// ********************************************************************** // NOTE: the sections are not ordered by their logical order to avoid // reshuffling the file each time the index order changes (i.e., often). // Run the fixnavi.pl script to adjust the links to the index order. // ********************************************************************** /*! \contentspage{index.html}{Qt Creator} \page index.html \nextpage creator-overview.html \title Qt Creator Manual \section1 Version 1.3.82 Qt Creator provides integrated tools for both application designers and developers to create applications for multiple desktop and mobile device platforms. For application designers, Qt Creator provides two integrated visual editors, \QD and \QMLD, that you can use to design and develop application user interfaces. For application developers, Qt Creator provides a cross-platform, complete integrated development environment (IDE) that is available for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows operating systems. For more information, see \l{Operating Systems and Supported Platforms}. \note Please report bugs and suggestions to the \l{http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com}{Qt Bug Tracker}. You can also join the Qt Creator mailing list. To subscribe, send a message with the word \e subscribe to \l{mailto:qt-creator-request@trolltech.com} {qt-creator-request@trolltech.com}. For more information about Qt mailing lists, visit \l{http://lists.trolltech.com}{http://lists.trolltech.com}. \raw HTML <img border="0" style="float:right;" src="images/qtcreator-screenshots.png" /> \endraw \list \o \l{Introducing Qt Creator} \o \l{Operating Systems and Supported Platforms} \o \l{Quick Tour} \o \l{Getting Started} \list \o \l{Writing a Simple Program} \o \l{Creating an Animated Application} \endlist \o \l{Using the Editor} \list \o \l{Finding and Replacing} \o \l{Refactoring} \o \l{Searching With the Locator} \endlist \o \l{Managing Projects} \list \o \l{Creating a Project} \o \l{Setting Up a qmake Project} \o \l{Setting Up a CMake Project} \o \l{Setting Up a Generic Project} \o \l{Managing Sessions} \endlist \o \l{Developing QML Applications} \o \l{Developing Mobile Applications} \list \o \l{Developing Maemo Applications} \o \l{Developing Symbian Applications} \o \l{Developing Usable Applications} \endlist \o \l{Debugging} \o \l{Using Version Control Systems} \o \l{Adding Qt Designer Plugins} \o \l{Tips and Tricks} \o \l{Keyboard Shortcuts} \o \l{Known Issues} \o \l{Glossary} \o \l{Acknowledgements} \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage index.html \page creator-overview.html \nextpage creator-os-supported-platforms.html \title Introducing Qt Creator Qt Creator provides you with tools to design and develop user interfaces and complex applications for multiple desktop and mobile platforms. \section1 Designing User Interfaces Qt Creator provides two integrated visual editors, \QD and \QMLD. \QD is a tool for designing and building graphical user interfaces (GUIs) from Qt widgets. You can compose and customize your widgets or dialogs and test them using different styles and resolutions. Widgets and forms created with \QD are integrated seamlessly with programmed code, using the Qt signals and slots mechanism, that lets you easily assign behavior to graphical elements. All properties set in \QD can be changed dynamically within the code. Furthermore, features like widget promotion and custom plugins allow you to use your own widgets with \QD. UIs that use widgets are clearly structured and enforce a platform look and feel, which makes them useful for traditional applications. However, they are static, and do not fully make use of the large high-resolution screens, touch input, and significant graphics power that are becoming common in portable consumer devices, such as mobile phones, media players, set-top boxes, and netbooks. \QMLD allows you to easily develop animations by using a declarative programming language called \l {http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.7-snapshot/declarativeui.html}{QML}. In QML, a user interface is specified as a tree of objects with properties. You use a visual editor to create items, screens, and applications, as well as define changes in their state. \QMLD generates the necessary code for you. You can edit the code in the code editor to add transitions from one state to another, and interaction to specify user actions that change the states. You can use Qt to implement the application logic. \section1 Coding Applications As an IDE, Qt Creator differs from a text editor in that it knows how to build and run applications. It understands the code as code, not just as plain text. This allows it to: \list \o Enable you to write well formatted code \o Anticipate what you are going to write and complete the code \o Display inline error and warning messages \o Enable you to semantically navigate to classes, functions, and symbols \o Provide you with context-sensitive help on classes, functions, and symbols \o Rename symbols in an intelligent way, so that other symbols with the same name that belong to other scopes are not renamed \o Show you the locations in code where a function is declared or called \endlist \section1 Why Do You Need Projects? To be able to build and run applications, Qt Creator needs the same information as a compiler would need. This information is specified in the project build and run settings. Creating a project allows you to: \list \o Group files together \o Add custom build steps \o Include forms and resource files \o Specify settings for running applications \endlist You can either create a project from scratch or import an existing project. Qt Creator generates all the necessary files, depending on the type of project you create. For example, if you choose to create a graphical user interface (GUI) application, Qt Creator generates an empty .ui file that you can modify with the integrated \QD. If you choose to create a QML application, Qt Creator generates a .qml file that you can modify with the \QMLD visual editor and the code editor. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-overview.html \page creator-os-supported-platforms.html \nextpage creator-quick-tour.html \title Operating Systems and Supported Platforms \section1 Operating Systems Qt Creator is available in binary packages for the following operating systems: \list \o Windows XP Service Pack 2 \o Windows Vista \o (K)Ubuntu Linux 7.04 32-bit and 64-bit with the following: \list \o g++ \o make \o libglib2.0-dev \o libSM-dev \o libxrender-dev \o libfontconfig1-dev \o libxext-dev \o libfreetype6-dev \o libx11-dev \o libxcursor-dev \o libxfixes-dev \o libxft-dev \o libxi-dev \o libxrandr-dev \o If you are using QtOpenGL, libgl-dev and libglu-dev \endlist \o Mac OS 10.5 or later with the following: \list \o Xcode tools for your Mac OS X version available from your Mac OS X installation DVDs or at \l http://developer.apple.com. \endlist \endlist \omit ## Are the Xcode tools still needed separately? \endomit \section1 Build Environment To build Qt Creator itself from the source, you need: \list \o Qt 4.7 or later \o On Windows, MinGW 4.4 or Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 \endlist \section1 Supported Mobile Device Platforms You can develop applications for the following mobile device platforms: \list \o Symbian \o Maemo and Maemo Application Development and Debugging Environment (MADDE) \endlist The following table summarizes operating system support for building applications for mobile device platforms. \table \header \o {1,3} Operating system \o {3,1} Platform \header \o Desktop \o Symbian \o Maemo \row \o Windows \o Yes \o Yes \o Yes \row \o Linux \o Yes \o No \o Yes \row \o Mac OS X \o Yes \o No \o No \endtable */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-os-supported-platforms.html \page creator-quick-tour.html \nextpage creator-getting-started.html \title Quick Tour The figure below shows some of the components of Qt Creator in \gui{Edit} mode. \image qtcreator-breakdown.png \section1 Qt Creator Modes The mode selector allows you to quickly switch between tasks such as editing project and source files, designing application UIs, configuring how projects are built and executed, and debugging your applications. To change modes, click the icons, or use the \l{keyboard-shortcuts}{corresponding keyboard shortcut}. \list \o \gui Welcome mode for opening recent sessions and projects. \o \gui{\l{Using the Editor}{Edit}} mode for editing project and source files. \o \gui{\l{Developing Application UI}{Design}} mode for designing and developing application user interfaces. \o \gui{\l{Debugging}{Debug}} mode for inspecting the state of your program while debugging. \o \gui{\l{Managing Projects}{Projects}} mode for configuring project building and execution. \o \gui{\l{Getting Help}{Help}} mode for viewing Qt documentation. \endlist Certain actions in Qt Creator trigger a mode change. Clicking on \gui {Debug} > \gui {Start debugging} > \gui {Start debugging} automatically switches to \gui {Debug} mode. \section1 Browsing Project Contents Use the sidebar to browse files, projects and bookmarks. \image qtcreator-sidebar.png You can select the content of the sidebar in the sidebar menu: \list \o \gui Projects shows a list of projects open in the current session. \o \gui{File System} shows the content of the currently selected directory. \o \gui Bookmarks shows all bookmarks for the current session. \o \gui{Open Documents} shows currently open files. \endlist You can change the view of the sidebar in the following ways: \list \o To toggle the sidebar, click \inlineimage qtcreator-togglebutton.png or press \key Alt+0 (\key Cmd+0 on Mac OS X). \o To split the sidebar, click \inlineimage qtcreator-splitbar.png . Select new content to view in the split view. \o To close a sidebar view, click \inlineimage qtcreator-closesidebar.png . \endlist \section2 Viewing Project Files The sidebar displays projects in a project tree. The project tree contains a list of all projects open in the current session. The files for each project are grouped according to their file type. You can use the project tree in the following ways: \list \o To bring up a context menu containing the actions