diff --git a/src/plugins/debugger/cdb/cdbdebugengine.cpp b/src/plugins/debugger/cdb/cdbdebugengine.cpp
index 44799a3f163652b487f8125a6d2a47c9b7e17068..a33479a10ba4aa0a169d7ebd2d8b4fe209f86155 100644
--- a/src/plugins/debugger/cdb/cdbdebugengine.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/debugger/cdb/cdbdebugengine.cpp
@@ -194,6 +194,7 @@ void CdbDebugEnginePrivate::clearForRun()
     m_stoppedReason = StoppedOther;
+    m_engine->threadsHandler()->notifyRunning();
 void CdbDebugEnginePrivate::cleanStackTrace()
@@ -1331,7 +1332,13 @@ void CdbDebugEnginePrivate::handleDebugEvent()
         if (m_engine->state() != InferiorStopping)
             m_engine->setState(InferiorStopping, Q_FUNC_INFO, __LINE__);
         m_engine->setState(InferiorStopped, Q_FUNC_INFO, __LINE__);
-        m_eventThreadId = updateThreadList();
+        // Indicate artifical thread that is created when interrupting as such,
+        // else use stop message with cleaned newlines and blanks.
+        const QString currentThreadState =
+                m_interrupted ? CdbDebugEngine::tr("<interrupt thread>") :
+                (m_stoppedReason == StoppedBreakpoint ? CdbDebugEngine::tr("Breakpoint") :
+                                                        m_stoppedMessage.simplified() );
+        m_eventThreadId = updateThreadList(currentThreadState);
         m_interruptArticifialThreadId = m_interrupted ? m_eventThreadId : -1;
         // Get thread to stop and its index. If avoidable, do not use
         // the artifical thread that is created when interrupting,
@@ -1406,7 +1413,7 @@ bool CdbDebugEnginePrivate::setCDBThreadId(unsigned long threadId, QString *erro
     return true;
-ULONG CdbDebugEnginePrivate::updateThreadList()
+ULONG CdbDebugEnginePrivate::updateThreadList(const QString &currentThreadState)
     if (debugCDB)
         qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << m_hDebuggeeProcess;
@@ -1415,8 +1422,23 @@ ULONG CdbDebugEnginePrivate::updateThreadList()
     ULONG currentThreadId;
     QString errorMessage;
     // When interrupting, an artifical thread with a breakpoint is created.
-    if (!CdbStackTraceContext::getThreads(interfaces(), &threads, &currentThreadId, &errorMessage))
+    const bool stopped = m_engine->state() == InferiorStopped;
+    if (!CdbStackTraceContext::getThreads(interfaces(),
+                                          stopped,
+                                          &threads, &currentThreadId,
+                                          &errorMessage))
+    // Indicate states 'stopped' or current thread state.
+    // Do not indicate 'running' since we can't know if it is suspended.
+    if (stopped) {
+        const QString state = CdbDebugEngine::tr("stopped");
+        const bool hasCurrentState = !currentThreadState.isEmpty();
+        const int count = threads.size();
+        for (int i= 0; i < count; i++) {
+            threads[i].state = hasCurrentState && threads.at(i).id == currentThreadId ?
+                               currentThreadState : state;
+        }
+    }
     return currentThreadId;
diff --git a/src/plugins/debugger/cdb/cdbdebugengine_p.h b/src/plugins/debugger/cdb/cdbdebugengine_p.h
index 810a4b1d1dbf56575c5e6664697d1f8ef7a6233c..60d81e2ad2c3a763783e39b82a05c27889a12f3a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/debugger/cdb/cdbdebugengine_p.h
+++ b/src/plugins/debugger/cdb/cdbdebugengine_p.h
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public:
     void setDebuggeeHandles(HANDLE hDebuggeeProcess,  HANDLE hDebuggeeThread);
     bool isDebuggeeRunning() const { return isWatchTimerRunning(); }
-    ULONG updateThreadList();
+    ULONG updateThreadList(const QString &currentThreadState = QString());
     bool setCDBThreadId(unsigned long threadId, QString *errorMessage);
     void updateStackTrace();
     void updateModules();
diff --git a/src/plugins/debugger/cdb/cdbstacktracecontext.cpp b/src/plugins/debugger/cdb/cdbstacktracecontext.cpp
index 6fc617f532969e1b475158abe01251010a13bbbd..9b0816dc4607514dee3ecd3b908072ba8b8d570d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/debugger/cdb/cdbstacktracecontext.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/debugger/cdb/cdbstacktracecontext.cpp
@@ -115,32 +115,45 @@ QList<StackFrame> CdbStackTraceContext::stackFrames() const
 bool CdbStackTraceContext::getThreads(const CdbCore::ComInterfaces &cif,
+                                      bool stopped,
                                       Threads *threads,
                                       ULONG *currentThreadId,
                                       QString *errorMessage)
+    QVector<CdbCore::Thread> coreThreads;
+    if (!CdbCore::StackTraceContext::getThreadList(cif, &coreThreads, currentThreadId, errorMessage))
+        return false;
+    // Get frames only if stopped.
