diff --git a/src/plugins/cmakeprojectmanager/cmakeopenprojectwizard.cpp b/src/plugins/cmakeprojectmanager/cmakeopenprojectwizard.cpp
index bb100c53dc9f5e9b46d0ac4adb1e7af044bbd025..e6940f9e109a61ceb3cfa23a478e6ef8424c32a8 100644
--- a/src/plugins/cmakeprojectmanager/cmakeopenprojectwizard.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/cmakeprojectmanager/cmakeopenprojectwizard.cpp
@@ -213,9 +213,9 @@ InSourceBuildPage::InSourceBuildPage(CMakeOpenProjectWizard *cmakeWizard)
     setLayout(new QVBoxLayout);
     QLabel *label = new QLabel(this);
-    label->setText(tr("Qt Creator has detected an in-source-build "
+    label->setText(tr("Qt Creator has detected an <b>in-source-build in %1</b> "
                    "which prevents shadow builds. Qt Creator will not allow you to change the build directory. "
-                   "If you want a shadow build, clean your source directory and re-open the project."));
+                   "If you want a shadow build, clean your source directory and re-open the project.").arg(m_cmakeWizard->buildDirectory()));