most commonly needed right-click an item in the project tree. For example, through the menu of the project root directory you can, among other actions, build, re-build, clean and run the project. \o To list all files in a project, click \inlineimage qtcreator-filter.png and select \gui{Simplify tree}. \o To hide source files which are automatically generated by the build system, during a build, click \inlineimage qtcreator-filter.png and select \gui{Hide generated files}. \o To toggle the synchronization of your project tree with the file opened in the editor, click \inlineimage qtcreator-synchronizefocus.png . \o To see the absolute path of a file, move the mouse pointer over the file name. \endlist \section1 Viewing Output The task pane in Qt Creator can display one of the following panes: \list \o \gui{Build Issues} \o \gui{Search Results} \o \gui{Application Output} \o \gui{Compile Output} \endlist Output panes are available in all \l{Qt Creator modes}{modes}. \section2 Build Issues The \gui{Build Issues} pane provides a list of errors and warnings encountered during a build. The pane filters out irrelevant output from the build tools and presents the issues in an organized way. \image qtcreator-build-issues.png \section2 Search Results The \gui{Search Results} pane displays the results for global searches, for example, searching within a current document, files on disk, or all projects. The figure below shows an example search result for all occurrences of \c textfinder within the \c "/TextFinder" directory. \image qtcreator-search-pane.png \section2 Application Output The \gui{Application Output} pane displays the status of a program when it is executed, and the debug output. The figure below shows an example output from qDebug(). \image qtcreator-application-output.png \section2 Compile Output The \gui{Compile Output} pane provides all output from the compiler. The \gui{Compile Output} is a more detailed version of information displayed in the \gui{Build Issues} pane. \image qtcreator-compile-pane.png \section1 Getting Help Qt Creator comes fully integrated with all of Qt's documentation and examples using the Qt Help plugin. \list \o To view documentation, switch to \gui Help mode. \o To obtain context sensitive help, move the text cursor to a Qt class or function and press \key F1. The documentation is displayed in a pane next to the code editor, or, if there is not enough vertical space, in the fullscreen \gui Help mode. \image qtcreator-context-sensitive-help.png \o To select and configure how the documentation is displayed in the \gui Help mode, select \gui Tools > \gui Options... > \gui Help. \endlist \section2 Adding External Documentation You can display external documentation in Qt Creator's \gui Help mode. Augment or replace the documentation that ships with Qt Creator and Qt by performing the following steps: \list 1 \o Create a .qch file from your documentation. For information on how to prepare your documentation and create a .qch file, see \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.6/qthelp-framework.html}{The Qt Help Framework}. \o Add the .qch file to Qt Creator by selecting \gui Tools > \gui Options... > \gui Help > \gui Documentation > \gui Add. \endlist \section1 Navigating with Keyboard Qt Creator caters not only to developers who are used to using the mouse, but also to developers who are more comfortable with the keyboard. A wide range of \l{keyboard-shortcuts}{keyboard} and \l{Searching With the Locator}{navigation} shortcuts are available to help speed up the process of developing your application. \section1 Developing Application UI To help you design the user interface of your application, two visual editors are integrated into Qt Creator: \list \o \QD \o \QMLD \endlist The integration includes project management and code completion. \section1 Using Qt Designer Qt Creator automatically opens all .ui files in \QD. \image qtcreator-formedit.png To change the layout of \QD user interface elements: \list 1 \o Select \gui Tools > \gui{Form Editor} > \gui Views > \gui Locked. When this option is unchecked, you can change the layout. \o Click the header of an element and drag the element to a new position. \endlist To change \QD properties, select \gui Tools > \gui Options > \gui Designer. \list \o Set the class properties and code generation preferences in \gui {Class Generation}. \o Set an additional folder for saving templates in \gui{Template Paths}. \o Set the grid settings and preview preferences in \gui Forms. To preview your form with skins, enable \gui{Print/Preview Configuration} and select your skin. Otherwise default preview settings are used. To preview the settings, select \gui Tools > \gui{Form Editor} > \gui Preview, or press \key Ctrl+Alt+R. \o To specify embedded device profiles, such as style, font, and screen resolution, select \gui{Embedded Design}. \endlist For more information on \QD, see \l{http://doc.trolltech.com/designer-manual.html}{Qt Designer Manual}. \section1 Using Qt Quick Designer You can edit .qml files in either the visual \QMLD editor or in the code editor. In \gui Projects, double-click a .qml file to open it in the code editor. Then select the \gui {Design} mode to edit the file in the visual editor. \image qmldesigner-visual-editor.png "Visual editor" Use the visual editor panes to manage your project: \list \o \gui {Navigator} pane displays the items in the scene. You can show and hide items to focus on specific parts of the application. \o \gui {Library} pane displays lists of predefined \gui {Items} and imported \gui {Resources} that you can use to design applications. The images and other files that you copy to the project folder appear in the \gui {Resources} pane. \o \gui {Properties} pane displays the properties of the selected component. You can also change the properties in the code editor. \o \gui {State} pane displays the different states of the component. To add states, click the empty slot. Then modify the new state in the editor. In the code editor, you can see the changes recorded as changes to the base state. \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-qml-application.html \page creator-editor-using.html \nextpage creator-editor-finding.html \title Using the Editor Qt Creator's code editor is designed to aid you in creating, editing and navigating code. Qt Creator's code editor is fully equipped with syntax checking, code completion, context sensitive help and in-line error indicators while you are typing. \section1 Configuring the Editor Qt Creator allows you to configure the text editor to suit your specific needs. To configure the editor, select \gui Tools > \gui{Options...} > \gui{Text Editor} You can perform the following configuration actions: \list \o Set the font preferences and apply syntax highlighting in \gui{Font & Colors}. \o Set tabs, indentation and the handling of whitespace in \gui Behavior. \o Set various display properties, for example, \l{Highlighting and folding blocks}{highlighting and folding blocks}, text wrapping or \l{Moving to symbol definition or declaration} {moving to symbol definition or declaration} in \gui Display. \o Configure \l{Code Completion}{code completion} in \gui Completion. \endlist \section1 Using the Editor Toolbar The editor toolbar is located at the top of the editor view. The editor toolbar is context sensitive and shows items relevant to the file currently open in the editor. \image qtcreator-editortoolbar-symbols.png Use the toolbar to navigate between open files and symbols in use: \list \o To browse forwards or backwards through your location history, click \inlineimage qtcreator-back.png and \inlineimage qtcreator-forward.png . \o To go to any open file, select it from the \gui{Open files} drop-down menu. \o To jump to any symbol used in the current file, select it from the \gui Symbols drop-down menu. \endlist When you create or edit forms in a \c{.ui} file, the toolbar contains Qt Designer specific tools. \section1 Splitting the Editor View Split the editor view when you want to work on and view multiple files on the same screen. \image qtcreator-spliteditorview.png You can split the editor view in the following ways: \list \o To split the editor view into a top and bottom view, select \gui Window > \gui Split or press \key{Ctrl+E, 2}. Split command creates views below the currently active editor view. \o To split the editor view into adjacent views, select \gui Window > \gui{Split Side by Side} or press \key{Ctrl+E, 3}. Side by side split command creates views to the right of the currently active editor view. \endlist To move between split views, select \gui Window > \gui{Go to Next Split} or press \key{Ctrl+E, O}. To remove a split view, place the cursor within the view you want to remove and select \gui Window > \gui{Remove Current Split} or press \key{Ctrl+E, 0}. To remove all but the currently selected split view, select \gui Window > \gui{Remove All Splits} or press \key{Ctrl+E, 1}. \section1 Highlighting and Folding Blocks Use block highlighting to visually separate parts of the code that belong together. For example, when you place the cursor within the braces, the code enclosed in braces is highlighted. \image qtcreator-blockhighlighting.png To enable block highlighting, select \gui Tools > \gui{Options...} > \gui{Text Editor} > \gui Display > \gui{Highlight blocks}. Use the folding markers to collapse and expand blocks of code within braces. Click the folding marker to collapse or expand a block. In the figure above, the folding markers are located between the line number and the text pane. To show the folding markers, select \gui Tools > \gui{Options...} > \gui{Text Editor} > \gui Display > \gui{Display folding markers}. This option is enabled by default. \section1 Syntax Checking As you write code Qt Creator checks code syntax. When Qt Creator spots a syntax error in your code it underlines it and shows error details when you move the mouse pointer over the error. \list \o Syntax errors are underlined in red. In the following figure, a semicolon is missing at the end of the line. \image qtcreator-syntaxerror.png \o Semantic errors and warnings are underlined in olive. In the following figure, the type is unknown. \image qtcreator-semanticerror.png \endlist \section1 Code Completion As you write code, Qt Creator provides a list of context-sensitive suggestions to the statement currently under your cursor. \image qtcreator-codecompletion.png Set code completion preferences in \gui Tools > \gui{Options...