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  • Ulf Hermann's avatar
    QmlProfiler: Fix flame graph context menu test · a6c3b576
    Ulf Hermann authored
    The context menu event can be generated multiple times within one loop
    of QTRY_VERIFY. The result is that multiple showFullRange() signals can
    be generated before we check again for spy.count() == 1. Thus, the check
    never succeeds and the number of signals keeps growing.
    We connect the showFullRange() signal to the model manager in order to
    get a more realistic test setup. This way the action that generates the
    showFullRange() signal is disabled in any further context menus, just as
    it is supposed to be. In addition we can now check for the manager to
    actually show the full range.
    Change-Id: I5e13c2666ce1a15c7a5fad57affd4274d9656656
    Reviewed-by: default avatarChristian Stenger <>