+    QVector<CdbCore::StackFrame> frames;
+    if (stopped)
+        if (!CdbCore::StackTraceContext::getStoppedThreadFrames(cif, *currentThreadId,
+                                                                coreThreads, &frames, errorMessage))
+        return false;
     // Convert from Core data structures
-    ThreadIdFrameMap threadMap;
-    if (!CdbCore::StackTraceContext::getThreads(cif, &threadMap,
-                                               currentThreadId, errorMessage))
-        return false;
-    const QChar slash = QLatin1Char('/');
-    const ThreadIdFrameMap::const_iterator cend = threadMap.constEnd();
-    for (ThreadIdFrameMap::const_iterator it = threadMap.constBegin(); it != cend; ++it) {
-        ThreadData data(it.key());
-        const CdbCore::StackFrame &coreFrame = it.value();
-        data.address = coreFrame.address;
-        data.function = coreFrame.function;
-        data.lineNumber = coreFrame.line;
-        // Basename only for brevity
-        const int slashPos = coreFrame.fileName.lastIndexOf(slash);
-        data.fileName = slashPos == -1 ? coreFrame.fileName : coreFrame.fileName.mid(slashPos + 1);
+    const int count = coreThreads.size();
+    if (!count)
+        return true;
+    threads->reserve(count);
+    const QChar slash(QLatin1Char('/'));
+    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+        const CdbCore::Thread &coreThread = coreThreads.at(i);
+        ThreadData data(coreThread.id);
+        data.targetId = QLatin1String("0x") + QString::number(coreThread.systemId);
+        if (stopped) {
+            const CdbCore::StackFrame &coreFrame = frames.at(i);
+            data.address = coreFrame.address;
+            data.function = coreFrame.function;
+            data.lineNumber = coreFrame.line;
+            // Basename only for brevity
+            const int slashPos = coreFrame.fileName.lastIndexOf(slash);
+            data.fileName = slashPos == -1 ? coreFrame.fileName : coreFrame.fileName.mid(slashPos + 1);
+        }
     return true;
 } // namespace Internal
 } // namespace Debugger
diff --git a/src/plugins/debugger/cdb/cdbstacktracecontext.h b/src/plugins/debugger/cdb/cdbstacktracecontext.h
index b36a79154c2f98e22e7404206f386f41193c2091..74d60aca3adcfba679b1079684560403a2a1cee6 100644
--- a/src/plugins/debugger/cdb/cdbstacktracecontext.h
+++ b/src/plugins/debugger/cdb/cdbstacktracecontext.h
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ public:
     // get threads in stopped state
     static bool getThreads(const CdbCore::ComInterfaces &cif,
+                           bool stopped,
                            Threads *threads,
                            ULONG *currentThreadId,
                            QString *errorMessage);
diff --git a/src/plugins/debugger/cdb/stacktracecontext.cpp b/src/plugins/debugger/cdb/stacktracecontext.cpp
index 7e159c2765bd9b611d99f3ff7b60674f8599c6cf..3486a658a4987a145639b53333661e9a2ca19223 100644
--- a/src/plugins/debugger/cdb/stacktracecontext.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/debugger/cdb/stacktracecontext.cpp
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
 #include <QtCore/QDir>
 #include <QtCore/QDebug>
 #include <QtCore/QTextStream>
+#include <QtCore/QScopedArrayPointer>
 enum { debug = 0 };
@@ -74,6 +75,27 @@ void StackFrame::format(QTextStream &str) const
+Thread::Thread(unsigned long i, unsigned long si) :
+        id(i), systemId(si), dataOffset(0)
+QString Thread::toString() const
+    QString rc;
+    QTextStream str(&rc);
+    str << "Thread id " << id << " System id " << systemId << " Data at 0x";
+    str.setIntegerBase(16);
+    str << dataOffset;
+    return rc;
+QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const Thread &t)
+    d.nospace() << t.toString();
+    return d;
 // Check for special functions