} > \gui{Text Editor} > \gui Completion. To trigger code completion manually press \key{Ctrl+Space}. When completion is invoked manually, Qt Creator completes the common prefix of the list of suggestions. This is especially useful for classes with several similarly named members. To disable this functionality, uncheck \gui{Autocomplete common prefix} in the code completion preferences. The following table lists available types for code completion and icon used for each. \table \header \o Icon \o Description \row \i \inlineimage completion/class.png \i A class \row \i \inlineimage completion/enum.png \i An enum \row \i \inlineimage completion/enumerator.png \i An enumerator (value of an enum) \row \i \inlineimage completion/func.png \i A function \row \i \inlineimage completion/func_priv.png \i A private function \row \i \inlineimage completion/func_prot.png \i A protected function \row \i \inlineimage completion/var.png \i A variable \row \i \inlineimage completion/var_priv.png \i A private variable \row \i \inlineimage completion/var_prot.png \i A protected variable \row \i \inlineimage completion/signal.png \i A signal \row \i \inlineimage completion/slot.png \i A slot \row \i \inlineimage completion/slot_priv.png \i A private slot \row \i \inlineimage completion/slot_prot.png \i A protected slot \row \i \inlineimage completion/keyword.png \i A keyword \row \i \inlineimage completion/macro.png \i A macro \row \i \inlineimage completion/namespace.png \i A namespace \endtable \section1 Moving to Symbol Definition or Declaration In Qt Creator you can move directly to the definition or the declaration of a symbol by holding the \key Ctrl and clicking the symbol. To enable this moving function, in \gui Tools > \gui{Options...} > \gui{Text Editor} > \gui Behavior select \gui{Enable mouse navigation}. \section1 Using an External Editor To open the file you are currently viewing in an external editor, select \gui Edit > \gui Advanced > \gui{Open in External Editor}. To use the external editor of your choice: \list 1 \o Add the editor path to the \c{PATH} environment variable of your operating system. \o In Qt Creator select \gui Tools > \gui Options... > \gui Environment > \gui General. \o In \gui{External editor} enter the name of the application followed by \key Space and \tt{\bold %f}. For example, to open the file in Smultron, enter \tt{\bold{smultron %f}}. To further define how to open the file in the external editor, you can use the following variables separated by a space: \list \o Current line number \tt{\bold %l} \o Current column number \tt{\bold %c} \o Editor's x position on the screen \tt{\bold %x} \o Editor's y position on the screen \tt{\bold %y} \o Editor's width in pixels \tt{\bold %w} \o Editor's height in pixels \tt{\bold %h} \o Editor's width in characters \tt{\bold %W} \o Editor's height in characters \tt{\bold %H} \o To pass % symbol to the editor \tt{\bold %%} \endlist \note Not all variables work with all editors. \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-editor-using.html \page creator-editor-finding.html \nextpage creator-editor-refactoring.html \title Finding and Replacing To search through the currently open file: \list 1 \o Press \key Ctrl+F or select \gui Edit > \gui Find/Replace > \gui{Find/Replace}. \o Enter the text you are looking for. If the text is found, all occurrences are highlighted as you type. \o To go to the next occurrence, click \inlineimage qtcreator-next.png , or press \key F3. To go to the previous occurrence click \inlineimage qtcreator-previous.png , or press \key Shift+F3. \endlist To narrow your search results, click \inlineimage qtcreator-locator-magnify.png in the \gui Find/Replace pane and select any of the following preferences: \list \o To make your search case sensitive, select \inlineimage qtcreator-editor-casesensitive.png . \o To search only whole words, select \inlineimage qtcreator-editor-wholewords.png . \o To search using regular expressions, select \inlineimage qtcreator-editor-regularexpressions.png . Regular expressions used in Qt Creator are modeled on Perl regular expressions. For more information on using regular expressions, see \l {http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.6/qregexp.html#details} {Detailed Description} in the QRegExp Class Reference. \endlist \note If you have selected text before selecting \gui Find/Replace, the search is conducted within the selection. To replace occurrences of the existing text, enter the new text in the \gui{Replace with} text box. \list \o To replace the selected occurrence and move to the next one, click \inlineimage qtcreator-next.png or press \key Ctrl+=. \o To replace the selected occurrence and move to the previous one, click \inlineimage qtcreator-previous.png . \o To replace all occurrences in the file, click \gui{Replace All}. \endlist \section1 Advanced Search To search through projects, files on a file system or the currently open file: \list 1 \o Press \key Ctrl+Shift+F or select \gui Edit > \gui Find/Replace > \gui{Advanced Find} > \gui{Open Advanced Find...}. \o Select the scope of your search: \list \o \gui{All Projects} searches files matching the defined file pattern in all currently open projects. For example, to search for \tt previewer only in \tt .cpp and \tt .h files, enter in \gui{File pattern} \tt *.cpp,*.h. \image qtcreator-search-allprojects.png \o \gui{Current Project} searches files matching the defined file pattern only in the project you are currently editing. \o \gui{Files on File System} recursively searches files matching the defined file pattern in the selected directory. \o \gui{Current File} searches only the current file. \endlist \o Enter the text you are looking for and click \gui Search. \image qtcreator-searchresults.png A list of files containing the searched text is displayed in the \gui{Search Results} pane. \list \o To see all occurrences in a file, double-click the file name in the list. \o To go to an occurrence, double-click it. \endlist \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-editor-finding.html \page creator-editor-refactoring.html \nextpage creator-editor-locator.html \title Refactoring Code refactoring is the process of changing the code without modifying the existing functionality of your application. By refactoring your code you can: \list \o Improve internal quality of your application \o Improve performance and extensibility \o Improve code readability and maintainability \o Simplify code structure \endlist \section1 Finding Symbols To find the use of a specific symbol in your project: \list 1 \o In the editor place the cursor on the symbol and select \gui Tools > \gui C++ > \gui{Find Usages} or press \key Ctrl+Shift+U. Qt Creator looks for the symbol in the following locations: \list \o Files listed as a part of the project \o Files directly used by the project files (for example, generated files) \o Header files of used frameworks and libraries \endlist \o The \gui{Search Results} pane opens and shows the location and number of instances of the symbol in the current project. \image qtcreator-refactoring-find.png \endlist You can browse the search results in the following ways: \list \o To go directly to an instance, double-click the instance in the \gui{Search Results} pane. \o To move between instances, click \inlineimage qtcreator-forward.png and \inlineimage qtcreator-back.png in the \gui{Search Results} pane. \o To expand and collapse the list of all instances, click \inlineimage qtcreator-expand.png . \o To clear the search results, click \inlineimage qtcreator-clear.png . \endlist \section1 Renaming Symbols To rename a specific symbol in your project: \list 1 \o In the editor, place the cursor on the symbol you would like to change and select \gui Tools > \gui C++ > \gui{Rename Symbol Under Cursor} or press \key Ctrl+Shift+R. The \gui{Search Results} pane opens and shows the location and number of instances of the symbol in the current project. \image qtcreator-refactoring-replace.png \o To replace all selected instances, enter the name of the new symbol in the \gui{Replace with} text box and click \gui Replace. To omit an instance, uncheck the check-box next to the instance. \note This action replaces all selected instances of the symbol in all files listed in the \gui{Search Results} pane. You cannot undo this action. \endlist \note Renaming local symbols does not open the \gui{Search Results} pane. The instances of the symbol are highlighted in code and you can edit the symbol. All instances of the local symbol are changed as you type. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-editor-locator.html \page creator-project-managing.html \nextpage creator-project-creating.html \title Managing Projects Qt Creator allows you to deploy various types of projects and provides a platform to work on different types of projects: \list \o To work with \bold{qmake projects}, open a \c .pro file. For more information, see \l{Setting Up a qmake Project}. \o To work with \bold{CMake projects} you need to have CMake version 2.8.0 or later installed. For more information, see \l{Setting Up a CMake Project}. \o Qt Creator supports generic projects. For more information, see \l{Setting Up a Generic Project}. \endlist \section1 External Libraries Through external libraries Qt Creator can support code completion and syntax highlighting for external libraries as if they were a part of the current project or the Qt library. The procedure of adding a library to a project depends on the type of project, which influences the build system used. \list \o For information on adding external libraries to qmake projects, see \l{Adding External Libraries to a qmake Project}. \o For information on adding external libraries to CMake projects, see \l{Adding External Libraries to a CMake Project}. \o For information on adding external libraries to generic projects, see \l{Adding External Libraries to a Generic Project}. \endlist \section1 Session Management In Qt Creator a session is a collection of bookmarks, breakpoints and watchers and can include multiple open projects. To learn about using and managing sessions, see \l{Managing Sessions}. