diff --git a/doc/addressbook-sdk.qdoc b/doc/addressbook-sdk.qdoc
index 6e457d41816508a1a10ed5f835720f2316bda70c..c7f555fb3275d8a1046ac1f6e25dc7d581855487 100644
--- a/doc/addressbook-sdk.qdoc
+++ b/doc/addressbook-sdk.qdoc
@@ -804,20 +804,60 @@
     \section1 The AddressBook Class
     To ensure that we can use \c FindDialog from within our \c AddressBook
     class, we include \c finddialog.h in the \c addressbook.h file.
-    \snippet examples/addressbook-sdk/part5/addressbook.cpp include
+    \snippet examples/addressbook-sdk/part5/addressbook.h include
     So far, all our address book features have a QPushButton and a
     corresponding slot. Similarly, for the \gui Find feature, we have
     \c findButton and \c findContact().
-    Within the \c AddressBook class's constructor, we instantiate our private
-    objects, \c findButton and \c findDialog:
+    \snippet examples/addressbook-sdk/part5/addressbook.h findContact
+    \dots
+    \snippet examples/addressbook-sdk/part5/addressbook.h findButton
+    Lastly, we declare the private variable, \c dialog, which we will use to
+    refer to an instance of \c FindDialog.
+    Once we have instantiated a dialog, we might want to use it more than once;
+    using a private variable allows us to refer to it from more than one place
+    in the class.
+    Within the \c AddressBook class's constructor, we insantiate our private
+    objects, \c findButton and \c dialog:
+    \snippet examples/addressbook-sdk/part5/addressbook.cpp private members
+    Next, we connect the \c{findButton}'s \l{QPushButton::}{clicked()} signal
+    to \c findContact().
+    \snippet examples/addressbook-sdk/part5/addressbook.cpp signal slot
+    Now, all that is left is the code for our \c findContact() function:
+    \snippet examples/addressbook-sdk/part5/addressbook.cpp findContact
+    We start out by displaying the \c FindDialog instance, \c dialog. This is
+    when the user enters a contact name to look up. Once the user clicks the
+    dialog's \c findButton, the dialog is hidden and the result code is set to
+    QDialog::Accepted. THis ensures that our \c if statement is always true.
+    We then proceed to extract the search string, which in this case is
+    \c contactName, using \c{FindDialog}'s \c getFindText() function. If the
+    contact exists in our address book, we display it immediately. Otherwise,
+    we display the QMessageBox shown below to indicate that their search
+    failed.
+    # image
+    The concept behind finding a contact only applies for cases where we have
+    more than two contacts in our address book. Hence, we implement this
+    behavior by modifying our \c{Navigation Mode} within our
+    \c updateInterface() function, by only enabling the \gui Find button when
+    we have more than two contacts.
-    \snippet examples/addressbook-sdk/part5/addressbook.cpp
+    \snippet examples/addressbook-sdk/part5/addressbook.cpp enable
diff --git a/doc/examples/addressbook-sdk/part5/addressbook.cpp b/doc/examples/addressbook-sdk/part5/addressbook.cpp
index 0e7b361ddcc48b4675570160c6f42f95e1f47ebe..22b0340bc1c93806013d707b93b02ae00bcc9904 100644
--- a/doc/examples/addressbook-sdk/part5/addressbook.cpp
+++ b/doc/examples/addressbook-sdk/part5/addressbook.cpp
@@ -41,10 +41,12 @@ AddressBook::AddressBook(QWidget *parent)
     removeButton = ui->removeButton;
+//! [private members]
     findButton = new QPushButton;
     findButton = ui->findButton;
     dialog = new FindDialog;
+//! [private members]
     connect(addButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
@@ -60,8 +62,10 @@ AddressBook::AddressBook(QWidget *parent)
     connect(removeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
+//! [signal slot]
     connect(findButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
+//! [signal slot]
     setWindowTitle(tr("Simple Address Book"));
@@ -234,6 +238,9 @@ void AddressBook::updateInterface(Mode mode)
         int number = contacts.size();
         editButton->setEnabled(number >= 1);
         removeButton->setEnabled(number >= 1);
+//! [enable]
+        findButton->setEnabled(number > 2);
+//! [enable]
         nextButton->setEnabled(number > 1);
         previousButton->setEnabled(number >1);
diff --git a/doc/examples/addressbook-sdk/part5/addressbook.h b/doc/examples/addressbook-sdk/part5/addressbook.h
index c6f9f607283d3963354f64e0a3a2ce52fc65f53a..2a419483518a5243aa9eb59a1c5f6774f79f6d8b 100644
--- a/doc/examples/addressbook-sdk/part5/addressbook.h
+++ b/doc/examples/addressbook-sdk/part5/addressbook.h
@@ -32,7 +32,9 @@ public slots:
     void removeContact();
     void next();
     void previous();
+//! [findContact]
     void findContact();
+//! [findContact]
     Ui::AddressBook *ui;
@@ -45,7 +47,9 @@ private:
     QPushButton *removeButton;
     QPushButton *nextButton;
     QPushButton *previousButton;
+//! [findButton]
     QPushButton *findButton;
+//! [findButton]
     QLineEdit *nameLine;
     QTextEdit *addressText;
@@ -53,7 +57,9 @@ private:
     QString oldName;
     QString oldAddress;
     Mode currentMode;
+//! [dialog]
     FindDialog *dialog;
+//! [dialog]
 #endif // ADDRESSBOOK_H
diff --git a/doc/examples/addressbook-sdk/part5/finddialog.cpp b/doc/examples/addressbook-sdk/part5/finddialog.cpp
index 63e04a5103978344cd2d599a0898b784655cd6b6..27914974a1993ef11502702a50869d9de1189d05 100644
--- a/doc/examples/addressbook-sdk/part5/finddialog.cpp
+++ b/doc/examples/addressbook-sdk/part5/finddialog.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 #include "finddialog.h"
 #include "ui_finddialog.h"
+#include <QMessageBox>
 //! [constructor]
 FindDialog::FindDialog(QWidget *parent) :
@@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ FindDialog::FindDialog(QWidget *parent) :
     connect(findButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(findClicked()));
-    setWindowTItle(tr("Find a Contact"));
+    setWindowTitle(tr("Find a Contact"));
 //! [constructor]