diff --git a/src/plugins/qt4projectmanager/projectloadwizard.cpp b/src/plugins/qt4projectmanager/projectloadwizard.cpp
index aa5ea0b4d349efc37354a5809d11e6004bc707ce..680da0f0d180a47d00b5c5020a7e3d4f9ead793a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/qt4projectmanager/projectloadwizard.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/qt4projectmanager/projectloadwizard.cpp
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 #include "qt4buildconfiguration.h"
 #include "qt4projectmanagerconstants.h"
-#include "wizards/targetspage.h"
+#include "wizards/targetsetuppage.h"
 #include <QtGui/QCheckBox>
 #include <QtGui/QHeaderView>
@@ -48,52 +48,19 @@ using namespace Qt4ProjectManager;
 using namespace Qt4ProjectManager::Internal;
 ProjectLoadWizard::ProjectLoadWizard(Qt4Project *project, QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags)
-    : QWizard(parent, flags), m_project(project), m_importVersion(0), m_temporaryVersion(false),
-      m_targetsPage(0)
+    : QWizard(parent, flags), m_project(project), m_targetSetupPage(0)
-    setWindowTitle(tr("Import existing build settings"));
-    QtVersionManager * vm = QtVersionManager::instance();
-    QString directory = project->projectDirectory();
-    QString importVersion =  QtVersionManager::findQMakeBinaryFromMakefile(directory);
-    if (!importVersion.isNull()) {
-        // This also means we have a build in there
-        // First get the qt version
-        m_importVersion = vm->qtVersionForQMakeBinary(importVersion);
-        // Okay does not yet exist, create
-        if (!m_importVersion) {
-            m_importVersion = new QtVersion(importVersion);
-            m_temporaryVersion = true;
-        }
-        QPair<QtVersion::QmakeBuildConfigs, QStringList> result =
-                QtVersionManager::scanMakeFile(directory, m_importVersion->defaultBuildConfig());
-        m_importBuildConfig = result.first;
-        m_additionalArguments = Qt4BuildConfiguration::removeSpecFromArgumentList(result.second);
-        QString parsedSpec = Qt4BuildConfiguration::extractSpecFromArgumentList(result.second, directory, m_importVersion);
-        QString versionSpec = m_importVersion->mkspec();
-        // Compare mkspecs and add to additional arguments
-        if (parsedSpec.isEmpty() || parsedSpec == versionSpec || parsedSpec == "default") {
-            // using the default spec, don't modify additional arguments
-        } else {
-            m_additionalArguments.prepend(parsedSpec);
-            m_additionalArguments.prepend("-spec");
-        }
-    }
-    // So now we have the version and the configuration for that version
-    // If buildAll we create debug and release configurations,
-    // if not then just either debug or release
-    // The default buildConfiguration depends on QmakeBuildConfig::DebugBuild
-    // Also if the qt version is not yet in the Tools Options dialog we offer to add it there
-    QList<QtVersion *> validVersions = vm->validVersions();
-    if (m_importVersion)
-        setupImportPage(m_importVersion, m_importBuildConfig, m_additionalArguments);
-    else if (validVersions.count() > 1)
-        setupTargetsPage();
+    Q_ASSERT(project);
+    setWindowTitle(tr("Project setup"));
+    m_importVersions = TargetSetupPage::recursivelyCheckDirectoryForBuild(project->projectDirectory());
+    m_importVersions.append(TargetSetupPage::recursivelyCheckDirectoryForBuild(project->defaultTopLevelBuildDirectory()));
+    m_importVersions.append(TargetSetupPage::importInfosForKnownQtVersions(project));
+    if (m_importVersions.count() > 1)
+        setupTargetPage();
     setOptions(options() | QWizard::NoCancelButton | QWizard::NoBackButtonOnLastPage);
@@ -114,59 +81,12 @@ ProjectLoadWizard::~ProjectLoadWizard()
 void ProjectLoadWizard::done(int result)
-    QtVersionManager *vm = QtVersionManager::instance();
     // This normally happens on showing the final page, but since we
     // don't show it anymore, do it here
-    if (m_importVersion && importCheckbox->isChecked()) {
-        // Importing
-        if (m_temporaryVersion)
-            vm->addVersion(m_importVersion);
-        // Import the existing stuff
-        // qDebug()<<"Creating m_buildconfiguration entry from imported stuff";
-        // qDebug()<<((m_importBuildConfig& QtVersion::BuildAll)? "debug_and_release" : "")<<((m_importBuildConfig & QtVersion::DebugBuild)? "debug" : "release");
-        foreach (const QString &id, m_importVersion->supportedTargetIds()) {
-            Qt4Target *t(m_project->targetFactory()->create(m_project, id, QList<QtVersion*>() << m_importVersion));
-            if (!t)
-                continue;
-            m_project->addTarget(t);
-        }
-        if (m_project->targets().isEmpty())
-            qWarning() << "Failed to populate project with default targets for imported Qt" << m_importVersion->displayName();
-        return;
-    }
-    if (m_targetsPage) {
-        m_targetsPage->setupProject(m_project);
-        return;
-    }
-    // Not importing anything
-    if (m_temporaryVersion)
-        delete m_importVersion;
-    // Find a Qt version:
-    QList<QtVersion *> candidates = vm->versions();
-    QtVersion *defaultVersion = candidates.at(0); // always there and always valid!
-    // Check for the first valid desktop-Qt, fall back to any valid Qt if no desktop
-    // flavour is available.