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-project-managing.html \page creator-project-creating.html \nextpage creator-project-qmake.html \title Creating a Project To create a new project: \list 1 \o Select \gui File > \gui{New File or Project} and select the type of your project. The contents of the following dialogs depend on the project type. This example uses \gui {Qt Gui Application}. \image qtcreator-new-project.png \o Name the project and set its path. To select the path from a directory tree, click \gui Browse. Avoid using spaces and special characters in the project name and path. \image qtcreator-intro-and-location.png \o Specify the name of the class you want to create and using the drop-down menu select its base class type. Note that the \gui{Header file}, \gui{Source file} and \gui{Form file} fields are automatically updated as you name your class. \image qtcreator-class-info.png \o Review the project settings. To create the project, click \gui Finish. \image qtcreator-new-project-summary.png \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-project-creating.html \page creator-project-qmake.html \nextpage creator-project-cmake.html \title Setting Up a qmake Project \section1 Selecting the Qt Version Qt Creator allows you to have multiple versions of Qt installed on your computer and use different versions for each of your projects. If Qt Creator finds \bold qmake in the \c{PATH} environment variable, it uses that version. The \l{glossary-system-qt}{ qmake version of Qt} is referred to as \bold{Qt in PATH}. If you intend to use only one version of Qt and it is already in the \c{PATH} and correctly set up for command line use, you do not need to manually configure your Qt version. \note By default, Qt Creator compiles projects with the \l{glossary-default-qt}{default Qt version}. For information on how to override this setting, see \l{Build Settings}. \section2 Windows To add a Qt version for \bold MinGW: \list 1 \o Select \gui Tools > \gui Options... > \gui Qt4 > \gui{Qt Versions}. \o Click \inlineimage qtcreator-windows-add.png and enter the name of the version in \gui{Version Name} field. \o Enter the qmake binary path in the \gui{qmake Location}. \o Enter the MinGW installation path in the \gui{MinGW Directory}. \image qtcreator-qt4-qtversions-win-mingw.png \endlist To add a Qt version for a \bold{Microsoft Visual C++} compiler: \list 1 \o Select \gui Tools > \gui Options... > \gui Qt4 > \gui{Qt Versions}. \o Qt Creator automatically sets the correct environment variables for compilation. Select the internal version number of the installed Microsoft Visual C++ tool chains using the \gui MSVC drop-down box: \list \o \bold 7.1 for Visual Studio 2003 \o \bold 8.0 for Visual Studio 2005 \o \bold 9.0 for Visual Studio 2008 \endlist \note If you are using the \bold{Windows SDK for Windows Server 2008}, Qt Creator identifies it as version 9.0. \image qtcreator-qt4-qtversions-win-msvc.png \endlist If you are using \bold{Qt for Symbian} and your S60 SDK is registered with devices.exe, Qt Creator automatically detects the Qt version. To add a Qt for Symbian version: \list 1 \o Select \gui Tools > \gui Options... > \gui Qt4 > \gui{Qt Versions}. \o Select the \gui{S60 SDK} you want the Qt Creator to use. \image qtcreator-qt4-qtversions-win-symbian.png \o To build an application for your device using GCCE, enter the path to the \bold{CSL ARM Toolchain} directory in \gui{CSL\\GCCE Directory}. You do not need to specify this path if the compiler is included in the \c{PATH} environment variable. \o To build an application for the emulator (WINSCW toolchain), enter the path to your Carbide C++ installation directory in \gui{Carbide Directory}. \note You need to have Carbide C++ version 2.0 or later installed. \endlist \section2 Compiling Projects With Linux To compile a project in Qt Creator, Linux uses GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). Intel Compiler Collection (ICC) is supported as a drop-in replacement for GCC. To add a Qt version: \list 1 \o Select \gui Tools > \gui Options... > \gui Qt4 > \gui{Qt Versions}. \o Click \inlineimage qtcreator-linux-add.png and enter the name of the version in \gui{Version Name}. \o Enter the path to the qmake binary in \gui{Path to qmake}. \endlist \section2 Compiling Projects With Mac OS X To compile a project in Qt Creator, Mac OS X uses GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), which is part of Xcode. To add a Qt version: \list 1 \o Select \gui{Qt Creator} > \gui Preferences... > \gui{Qt Versions}. \o Click \inlineimage qtcreator-macosx-add.png and enter the name of the version in \gui{Version Name}. \o Enter the path to the qmake binary in \gui{Path to qmake}. \image qtcreator-qt4-qtversions.png \endlist \section1 Setting Up a Project To view and modify the settings for currently open projects, switch to the \gui Projects mode by pressing \key Ctrl+4. \image qtcreator-projectpane.png The project pane consists of the following tabs: \list \o Targets \o Editor Settings \o Dependencies \endlist Use the \gui Build and \gui Run buttons on *Desktop* to switch between the build and run settings for the active project. If you have multiple projects open in Qt Creator, use \gui{Select a Project} option at the top to navigate between different project edits. \section1 Build Settings Different build configurations allow you to quickly switch between different build settings. By default, Qt Creator creates \bold debug and \bold release build configurations. The \bold{debug} and \bold{release} build configurations both use the \l{glossary-default-qt}{default Qt version}. \image qtcreator-ppbuildsettings.png \section2 Adding and Removing Build Configurations To add a new build configuration, click \gui Add and select the type of configuration you would like to add. You can add as many build configurations as you need. To delete the build configuration currently selected, click \gui Remove. \section2 Editing Build Configurations To edit a build configuration: \list 1 \o Select the build configuration you want to edit in \gui{Edit Build Configuration}. \o In section \gui General, you can specify: \list \o The \l{glossary-project-qt}{Qt version} you want to use to build your project. For more information, see \l{Selecting the Qt version}. \o The toolchain required to build the project. \o If you want to \l{glossary-shadow-build}{shadow build} your project, check the \gui{Shadow Build} checkbox and select the build directory. \endlist \endlist \section2 Build Steps The build system of Qt Creator is built on qmake and make. In \gui{Build Steps} you can change the settings for qmake and make. Qt Creator runs the make command using the Qt version defined for the current build configuration. \section2 Clean Steps You can use the cleaning process to remove intermediate files. This process might help you to fix obscure issues during the process of building a project. You can define the cleaning steps for your builds in the \gui{Clean Steps}: \list \o To add a clean step using make or a custom process, click \gui{Add clean step} and select the type of step you want to add. By default, custom steps are disabled. Activate custom steps by checking the \gui{Enable Custom Process Step} check-box. \o To remove a clean step, click \gui{Remove clean step} and select the step you want to remove. \o To change the order of steps, click \inlineimage qtcreator-movestep.png . \endlist \section2 Build Environment You can specify the environment you want to use for building in the \bold{Build Environment} section. By default, the environment in which Qt Creator was started is used and modified to include the Qt version. Depending on the selected Qt version, Qt Creator automatically sets the necessary environment variables. You can edit existing environment variables or add, reset and unset new variables based on your project requirements. \section1 Run Settings Qt Creator automatically creates run configurations for your project. These run configurations derive their executable from the parsed .pro files. You can also create custom executable run configurations where you can set the executable to be run. \image qtcreator-pprunsettings.png \section1 File Encoding To define the default file encoding, select the desired encoding in the \gui{Editor Settings}. By default, the Qt Creator uses the file encoding used by your system. \section1 Dependencies If you have multiple projects loaded in your session, you can define the dependencies between them. Inter-project dependencies affect the build order of your projects. \note Inter-project dependencies are unrelated inside a qmake project. To define the dependencies between projects: \list 1 \o Select the project for which you want to configure dependencies. \o Check the checkboxes in the Dependencies section to select other projects as dependencies. \endlist \section1 Adding External Libraries to a qmake Project Through external libraries Qt Creator can support code completion and syntax highlighting as if they were part of the current project or the Qt library. To add an external library: \list \o Open your project file (.pro) using the \gui Projects pane. \o Follow the instructions at \l{http://doc.trolltech.com/latest/qmake-project-files.html#declaring-other-libraries} {Declaring other Libraries}. \endlist Syntax completion and highlighting work once your project successfully builds and links against the external library. