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#include "qmljsidcollector.h"
#include "qmljsdocument.h"
#include <qmljs/parser/qmljsast_p.h>
#include <qmljs/parser/qmljslexer_p.h>
#include <qmljs/parser/qmljsparser_p.h>
#include <qmljs/parser/qmljsnodepool_p.h>
#include <qmljs/parser/qmljsastfwd_p.h>

using namespace QmlJS;
using namespace QmlJS;
using namespace QmlJS::AST;

Document::Document(const QString &fileName)
    : _engine(0)
    , _pool(0)
    , _ast(0)
    , _documentRevision(0)
    , _parsedCorrectly(false)
    , _fileName(fileName)
    const int slashIdx = fileName.lastIndexOf('/');
    if (slashIdx != -1)
        _path = fileName.left(slashIdx);

    if (fileName.toLower().endsWith(".qml"))
        _componentName = fileName.mid(slashIdx + 1, fileName.size() - (slashIdx + 1) - 4);

    if (_engine)
        delete _engine;

    if (_pool)
        delete _pool;


Document::Ptr Document::create(const QString &fileName)
    Document::Ptr doc(new Document(fileName));
    return doc;

AST::UiProgram *Document::qmlProgram() const
    return cast<UiProgram *>(_ast);

AST::Program *Document::jsProgram() const
    return cast<Program *>(_ast);

AST::Node *Document::ast() const
    return _ast;

QList<DiagnosticMessage> Document::diagnosticMessages() const
    return _diagnosticMessages;

QString Document::source() const
    return _source;

void Document::setSource(const QString &source)
    _source = source;

int Document::documentRevision() const
    return _documentRevision;

void Document::setDocumentRevision(int revision)
    _documentRevision = revision;

bool Document::parseQml()
    Q_ASSERT(! _engine);
    Q_ASSERT(! _pool);
    Q_ASSERT(! _ast);

    _engine = new Engine();
    _pool = new NodePool(_fileName, _engine);

    Lexer lexer(_engine);
    Parser parser(_engine);

    lexer.setCode(_source, /*line = */ 1);

    _parsedCorrectly = parser.parse();
    _ast = parser.ast();
    _diagnosticMessages = parser.diagnosticMessages();

    if (qmlProgram()) {
        for (QmlJS::AST::UiObjectMemberList *iter = qmlProgram()->members; iter; iter = iter->next)
            if (iter->member)
                _symbols.append(new SymbolFromFile(_fileName, iter->member));

         Internal::IdCollector collect;
        _ids = collect(*this);
        if (_diagnosticMessages.isEmpty())
            _diagnosticMessages = collect.diagnosticMessages();

    return _parsedCorrectly;

bool Document::parseJavaScript()
    Q_ASSERT(! _engine);
    Q_ASSERT(! _pool);
    Q_ASSERT(! _ast);

    _engine = new Engine();
    _pool = new NodePool(_fileName, _engine);

    Lexer lexer(_engine);
    Parser parser(_engine);

    lexer.setCode(_source, /*line = */ 1);

    _parsedCorrectly = parser.parseProgram();
    _ast = cast<Program*>(parser.rootNode());
    _diagnosticMessages = parser.diagnosticMessages();

    return _parsedCorrectly;

bool Document::parseExpression()
    Q_ASSERT(! _engine);
    Q_ASSERT(! _pool);
    Q_ASSERT(! _ast);

    _engine = new Engine();
    _pool = new NodePool(_fileName, _engine);

    Lexer lexer(_engine);
    Parser parser(_engine);

    lexer.setCode(_source, /*line = */ 1);

    _parsedCorrectly = parser.parseExpression();
    _ast = parser.rootNode();
    if (_ast)
        _ast = _ast->expressionCast();
    _diagnosticMessages = parser.diagnosticMessages();

    return _parsedCorrectly;

SymbolFromFile *Document::findSymbol(QmlJS::AST::Node *node) const
    foreach (Symbol *symbol, _symbols)
        if (symbol->isSymbolFromFile())
            if (symbol->asSymbolFromFile()->node() == node)
                return symbol->asSymbolFromFile();

    return 0;



void Snapshot::insert(const Document::Ptr &document)
    if (document && (document->qmlProgram() || document->jsProgram()))
        QMap<QString, Document::Ptr>::insert(document->fileName(), document);

Document::PtrList Snapshot::importedDocuments(const Document::Ptr &doc, const QString &importPath) const
    Document::PtrList result;

    const QString docPath = doc->path() + '/' + importPath;

    foreach (Document::Ptr candidate, *this) {
        if (candidate == doc)

        if (candidate->path() == doc->path() || candidate->path() == docPath)

    return result;

QMap<QString, Document::Ptr> Snapshot::componentsDefinedByImportedDocuments(const Document::Ptr &doc, const QString &importPath) const
    QMap<QString, Document::Ptr> result;

    const QString docPath = doc->path() + '/' + importPath;

    foreach (Document::Ptr candidate, *this) {
        if (candidate == doc)

        if (candidate->path() == doc->path() || candidate->path() == docPath)
            result.insert(candidate->componentName(), candidate);

    return result;