-    foreach (QtVersion *v, candidates) {
-        if (v->isValid())
-            defaultVersion = v;
-        if (v->supportsTargetId(Constants::DESKTOP_TARGET_ID) && v->isValid())
-            break;
-    }
-    foreach (const QString &id, defaultVersion->supportedTargetIds()) {
-        Qt4Target *t(m_project->targetFactory()->create(m_project, id, QList<QtVersion *>() << defaultVersion));
-        if (!t)
-            continue;
-        m_project->addTarget(t);
-    }
-    if (m_project->targets().isEmpty())
-        qWarning() << "Failed to populate project with default targets for default Qt" << defaultVersion->displayName();
+    if (result == Accepted)
+        applySettings();
 // This function used to do the commented stuff instead of having only one page
@@ -175,51 +95,22 @@ int ProjectLoadWizard::nextId() const
     return -1;
-void ProjectLoadWizard::setupImportPage(QtVersion *version, QtVersion::QmakeBuildConfigs buildConfig, QStringList addtionalArguments)
+void ProjectLoadWizard::setupTargetPage()
-    resize(605, 490);
-    // Import Page
-    importPage = new QWizardPage(this);
-    importPage->setTitle(tr("Import existing build settings"));
-    QVBoxLayout *importLayout = new QVBoxLayout(importPage);
-    importLabel = new QLabel(importPage);
-    QString versionString = version->displayName() + QLatin1String(" (") +
-                            QDir::toNativeSeparators(version->qmakeCommand()) +
-                            QLatin1Char(')');
-    QString buildConfigString = (buildConfig & QtVersion::BuildAll) ? QLatin1String("debug_and_release ") : QString();
-    buildConfigString.append((buildConfig & QtVersion::DebugBuild) ? QLatin1String("debug") : QLatin1String("release"));
-    importLabel->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText);
-    importLabel->setText(tr("Qt Creator has found an already existing build in the source directory.<br><br>"
-                         "<b>Qt Version:</b> %1<br>"
-                         "<b>Build configuration:</b> %2<br>"
-                         "<b>Additional qmake Arguments:</b>%3")
-                         .arg(versionString)
-                         .arg(buildConfigString)
-                         .arg(ProjectExplorer::Environment::joinArgumentList(addtionalArguments)));
-    importLayout->addWidget(importLabel);
-    importCheckbox = new QCheckBox(importPage);
-    importCheckbox->setText(tr("Import existing build settings."));
-    importCheckbox->setChecked(true);
-    importLayout->addWidget(importCheckbox);
-    import2Label = new QLabel(importPage);
-    import2Label->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText);
-    if (m_temporaryVersion)
-        import2Label->setText(tr("<b>Note:</b> Importing the settings will automatically add the Qt Version identified by <br><b>%1</b> to the list of Qt versions.")
-                              .arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_importVersion->qmakeCommand())));
-    importLayout->addWidget(import2Label);
-    addPage(importPage);
+    if (m_targetSetupPage)
+        return;
+    m_targetSetupPage = new TargetSetupPage(this);
+    m_targetSetupPage->setImportInfos(m_importVersions);
+    m_targetSetupPage->setImportDirectoryBrowsingEnabled(true);
+    m_targetSetupPage->setImportDirectoryBrowsingLocation(m_project->projectDirectory());
+    addPage(m_targetSetupPage);
-void ProjectLoadWizard::setupTargetsPage()
+void ProjectLoadWizard::applySettings()
-    if (m_targetsPage)
-        return;
-    m_targetsPage = new TargetsPage(this);
-    addPage(m_targetsPage);
+    Q_ASSERT(m_targetSetupPage);
+    m_targetSetupPage->setupProject(m_project);
diff --git a/src/plugins/qt4projectmanager/projectloadwizard.h b/src/plugins/qt4projectmanager/projectloadwizard.h
index 6c497097132b1d8ead2a59531273454094ba34a9..1a5aef422cfde29ebe991e4d1ea448448014e47a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/qt4projectmanager/projectloadwizard.h
+++ b/src/plugins/qt4projectmanager/projectloadwizard.h
@@ -31,17 +31,9 @@
 #include "qtversionmanager.h"
-#include <QtGui/QWizard>
-class QWizardPage;
-class QLabel;
-class QCheckBox;
+#include "wizards/targetsetuppage.h"
 namespace Qt4ProjectManager {
 class Qt4Project;
 namespace Internal {
@@ -59,28 +51,14 @@ public:
     void execDialog();
-    void setupImportPage(QtVersion *version, QtVersion::QmakeBuildConfigs buildConfig, QStringList addtionalArguments);
-    void setupTargetsPage();
+    void setupTargetPage();
-    Qt4Project *m_project;
-    // Only used for imported stuff
-    QtVersion *m_importVersion;
-    QtVersion::QmakeBuildConfigs m_importBuildConfig;
-    QStringList m_additionalArguments;
-    // Those that we might add
-    bool m_temporaryVersion;
+    void applySettings();
-    // This was a file autogenarated by Designer, before I found out you can't actually
-    // create non linear wizards in it
-    // So those variables should all be m_*, but that one has to wait for refactoring support :)
-    QWizardPage *importPage;
-    QLabel *importLabel;
-    QLabel *import2Label;
-    QCheckBox *importCheckbox;
-    TargetsPage *m_targetsPage;
+    Qt4Project *m_project;
+    QList<TargetSetupPage::ImportInfo> m_importVersions;
-    void setupUi();
+    TargetSetupPage *m_targetSetupPage;
 } // namespace Internal