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  • Nikolai Kosjar's avatar
    Clang: Fix recovering on clangbackend crash · 475b11aa
    Nikolai Kosjar authored
    The translation unit was updated, but not re-registered.
    Handle the editor documents this way:
      1. Reset all ClangEditorDocumentProcessors (this will send an
         unregister message, but that's not problematic).
      2. For the visible editor documents, run their processors so that the
         translation units will be re-registered.
      3. For the invisible editor documents, mark them dirty. Once the user
         makes an invisible document visible again, the processor will run
         and also re-register the translation unit.
    Change-Id: I23693ac197bd34a183f3a0020eb5372268636599
    Reviewed-by: default avatarMarco Bubke <>