 StackTraceContext::SpecialFunction StackTraceContext::specialFunction(const QString &module,
                                                                       const QString &function)
@@ -347,20 +369,21 @@ static inline QString msgGetThreadsFailed(const QString &why)
     return QString::fromLatin1("Unable to determine the thread information: %1").arg(why);
-bool StackTraceContext::getThreadIds(const CdbCore::ComInterfaces &cif,
-                                     QVector<ULONG> *threadIds,
-                                     ULONG *currentThreadId,
-                                     QString *errorMessage)
+bool StackTraceContext::getThreadList(const CdbCore::ComInterfaces &cif,
+                                      QVector<Thread> *threads,
+                                      ULONG *currentThreadId,
+                                      QString *errorMessage)
-    threadIds->clear();
+    threads->clear();
     ULONG threadCount;
     *currentThreadId = 0;
+    // Get count
     HRESULT hr= cif.debugSystemObjects->GetNumberThreads(&threadCount);
     if (FAILED(hr)) {
         *errorMessage= msgGetThreadsFailed(CdbCore::msgComFailed("GetNumberThreads", hr));
         return false;
-    // Get ids and index of current
+    // Get index of current
     if (!threadCount)
         return true;
     hr = cif.debugSystemObjects->GetCurrentThreadId(currentThreadId);
@@ -368,40 +391,50 @@ bool StackTraceContext::getThreadIds(const CdbCore::ComInterfaces &cif,
         *errorMessage= msgGetThreadsFailed(CdbCore::msgComFailed("GetCurrentThreadId", hr));
         return false;
-    threadIds->resize(threadCount);
-    hr = cif.debugSystemObjects->GetThreadIdsByIndex(0, threadCount, &(*threadIds->begin()), 0);
+    // Get Identifiers
+    threads->reserve(threadCount);
+    QScopedArrayPointer<ULONG> ids(new ULONG[threadCount]);
+    QScopedArrayPointer<ULONG> systemIds(new ULONG[threadCount]);
+    hr = cif.debugSystemObjects->GetThreadIdsByIndex(0, threadCount, ids.data(), systemIds.data());
     if (FAILED(hr)) {
         *errorMessage= msgGetThreadsFailed(CdbCore::msgComFailed("GetThreadIdsByIndex", hr));
         return false;
+    // Create entries
+    for (ULONG i= 0; i < threadCount ; i++) {
+        threads->push_back(Thread(ids[i], systemIds[i]));
+        if (ids[i] ==  *currentThreadId) { // More info for current
+            ULONG64 offset;
+            if (SUCCEEDED(cif.debugSystemObjects->GetCurrentThreadDataOffset(&offset)))
+                threads->back().dataOffset = offset;
+        }
+    }
     return true;
-bool StackTraceContext::getThreads(const CdbCore::ComInterfaces &cif,
-                                   ThreadIdFrameMap *threads,
-                                   ULONG *currentThreadId,
-                                   QString *errorMessage)
+bool StackTraceContext::getStoppedThreadFrames(const CdbCore::ComInterfaces &cif,
+                                               ULONG currentThreadId,
+                                               const QVector<Thread> &threads,
+                                               QVector<StackFrame> *frames,
+                                               QString *errorMessage)
-    threads->clear();
-    QVector<ULONG> threadIds;
-    if (!getThreadIds(cif, &threadIds, currentThreadId, errorMessage))
-        return false;
-    if (threadIds.isEmpty())
+    frames->clear();
+    if (threads.isEmpty())
         return true;
+    frames->reserve(threads.size());
-    const int threadCount = threadIds.size();
+    const int threadCount = threads.size();
     for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++) {
-        const ULONG id = threadIds.at(i);
         StackFrame frame;
-        if (!getStoppedThreadState(cif, id, &frame, errorMessage)) {
+        if (!getStoppedThreadState(cif, threads.at(i).id, &frame, errorMessage)) {
