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  • Marco Benelli's avatar
    SCXML Editor: fix behavior of else and elseif tags · a7809d4f
    Marco Benelli authored
    SCXML specify that the <if> tag contains elements separated by tags
    <else/> and <elseif/>.
    The SCXML Editor used to nest instruction inside the <else/> and
    <elseif/> tags.
    This patch implement the correct behavior, so each new inserted element
    is appended inside the wrapping <if>.  Note that the new elements are
    always inserted as last child of <if>.
    Task-number: QTCREATORBUG-17674
    Change-Id: I327941bbbd8b0cc04b0c26553257ccb2a24c8306
    Reviewed-by: default avatarErik Verbruggen <>