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  • Daniel Teske's avatar
    Move creating of the default session into the SessionManager ctor · c59bf4b4
    Daniel Teske authored
    There used to be 3 states for the SessionManager:
    1) Uninitialized (after ctor)
    2) A default virgin session
    3) Using a session (including the default session)
    And we used to switch from state 1 to 2 or 3 after ICore::coreOpened().
    This changes that we start in state 2 and thus don't emit a few signals
    after coreOpened. I don't think that'll break anything.
    Change-Id: I4cf7dade132c9d0ebd6d472d79c8b70c07acd20f
    Reviewed-by: default avatarTobias Hunger <>