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  • Lukas Holecek's avatar
    fakevim: Added basic code folding · 9bf725af
    Lukas Holecek authored
    Implemented folding commands "za" (toggle fold), "zA", "zR" and "zM"
    (toggle/open/close all folds recursively).
    Other commands should work with folded blocks, e.g. dd on folded block
    deletes whole block.
    Folding a block moves cursor to the top of the block. Moving cursor left
    or right or unfolding the block again won't restore the cursor position
    as it was before folding (in Vim the position is restored).
    Change-Id: I9fde30ea9358760419486e092d1032e85f415dc1
    Reviewed-by: default avatarhjk <>