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-quick-tour.html \page creator-getting-started.html \nextpage creator-writing-program.html \title Getting Started This section contains examples that illustrate how to use Qt Creator and the integrated design tools, \QD and \QMLD, to create simple applications: \list \o \l{Writing a Simple Program} \o \l{Creating an Animated Application} \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-writing-program.html \page creator-qml-application.html \nextpage creator-editor-using.html \title Creating an Animated Application \note This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with the \l {http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.7-snapshot/declarativeui.html} {QML declarative language}. This tutorial describes how to use Qt Creator to create a small animated Qt application, Hello World. \image qmldesigner-helloworld.png "Hello World" \section1 Creating the Hello World Project \note Create the project with the \gui{Help} mode active so that you can follow these instructions while you work. \list 1 \o Select \gui{File > New File or Project > Qt Quick Project > QML Application > OK}. \image qmldesigner-new-project.png "New File or Project dialog" The \gui{Introduction and Project Location} dialog opens. \image qmldesigner-new-project-location.png "Introduction and Project Location dialog" \o In the \gui{Name} field, type \bold {Hello World}. \o In the \gui {Create in} field, enter the path for the project files. For example, \c {C:\Qt\examples}, and then click \gui{Next}. The \gui{Project Management} dialog opens. \image qmldesigner-new-project-summary.png "Project Management dialog" \o Review the project settings, and click \gui{Finish} to create the project. \endlist The HelloWorld project now contains the following files: \list \o HelloWorld.qmlproject \o HelloWorld.qml \endlist \image qmldesigner-new-project-contents.png "HelloWorld project contents" The .qmlproject file defines that all QML, JavaScript, and image files in the project folder belong to the project. The .qml file contains some example code that specifies the screen size (200x200) and a label that contains the text \bold {Hello World}. \section1 Designing the User Interface \list \o In the \gui{Editor} mode, double-click the HelloWorld.qml file in the \gui{Projects} pane to open it in the code editor. \o To set the screen size to that of some Symbian devices in portrait mode, for example, change the \c height to \bold 240 and \c width to \bold 320. \o Click \gui{Design} to design the UI in the visual \QMLD editor. \o Drag and drop a \gui {Rectangle} from the \gui {Library} pane to the scene. \image qmldesigner-helloworld-widget-add.png "Add component to Hello World" \o Edit the \gui {Properties} of the component to turn it into a red ball: \list \o In the \gui {Colors} section, click the color picker to select a red color. \o In the \gui {Radius} field, use the slider to set the radius value to \bold 50. \image qmldesigner-helloworld-widget-edit.png "Edit the component" \endlist \o To create a blue ball, press \key {Ctrl+C} and \key {Ctrl+V} to copy and paste the red one, and then change its color to blue. \image qmldesigner-helloworld-base-state.png "Hello World first view" The first view of your application is now ready. \note You can use graphical design tools to create nice images and copy them to the projects folder to display them in the \gui {Library} pane in \gui {Resources}. \o In the \gui State pane, click the plus sign to add another view, or \e state to the application. \o Modify the state by dragging and dropping the widgets to switch their places. \image qmldesigner-helloworld-state1.png "Hello World second view" \endlist \section1 Animating the Scene Animate the scene so that the widgets appear to switch places on the screen. \list 1 \o Click \gui {Edit} to open HelloWorld.qml in the code editor. \o Add the following code to create a transition: \code transitions: [ Transition { NumberAnimation { properties: "x, y"; duration: 500 } } \endcode \note The code editor completes the code for you as you type. \o Click the \inlineimage qtcreator-run.png button to check that the application can be built and run. \endlist \section1 Adding Interaction Add interaction to the scene to allow users to click on the screen to start the animation. \list 1 \o Click \gui{Design} to open HelloWorld.qml in the visual editor. \o Drag and drop a \gui {Mouse Area} from the \gui {Library} to the scene. \o In the \gui {Properties} pane, \gui {Geometry} tab, click the \inlineimage qmldesigner-anchor-fill-screen.png button to make the mouse region cover the whole screen. \o In the code editor, use data binding to add a \c when statement to the states sections, as illustrated by the following code: \code states: [ State { name: "State1" when: mousearea1.pressed \endcode \endlist \section1 Buiding and Running the Application \list 1 \o Press \key {Ctrl+R} to build and run the application. \o Click the screen and keep the mouse button pressed down to run the animation. \endlist \note In the \gui {QML Viewer}, select \gui {Skin} and select a mobile device type to view the application as on a mobile device. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-getting-started.html \page creator-writing-program.html \nextpage creator-qml-application.html \title Writing a Simple Program \note This tutorial assumes that you have experience in writing basic Qt applications, using \QD to design user interfaces and using the Qt Resource System. This tutorial describes how to use Qt Creator to create a small Qt application, Text Finder. It is a simplified version of the QtUiTools \l{http://doc.trolltech.com/uitools-textfinder.html}{Text Finder} example. \image qtcreator-textfinder-screenshot.png \section1 Setting Up Your Environment Qt Creator automatically detects whether the location of Qt is in your \c PATH variable. If you have installed several Qt versions, follow the instructions in \l{Selecting the Qt version} to set the Qt path. \section1 Creating the Text Finder Project \note Create the project with the \gui{Help} mode active so that you can follow these instructions while you work. \list 1 \o Select \gui{File > New File or Project > Qt Application Project > Qt Gui Application > OK}. \image qtcreator-new-project.png "New File or Project dialog" The \gui{Introduction and Project Location} dialog opens. \image qtcreator-intro-and-location.png "Introduction and Project Location dialog" \o In the \gui{Name} field, type \bold {TextFinder}. \o In the \gui {Create in} field, enter the path for the project files. For example, \c {C:\Qt\examples}, and then click \gui{Next}. The \gui{Select Required Qt Versions} dialog opens. \image qtcreator-new-project-qt-versions.png "Select Required Qt Versions dialog" \o Click \gui{Next} to use the Qt version set in the path in your project. The \gui{Class Information} dialog opens. \image qtcreator-class-info.png "Class Information dialog" \o In the \gui{Class Name} field, type \bold {TextFinder} as the class name. \o In the \gui{Base Class} list, select \bold {QWidget} as the base class type. \note The \gui{Header File}, \gui{Source File} and \gui{Form File} fields are automatically updated to match the name of the class. \o Click \gui{Next}. The \gui{Project Management} dialog opens. \image qtcreator-new-project-summary.png "Project Management dialog" \o Review the project settings, and click \gui{Finish} to create the project. \endlist The TextFinder project now contains the following files: \list \o textfinder.h \o textfinder.cpp \o main.cpp \o textfinder.ui \o textfinder.pro \endlist \image qtcreator-textfinder-contents.png "TextFinder project contents" The .h and .cpp files come with the necessary boiler plate code. The .pro file is complete. \section1 Filling in the Missing Pieces Begin by designing the user interface and then move on to filling in the missing code. Finally, add the find functionality. \section2 Designing the User Interface \image qtcreator-textfinder-ui.png "Text Finder UI" \list 1 \o In the \gui{Editor} mode, double-click the textfinder.ui file in the \gui{Projects} view to launch the integrated \QD. \o Drag and drop the following widgets to the form: \list \o \gui{Label} (\l{http://doc.trolltech.com/qlabel.html}{QLabel}) \o \gui{Line Edit} (\l{http://doc.trolltech.com/qlineedit.html}{QLineEdit}) \o \gui{Push Button} (\l{http://doc.trolltech.com/qpushbutton.html}{QPushButton}) \endlist \image qtcreator-textfinder-ui-widgets.png "Adding widgets to Text Finder UI" \o Double-click the \gui{Label} widget and enter the text \bold{Keyword}. \o Double-click the \gui{Push Button} widget and enter the text \bold{Find}. \o Press \key {Ctrl+A} to select the widgets and click \gui{Lay out Horizontally} (or press \gui{Ctrl+H}) to apply a horizontal layout (\l{http://doc.trolltech.com/qhboxlayout.html}{QHBoxLayout}). \image qtcreator-texfinder-ui-horizontal-layout.png "Applying horizontal layout" \o Drag and drop a \gui{Text Edit} widget (\l{http://doc.trolltech.com/qtextedit.html}{QTextEdit}) to the form. \o Select the screen area and click \gui{Lay out Vertically} (or press \gui{Ctr+V}) to apply a vertical layout (\l{http://doc.trolltech.com/qvboxlayout.html}{QVBoxLayout}). \image qtcreator-textfinder-ui.png "Text Finder UI" \o Press \gui{Ctrl+S} to save your changes. \endlist Applying the horizontal and vertical layouts ensures that the application UI scales to different screen sizes. For more information about designing forms with \QD, see the \l{http://doc.trolltech.com/designer-manual.html}{Qt Designer Manual}. \section2 Completing the Header File The textfinder.h file already has the necessary #includes, a constructor, a destructor, and the \c{Ui} object. You need to add a private slot, \c{on_findButton_clicked()}, to carry out the find operation. You also need a private function, \c{loadTextFile()}, to read and display the contents of the input text file in the \l{http://doc.trolltech.com/qtextedit.html}{QTextEdit}. \list 1 \o In the \gui{Projects} view, double-click the \c{textfinder.h} file to open it for editing. \o Add a private slot in a \c{private slots} section and a private function in the \c{private} section, after the \c{Ui::TextFinder} function, as illustrated by the following code snippet: \snippet examples/textfinder/textfinder.h 0 \endlist \section2 Completing the Source File Now that the header file is complete, move on to the source file, textfinder.cpp. \list 1 \o In the \gui{Projects} view, double-click the textfinder.cpp file to open it for editing. \o Add code to load a text file using \l{http://doc.trolltech.com/qfile.html}{QFile}, read it with \l{http://doc.trolltech.com/qtextstream.html}{QTextStream}, and then display it on \c{textEdit} with \l{http://doc.trolltech.com/qtextedit.html#plainText-prop}{setPlainText()} This is illustrated by the following code snippet: \snippet examples/textfinder/textfinder.cpp 0 \o To use \l{http://doc.trolltech.com/qfile.html}{QFile} and \l{http://doc.trolltech.com/qtextstream.html}{QTextStream}, add the following #includes to textfinder.cpp: \snippet examples/textfinder/textfinder.cpp 1 \o For the \c{on_findButton_clicked()} slot, add code to extract the search string and use the \l{http://doc.trolltech.com/qtextedit.html#find}{find()} function to look for the search string within the text file. This is illustrated by the following code snippet: \snippet examples/textfinder/textfinder.cpp 2 \o Once both of these functions are complete, add a line to call \c{loadTextFile()} in the constructor, as illustrated by the following code snippet: \snippet examples/textfinder/textfinder.cpp 3 \endlist The \c{on_findButton_clicked()} slot is called automatically in the uic generated ui_textfinder.h file by this line of code: \code QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName(TextFinder); \endcode \section2 Creating a Resource File You need a resource file (.qrc) within which you embed the input text file. The input file can be any .txt file with a paragraph of text. Create a text file called input.txt and store it in the textfinder folder. To add a resource file: \list 1 \o Select \gui{File > New File or Project > Qt > Qt Resource File > OK}. \image qtcreator-add-resource-wizard.png "New File or Project dialog" The \gui {Choose the Location} dialog opens. \image qtcreator-add-resource-wizard2.png "Choose the Location dialog" \o In the \gui{Name} field, enter \bold{textfinder}. \o In the \gui{Path} field, enter \c{C:\Qt\examples\TextFinder}, and click \gui{Next}. The \gui{Project Management} dialog opens. \image qtcreator-add-resource-wizard3.png "Project Management dialog" \o In the \gui{Add to project} field, select \bold{TextFinder.pro} and click \gui{Finish} to open the file in the code editor. \o Select \gui{Add > Add Prefix}. \o In the \gui{Prefix} field, replace the default prefix with a slash (/). \o Select \gui{Add > Add Files}, to locate and add input.txt. \image qtcreator-add-resource.png "Editing resource files" \endlist \section1 Compiling and Running Your Program Now that you have all the necessary files, click the \inlineimage qtcreator-run.png button to compile your program. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-debugging.html \page creator-version-control.html \nextpage adding-plugins.html \title Using Version Control Systems Version control systems supported by Qt Creator are: \table \header \i \bold{Version Control System} \i \bold{Address} \i \bold{Notes} \row \i \bold{git} \i \l{http://git-scm.com/} \i \row \i \bold{Subversion} \i \l{http://subversion.tigris.org/} \i \row \i \bold{Perforce} \i \l{http://www.perforce.com} \i Server version 2006.1 and later \row \i \bold{CVS} \i \l{http://www.cvshome.org} \i \row \i \bold{Mercurial} \i \l{http://mercurial.selenic.com/} \i Qt Creator 2.0 and later \endtable \section1 Setting Up Version Control Systems Qt Creator uses the version control system's command line clients to access your repositories. To set up the version control system's command line clients to access your repositories, ensure that the command line clients can be located using the \c{PATH} environment variable. To specify the path to the command line client's executable, go to the settings pages in \gui{Tools} > \gui{Options...}. \section1 Setting Up Common Options Select \gui{Tools} > \gui{Options...} > \gui{Version Control} > \gui{Common} to view the common settings for version control systems. The following are the options present in \gui{Common}: \list \o \gui{Submit message checking script} is a script or program that can be used to perform checks on the submit message before submitting. The submit message is passed in as the script's first parameter. If there is an error, the script should output a message on standard error and return a non-zero exit code. \o \gui{User/alias configuration file} takes a file in mailmap format that lists user names and aliases. For example: \code Jon Doe <Jon.Doe@company.com> Hans Mustermann <Hans.Mustermann@company.com> hm <info@company.com> \endcode \note The second line above specifies the alias \e{hm} and the corresponding email address for \e{Hans Mustermann}. If the user/alias configuration file is present, the submit editor displays a context menu with \gui{Insert name...} that pops up a dialog letting the user select a name. \o \gui{User fields configuration file} is a simple text file consisting of lines specifying submit message fields that take user names, for example: \code Reviewed-by: Signed-off-by: \endcode \endlist The fields above appear below the submit message. They provide completion for the aliases/public user names specified in the \e{User/alias configuration file} as well as a button that opens the aforementioned user name dialog. \section1 Using Version Control Systems The version control sub-menus are in \gui{Tools} > \gui{Options...} > \gui{Version Control}. The \gui{Version Control} page also displays the version control system managing the current project Each version control system adds a pane to the \gui{Application Output} panes within which it logs the commands it executes, prepended by a timestamp and the relevant output. \image qtcreator-vcs-pane.png \section2 Addings Files When you create a new file or a new project, the wizard displays a page asking whether the files should be added to a version control system. This happens when the parent directory or the project is already under version control and the system supports the concept of adding files, for example, \bold{Perforce} and \bold{Subversion}. Alternatively, you can add files later by using the version control tool menus. With \bold{git}, there is no concept of adding files. Instead, all modified files must be staged for a commit. \section2 Viewing Diff Output All version control systems provide menu options to \e{diff} the current file or project: to compare it with the latest version stored in the repository and to display the differences. In Qt Creator, a diff is displayed in a read-only editor. If the file is accessible, you can double-click on a selected diff chunk and Qt Creator opens an editor displaying the file, scrolled to the line in question. \image qtcreator-vcs-diff.png \section2 Annotating Files Annotation views are obtained by selecting \gui{Annotate} or \gui{Blame}. Selecting \gui{Annotate} or \gui{Blame} displays the lines of the file prepended by the change identifier they originate from. Clicking on the change identifier shows a detailed description of the file. To show the annotation of a previous version in the \gui Annotate or \gui Blame view, right-click on the version in the code. This option allows you to navigate through the history of the file and obtain the previous version of the code. This option also works for \gui git/hg using SHA. The file log view for a single file has \gui Annotate in the context menu of the version mentioned in the log, the user can right-click a line to open a context menu which contains \gui{Annotate Previous}. To set up a VCS repository for new projects, select \gui File > \gui{New File or Project...}. Setting up a VCS repository for new projects enables you to initialize a repository for VCS that supports \bold{git/hg}. \section2 Committing Changes Once you have finished making changes, submit them to the version control system by choosing \gui{Commit} or \gui{Submit}. Qt Creator displays a commit page containing a text editor where you can enter your commit message and a checkable list of modified files to be included. When you have finished filling out the commit page information, click on \gui{Commit} to start committing. The \gui{Diff Selected Files} button brings up a diff view of the files selected in the file list. Since the commit page is just another editor, you can go back to it by closing the diff view. You can also check a diff view from the editor combo box showing the \gui{Opened files}. \image qtcreator-vcs-commit.png \section2 Viewing Versioning History and Change Details Display the versioning history of a file by selecting \gui{Log} (for \bold{git}) or \gui{Filelog}(for \bold{Perforce} and \bold{Subversion}). Typically, the log output contains the date, the commit message, and a change or revision identifier. Click on the identifier to display a description of the change including the diff. \image qtcreator-vcs-log.png \image qtcreator-vcs-describe.png \section2 Using git-specific Menu Entries The git sub-menu contains additional entries: \table \row \i \gui{Stash} \i Stash local changes prior to executing a \bold{pull}. \row \i \gui{Pull} \i Pull changes from the remote repository. If there are locally modified files, you are prompted to stash those changes. \row \i \gui{Branches...} \i Displays the branch dialog showing the local branches at the top and remote branches at the bottom. To switch to the local branch, double-click on it. Double-clicking on a remote branch first creates a local branch with the same name that tracks the remote branch, and then switches to it. \image qtcreator-vcs-gitbranch.png \endtable */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-editor-refactoring.html \page creator-editor-locator.html \nextpage creator-project-managing.html \title Searching With the Locator The locator provides one of the easiest ways in Qt Creator to browse through projects, files, classes, methods, documentation and file systems. You can find the locator in the bottom left of the Qt Creator window. To activate the locator, press \key Ctrl+K (\key Cmd+K on Mac OS X) or select \gui Tools > \gui Locate.... \image qtcreator-locator.png To edit the currently open project's main.cpp file using the locator: \list 1 \o Activate the locator by pressing \key Ctrl+K. \o Enter \tt{main.cpp}. \image qtcreator-locator-open.png \o Press \key Return. The main.cpp file opens in the editor. \endlist It is also possible to enter only a part of a search string. As you type, the locator shows the occurrences of that string regardless of where in the name of an component it appears. To narrow down the search results, you can use the following wildcard characters: \list \o To match any number of any or no characters, enter \bold{*}. \o To match a single instance of any character, enter \bold{?