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  • hjk's avatar
    ProjectExplorer: Use a real 'finishing' phase for RunControls · cd5ba755
    hjk authored
    Instead of a blunt delete() RunControl::initiateFinish() is triggered
    by the closing of the application output instead. The rampdown process
    is basically the same as stop() now, except for the other success
    signal (new finished()) and the final self-destruction of the
    stop() itself triggers initiateStop() on all running workers in
    parallel (before it was in the order of start). This gives
    downstream complex worker combinations the flexibility to use any
    order it wants by ignoring stop() on 'uninteresting' workers,
    and centralizing rampdown e.g. in the main worker. That setup should
    be rare in practice, but seems needed in some profiler cases.
    Change-Id: I986a152a663754206709ed4df0d4568847afad17
    Reviewed-by: default avatarChristian Kandeler <>