             qWarning("%s\n", qPrintable(*errorMessage));
-        threads->insert(id, frame);
+        frames->append(frame);
     // Restore thread id
-    if (threadIds.back() != *currentThreadId) {
-        const HRESULT hr = cif.debugSystemObjects->SetCurrentThreadId(*currentThreadId);
+    if (threads.back().id != currentThreadId) {
+        const HRESULT hr = cif.debugSystemObjects->SetCurrentThreadId(currentThreadId);
         if (FAILED(hr)) {
             *errorMessage= msgGetThreadsFailed(CdbCore::msgComFailed("SetCurrentThreadId", hr));
             return false;
@@ -410,19 +443,6 @@ bool StackTraceContext::getThreads(const CdbCore::ComInterfaces &cif,
     return true;
-QString StackTraceContext::formatThreads(const ThreadIdFrameMap &threads)
-    QString rc;
-    QTextStream str(&rc);
-    const ThreadIdFrameMap::const_iterator cend = threads.constEnd();
-    for (ThreadIdFrameMap::const_iterator it = threads.constBegin(); it != cend; ++it) {
-        str << '#' << it.key() << ' ';
-        it.value().format(str);
-        str << '\n';
-    }
-    return rc;
 QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const StackTraceContext &t)
     d.nospace() << t.toString();
diff --git a/src/plugins/debugger/cdb/stacktracecontext.h b/src/plugins/debugger/cdb/stacktracecontext.h
index 350c31b8496bab59c941ee794b9ca6880d13bc0d..750f40b2d689721f7803ee9669a0b8933272ff79 100644
--- a/src/plugins/debugger/cdb/stacktracecontext.h
+++ b/src/plugins/debugger/cdb/stacktracecontext.h
@@ -63,7 +63,19 @@ struct StackFrame {
     ULONG64 address;
+struct Thread {
+    explicit Thread(unsigned long id = 0, unsigned long sysId = 0);
+    QString toString() const;
+    unsigned long id;
+    unsigned long systemId;
+    quint64 dataOffset; // Only for current.
+inline bool operator<(const Thread &t1, const Thread &t2) { return t1.id < t2.id; }
 QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const StackFrame &);
+QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const Thread &);
 /* Context representing a break point stack consisting of several frames.
  * Maintains an on-demand constructed list of SymbolGroupContext
@@ -87,9 +99,6 @@ public:
     static SpecialFunction specialFunction(const QString &module, const QString &function);
-    // A map of thread id, stack frame
-    typedef QMap<unsigned long, StackFrame> ThreadIdFrameMap;
     enum { maxFrames = 100 };
@@ -112,10 +121,10 @@ public:
     QString toString() const;
     // Thread helpers: Retrieve a list of thread ids. Also works when running.
-    static inline bool getThreadIds(const CdbCore::ComInterfaces &cif,
-                                    QVector<ULONG> *threadIds,
-                                    ULONG *currentThreadId,
-                                    QString *errorMessage);
+    static bool getThreadList(const CdbCore::ComInterfaces &cif,
+                              QVector<Thread> *threads,
+                              ULONG *currentThreadId,
+                              QString *errorMessage);
     // Retrieve detailed information about a threads in stopped state.
     // Potentially changes current thread id.
@@ -124,13 +133,13 @@ public:
                                              StackFrame *topFrame,
                                              QString *errorMessage);
-    // Retrieve detailed information about all threads, works in stopped state.
-    static bool getThreads(const CdbCore::ComInterfaces &cif,
-                           ThreadIdFrameMap *threads,
-                           ULONG *currentThreadId,
-                           QString *errorMessage);
-    static QString formatThreads(const ThreadIdFrameMap &threads);
+    // Get the stack traces for threads in stopped state (only, fails when running).
+    // Potentially changes and restores current thread.