}. \endlist \section1 Using the Locator Filters The \gui Locator allows you to browse not only files, but any items defined by \bold{locator filters}. By default, the locator contains filters which locate: \list \o Any open document \o Files anywhere on your file system \o Files belonging to your project, such as source, header resource, and .ui files \o Class and method definitions in your project or anywhere referenced from your project \o Help topics, including Qt documentation \o Specific line in the document displayed in your editor \endlist To use a specific locator filter, type the assigned prefix followed by \key Space. The prefix is usually a single character. For example, to locate symbols matching \l{http://doc.trolltech.com/qdatastream.html}{QDataStream:} \list 1 \o Activate the locator. \o Enter \tt{\bold{: QDataStream}} (: (colon) followed by a \key Space and the symbol name (QDataStream)). The locator lists the results. \image qtcreator-navigate-popup.png \endlist By default the following filters are enabled and you do not need to use their prefixes explicitly: \list \o Going to a line in the current file (l). \o Going to an open file (o). \o Going to a file in any open project (a). \endlist \section2 Using the Default Locator Filters The following locator filters are available by default: \table \header \o Function \o Enter in locator \o Example \row \o Go to a line in the current file. \o \tt{\bold{l \e{Line number}}} \o \image qtcreator-locator-line.png \row \o Go to a symbol definition. \o \tt{\bold{: \e{Symbol name}}} \o \image qtcreator-locator-symbols.png \row \o Go to a help topic. \o \tt{\bold{? \e{Help topic}}} \o \image qtcreator-locator-help.png \row \o Go to an open file. \o \tt{\bold{o \e{File name}}} \o \image qtcreator-locator-opendocs.png \row \o Go to a file in the file system (browse the file system). \o \tt{\bold{f \e{File name}}} \o \image qtcreator-locator-filesystem.png \row \o Go to a file in any project currently open. \o \tt{\bold{a \e{File name}}} \o \image qtcreator-locator-files.png \row \o Go to a file in the current project. \o \tt{\bold{p \e{File name}}} \o \image qtcreator-locator-current-project.png \row \o Go to a class definition. \o \tt{\bold{c \e{Class name}}} \o \image qtcreator-locator-classes.png \row \o Go to a method definition. \o \tt{\bold{m \e{Method name}}} \o \image qtcreator-locator-methods.png \endtable \section2 Creating Locator Filters To quickly access files not directly mentioned in your project, you can create your own locator filters. That way you can locate files in a directory structure you have defined. To create a locator filter: \list 1 \o In the locator, click \inlineimage qtcreator-locator-magnify.png and select \gui Configure.... \image qtcreator-locator-customize.png \o In the \gui Options window click \gui Add. \o In the \gui{Filter Configuration} dialog: \list \o Name your filter. \o Select at least one directory. The locator searches directories recursively. \o Define the file pattern as a comma separated list. For example, to search all .h and .cpp files, enter \bold{*.h,*.cpp} \o Specify the prefix string. To show only results matching this filter, select \gui{Limit to prefix}. \image qtcreator-navigate-customfilter.png \endlist \o Click OK. \endlist \section3 Configuring the Locator Cache The locator searches the files matching your file pattern in the directories you have selected and caches that information. The cache for all default filters is updated as you write your code. The filters you have created Qt Creator by default updates once an hour. To update the cached information manually, click \inlineimage qtcreator-locator-magnify.png and select \gui Refresh. To set a new cache update time: \list 1 \o Select \gui Tools > \gui Options... > \gui Locator. \o In \gui{Refresh interval} define new time in minutes. \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-project-generic.html \page creator-project-managing-sessions.html \nextpage creator-visual-editor.html \title Managing Sessions In Qt Creator, a session is a collection of: \list \o Open projects with their dependencies \o Open editors \o Breakpoints and watches \o Bookmarks \endlist When you launch Qt Creator, a list of existing sessions is displayed on the \gui{Welcome screen}. \image qtcreator-welcome-session.png To switch between sessions, select the session from sessions listed in \gui File > \gui Session. If you do not create or select a session, Qt Creator always uses the default session. To create a new session or remove existing sessions, select \gui File > \gui Sessions > \gui{Session Manager}. \image qtcreator-session-manager.png */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-usability.html \page creator-debugging.html \nextpage creator-version-control.html \title Debugging \section1 About Debugging with Qt Creator Qt Creator does not have its own debugger. Qt Creator provides a graphical frontend to the following: \table \header \o Platform \o Compiler \o Debugger Engine \row \o Linux, Unixes, Mac OS \o gcc \o GNU Symbolic Debugger (gdb) \row \o Windows/MinGW \o gcc \o GNU Symbolic Debugger (gdb) \row \o Windows \o Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler \o Debugging Tools for Windows/Microsoft Console Debugger (CDB) \endtable The frontend allows you to: \list \o Go through a program line-by-line or instruction-by-instruction. \o Interrupt running programs. \o Set breakpoints. \o Examine the contents of the call stack, local and global variables, etc. \endlist Qt Creator displays the raw information provided by the engine in a clear and concise manner. This simplifies the debugging process. Qt Creator comes with generic IDE functionality: stack view, views for locals and watchers, registers, etc. In addition, Qt Creator includes features to make debugging Qt-based applications easy. The debugger frontend understands the internal layout of several Qt classes, for example, QString, the QTL containers, and most importantly QObject (and classes derived from it), as well as most containers of the C++ Standard Library. The debugger can present its contents in a useful way. \section1 Debugger Engine Installation Notes \table \header \o Debugger engine \o Notes \row \o Gdb \o Requires gdb version 6.8 on Linux. On Mac OS X, please install the latest available Xcode available for your OS version. \row \o Debugging tools for Windows \o Using this engine requires you to install the \e{Debugging tools for Windows} \l{http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/debugging/installx86.Mspx}{32-bit} or \l{http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/debugging/install64bit.Mspx}{64-bit} package (Version for the 32-bit or the 64-bit version of Qt Creator, respectively), which is freely available for download from the \l{http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/default.aspx} {Microsoft Developer Network}. The pre-built \e{Qt SDK for Windows} makes use of the library if it is present on the system. When building Qt Creator using the Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler, the \c{"%ProgramFiles%\Debugging Tools for Windows"} path is checked to ensure that all required header files are there. \row \o Debugging tools for Mac OS X \o The Qt binary distribution contains both debug and release variants of the libraries. But you have to explicitly tell the runtime linker that you want to use the debug libraries even if your application is compiled as debug as release is the default library. If you use a qmake based project in Qt Creator, you can set a flag in your run configuration, in Projects mode. In the run configuration, select \gui{Use debug version of frameworks}. For more detailed information about debugging on the Mac, refer: \l http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/technotes/tn2004/tn2124.html \note The Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6) has a bug, that can be worked around as described in the link provided below: \l http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-4962. \endtable \section1 Interaction with the Debugger In \gui Debug mode, several dock widgets are used to interact with the program you are debugging. Frequently-used dock widgets are visible by default and rarely-used ones are hidden. To change the default settings, select \gui Debug > \gui View, and then select an option to lock or unlock the location of the dock widgets or display or hide them. The position of your dock widgets is saved for future sessions. \section2 Usage of the Debugger To start a program under the debugger's control, select \gui{Debug} > \gui{Start Debugging} > \gui{Start Debugging}, or press \key{F5}. Qt Creator checks whether the compiled program is up-to-date, rebuilding it if necessary. The debugger then takes over and starts the program. \note Starting a program in the debugger can take a considerable amount of time, typically in the range of several seconds to minutes if complex features (like QtWebKit) are used. Once the program starts running, it behaves and performs as usual. The user can interrupt a running program by selecting \gui {Interrupt} from the \gui{Debug} menu. The program is automatically interrupted as soon as a breakpoint is hit. Once the program stops, Qt Creator: \list \o Retrieves data representing the call stack at the program's current position. \o Retrieves the contents of local variables. \o Examines \gui Watchers. \o Updates the \gui Registers, \gui Modules, and \gui Disassembler views. \endlist You can use the debugger views to examine the data in more detail. To finish debugging, press \key{Shift+F5}. You can execute a line of code as a whole with \key{F10}. To step into a function or a sub-function, use \key{F11}. You can also continue running the program with \key{F5}. It is also possible to continue executing the program until the current function completes or jump to an arbitrary position in the current function. \section2 Breakpoints A breakpoint represents a position or sets of positions in the code that, when executed, interrupts the program being debugged and passes the control to the user. The user is then free to examine the state of the interrupted program, or continue execution either line-by-line or continuously Qt Creator shows breakpoints in the \gui{Breakpoints} view which is enabled by default. The \gui{Breakpoints} view is also accessible when the debugger and the program being debugged is not running. Typically, breakpoints are associated with a source code file and line, or the start of a function -- both are allowed in Qt Creator. The interruption of a program by a breakpoint can be restricted with certain conditions. You can set a breakpoint: \list \o At a particular line you want the program to stop -- click on the left margin or press \key F9 (\key F8 for Mac OS X). \o At a function that you want the program to interrupt -- enter the function's name in \gui{Set Breakpoint at Function...