock for FLL when switching to the
    FLL Bypassed External mode (FBE mode). We do this in `clock_fei_to_fbe()`
    in `u-boot/cpu/arm_cortexm3/kinetis/clock.c` before switching to
    the FBE mode. This is required, because:
       * In order to switch to the PLL Engaged External mode (PEE mode), we
    must pass the FLL Bypassed External mode (FBE mode).
       * This FBE mode requires that there is a working FLL reference clock.
       * Only OSC0 clock (clock or oscillator at EXTAL0/XTAL0) or RTC clock
    (oscillator at EXTAL32/XTAL32) can be used as reference clock for FLL.
       * In the K**-SOM/DNI-ETH configuration, nothing is connected to
    EXTAL0, therefore we have to use the RTC clock as reference clock
    for FLL in the FBE mode.
     * Use RTC for FLL reference clock only on K**-SOMs, but not for
    TWR-K70F120M. To do that, we add a new U-Boot configuration option
    `KINETIS_FLLREF_RTC` that will control usage of RTC for FLL reference
    clock and define this configuration option only in
     * Use in-MCU 20pF oscillator load.