+    static bool getStoppedThreadFrames(const CdbCore::ComInterfaces &cif,
+                                       ULONG currentThreadId,
+                                       const QVector<Thread> &threads,
+                                       QVector<StackFrame> *frames,
+                                       QString *errorMessage);
     virtual SymbolGroupContext *createSymbolGroup(const ComInterfaces &cif,
diff --git a/src/plugins/debugger/gdb/gdbengine.cpp b/src/plugins/debugger/gdb/gdbengine.cpp
index 47dffc80f4617aa58180061189b72ef107990a9c..67b478b60654f3899b83e280e278e70f4ec034ca 100644
--- a/src/plugins/debugger/gdb/gdbengine.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/debugger/gdb/gdbengine.cpp
@@ -2966,7 +2966,7 @@ void GdbEngine::handleThreadInfo(const GdbResponse &response)
             const GdbMi frame = item.findChild("frame");
             ThreadData thread;
             thread.id = item.findChild("id").data().toInt();
-            thread.targetId = item.findChild("target-id").data().toInt();
+            thread.targetId = QString::fromAscii(item.findChild("target-id").data());
             thread.core = QString::fromLatin1(item.findChild("core").data());
             thread.state = QString::fromLatin1(item.findChild("state").data());
             thread.address = frame.findChild("addr").data().toULongLong(&ok, 0);
diff --git a/src/plugins/debugger/threadshandler.cpp b/src/plugins/debugger/threadshandler.cpp
index 26d41aa8339dfae8cc618c2230d9f55926956475..8eedbbf60e08771f1841b58c2c6e18893715fa0e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/debugger/threadshandler.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/debugger/threadshandler.cpp
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 #include "debuggerconstants.h"
 #include "debuggerengine.h"
+#include <QtCore/QTextStream>
 namespace Debugger {
 namespace Internal {
@@ -58,6 +59,56 @@ void ThreadData::notifyRunning()
     lineNumber = -1;
+int id;
+QString targetId;
+QString core;
+// State information when stopped
+void notifyRunning(); // Clear state information
+int frameLevel;
+quint64 address;
+QString function;
+QString fileName;
+QString state;
+int lineNumber;
+static inline QString threadToolTip(const ThreadData &thread)
+    const char tableRowStartC[] = "<tr><td>";
+    const char tableRowSeparatorC[] = "</td><td>";
+    const char tableRowEndC[] = "</td>";
+    QString rc;
+    QTextStream str(&rc);
+    str << "<html><head/><body><table>"
+        << tableRowStartC << ThreadsHandler::tr("Thread&nbsp;id:")
+        << tableRowSeparatorC << thread.id << tableRowEndC;
+    if (!thread.targetId.isEmpty())
+        str << tableRowStartC << ThreadsHandler::tr("Target&nbsp;id:")
+        << tableRowSeparatorC << thread.targetId << tableRowEndC;
+    if (!thread.state.isEmpty())
+        str << tableRowStartC << ThreadsHandler::tr("State:")
+        << tableRowSeparatorC << thread.state << tableRowEndC;
+    if (!thread.core.isEmpty())
+        str << tableRowStartC << ThreadsHandler::tr("Core:")
+        << tableRowSeparatorC << thread.core << tableRowEndC;
+    if (thread.address) {        
+        str << tableRowStartC << ThreadsHandler::tr("Stopped&nbsp;at:")
+                << tableRowSeparatorC;
+        if (!thread.function.isEmpty())
+            str << thread.function << "<br>";
+        if (!thread.fileName.isEmpty())
+            str << thread.fileName << ':' << thread.lineNumber << "<br>";
+        str.setIntegerBase(16);
+        str << "0x" << thread.address;
+        str.setIntegerBase(10);
+    }
+    str << "</table></body></html>";
+    return rc;
 // ThreadsHandler
@@ -92,7 +143,8 @@ QVariant ThreadsHandler::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
         return QVariant();
     const ThreadData &thread = m_threads.at(row);
-    if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) {
+    switch (role) {
+    case Qt::DisplayRole:
         switch (index.column()) {
         case ThreadData::IdColumn:
             return thread.id;
@@ -112,21 +164,15 @@ QVariant ThreadsHandler::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
         case ThreadData::StateColumn:
             return thread.state;
-    } else if (role == Qt::ToolTipRole) {
-        if (thread.address == 0)
-            return tr("Thread: %1").arg(thread.id);
-        // Stopped
-        if (thread.fileName.isEmpty())
-            return tr("Thread: %1 at %2 (0x%3)").arg(thread.id)
-                .arg(thread.function).arg(thread.address, 0, 16);
-        return tr("Thread: %1 at %2, %3:%4 (0x%5)").
-                arg(thread.id).arg(thread.function, thread.fileName)
-                .arg(thread.lineNumber).arg(thread.address, 0, 16);
-    } else if (role == Qt::DecorationRole && index.column() == 0) {
-        // Return icon that indicates whether this is the active stack frame
-        return (index.row() == m_currentIndex) ? m_positionIcon : m_emptyIcon;
+    case Qt::ToolTipRole:
+        return threadToolTip(thread);
+    case Qt::DecorationRole: // Return icon that indicates whether this is the active stack frame
+        if (index.column() == 0)
+            return (index.row() == m_currentIndex) ? m_positionIcon : m_emptyIcon;
+        break;
+    default:
+        break;
     return QVariant();