} located in the context menu of the breakpoints view. \endlist \note You can remove a breakpoint: \list \o By clicking on the breakpoint marker in the text editor. \o By selecting the breakpoint in the breakpoint view and pressing \key{Delete}. \o By selecting \gui{Delete Breakpoint} from the breakpoint's context menu in the \gui Breakpoints view. \endlist Breakpoints can be set and deleted before the program has actually started running or while it is running under the debugger's control. Also, breakpoints are saved together with a session. \section2 Stack When the program being debugged is interrupted, Qt Creator displays the nested function calls leading to the current position as a call stack trace. This stack trace is built up from call stack frames, each representing a particular function. For each function, Qt Creator tries to retrieve the file name and line number of the corresponding source file. This data is shown in the \gui Stack view. \image qtcreator-debug-stack.png Since the call stack leading to the current position may originate or go through code for which no debug information is available, not all stack frames have corresponding source locations. Stack frames without corresponding source locations are grayed out in the \gui{Stack} view. If you click on a frame with a known source location, the text editor jumps to the corresponding location and updates the \gui{Locals and Watchers} view, making it seem like the program was interrupted before entering the function. \section2 Threads If a multi-threaded program is interrupted, the \gui Thread view or the combobox named \gui Thread in the debugger's status bar can be used to switch from one thread to another. The \gui Stack view adjusts itself accordingly. \section2 Modules View and Source Files View The \gui{Modules} view and \gui{Source Files} view display the debugger's idea. By default, the \gui{Modules} view and \gui{Source Files} view are hidden. \section2 Disassembler View and Registers View The \gui{Disassembler} view displays disassembled code for the current function. The \gui{Registers} view displays the current state of the CPU's registers. The \gui{Disassembler} view and the \gui{Registers} view are both useful for low-level commands such as \gui{Step Single Instruction} and \gui{Step Over Single Instruction}. By default, both \gui{Disassembler} and \gui{Registers} view are hidden. \section2 Locals and Watchers Whenever a program stops under the control of the debugger, it retrieves information about the topmost stack frame and displays it in the \gui{Locals and Watchers} view. The \gui{Locals and Watchers} view typically includes information about parameters of the function in that frame as well as the local variables. Compound variables of struct or class type are displayed as "expandable" in the view. Click on the "+" to expand the entry and show all members. Together with the display of value and type, the user can examine and traverse the low-level layout of an object's data. \table \row \i \bold{Note:} \row \i Gdb, and therefore Qt Creator's debugger works for optimized builds on Linux and Mac OS X. Optimization can lead to re-ordering of instructions or removal of some local variables, causing the \gui{Locals and Watchers} view to show unexpected data. \row \i The debug information provided by gcc does not include enough information about the time when a variable is initialized. Therefore, Qt Creator can not tell whether the contents of a local variable contains "real data", or "initial noise". If a QObject appears uninitialized, its value is reported as "out of scope". Not all uninitialized objects, however, can be recognized as such. \endtable The \gui{Locals and Watchers} view also provides access to the most powerful feature of the debugger: comprehensive display of data belonging to Qt's basic objects. To enable Qt's basic objects data display feature: \list \o Check \gui{Use debugging helper} checkbox from \gui Tools > \gui {Options...} > \gui Debugger > \gui{Debugging Helper}. \o The \gui{Locals and Watchers} view is re-organized to provide a high-level view of the objects. \endlist See example, in case of QObject, instead of displaying a pointer to some private data structure, you see a list of children, signals and slots. Similarly, instead of displaying many pointers and integers, Qt Creator's debugger displays the contents of a QHash or QMap in an orderly manner. Also, the debugger displays access data for QFileInfo and provides access to the "real" contents of QVariant. The \gui{Locals and Watchers} view can be used to change the contents of variables of simple data types, for example, \c int or \c float when the program is interrupted. To do so, click on the \gui Value column, modify the value with the inplace editor, and hit \key Enter (or \key Return). \note The set of watched items is saved in your session. \section1 Walkthrough for the Debugger Frontend The \l{Writing a simple program}{TextFinder} example reads a text file into QString and then displays it with QTextEdit. If you want to look at the example's QString, \c{line}, and see the stored data, you must place a breakpoint and view the QString object's data. Perform the following steps: \table \row \i \inlineimage qtcreator-setting-breakpoint1.png \i \bold{Setting a Breakpoint} \list 1 \o Click in between the line number and the window border on the line where we invoke \l{http://doc.trolltech.com/qtextedit.html#plainText-prop}{setPlainText()} to set a breakpoint. \o Select \gui{Start Debugging} from the \gui{Debug} menu or press \key{F5}. \endlist \row \i \inlineimage qtcreator-setting-breakpoint2.png \i \bold{Viewing and removing breakpoints} Breakpoints are visible in the \gui{Breakpoints} view in \gui{Debug} mode. To remove a breakpoint, right-click on it and select \gui{Delete breakpoint} from the context menu. \row \i \inlineimage qtcreator-watcher.png \i \bold{Viewing Locals and Watchers} To view the contents of \c{line}, go to the \gui{Locals and Watchers} view. \endtable If you modify your \c{on_findButton_clicked()} function to move back to the start of the document and continue searching once the cursor hits the end of the document. You can add the restart from beginning functionality with the following code snippet: \code void TextFinder::on_findButton_clicked() { QString searchString = ui->lineEdit->text(); QTextDocument *document = ui->textEdit->document(); QTextCursor cursor = ui->textEdit->textCursor(); cursor = document->find(searchString, cursor, QTextDocument::FindWholeWords); ui->textEdit->setTextCursor(cursor); bool found = cursor.isNull(); if (!found && previouslyFound) { int ret = QMessageBox::question(this, tr("End of Document"), tr("I have reached the end of the document. Would you like " "me to start searching from the beginning of the document?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes); if (ret == QMessageBox::Yes) { cursor = document->find(searchString, QTextDocument::FindWholeWords); ui->textEdit->setTextCursor(cursor); } else return; } previouslyFound = found; } \endcode If you compile and run the above code, however, the application does not work correctly due to a logic error. To locate this logic error, step through the code using the following buttons: \image qtcreator-debugging-buttons.png \section1 Setting the Symbol Server in Windows To obtain debugging information for the operating system libraries for debugging Windows applications, the Symbol Server provided by Microsoft has to be added to the symbol search path of the debugger: \list 1 \o Select \gui Tools > \gui{Options...} > \gui Debugger > \gui Cdb \o Click \inlineimage qtcreator-serverbutton.png located next to the \gui{Insert...} button of the Symbol paths field and select \gui{Symbol Server...} \o Select a directory where you want to store the cached information and click \gui OK. \endlist \section1 Debugging Helper Library with C++ While debugging, Qt Creator dynamically loads a helper library into your program. This helper library enables Qt Creator to pretty print Qt and STL types. The Qt SDK package already contains a prebuilt debugging helper library. To create an own debugging helper library, select \gui{Tools} > \gui{Options...} > \gui{Qt4} > \gui{Qt Versions}. As the internal data structures of Qt can change between versions, the debugging helper library is built for each Qt version. \section1 Debugging Helper Library with Python Using a gdb version that has Python scripting available it is possible to use Debugging Helpers also for user defined types. All that is needed is to define one Python function per user defined type in \c{.gdbinit}. The function's name has to be qdump__NS__Foo where NS::Foo is the class or class template to be examined. Nested namespaces are possible. Qt Creator's debugger integration calls this function whenever you want to display an object of this type. The function is passed the following parameters: \list \o 'd' of type 'Dumper' \o 'item' of type 'Item' \endlist The function has to feed the Dumper object with certain information which is used to build up the object and its children's display in the \gui{Locals and Watchers} view. Example: \code def qdump__QVector(d, item): d_ptr = item.value["d"] p_ptr = item.value["p"] alloc = d_ptr["alloc"] size = d_ptr["size"] check(0 <= size and size <= alloc and alloc <= 1000 * 1000 * 1000) check(d_ptr["ref"]["_q_value"] > 0) innerType = item.value.type.template_argument(0) d.putItemCount(size) d.putNumChild(size) if d.isExpanded(item): p = gdb.Value(p_ptr["array"]).cast(innerType.pointer()) d.beginChildren([size, 2000], innerType) for i in d.childRange(): d.safePutItem(Item(p.dereference(), item.iname, i)) p += 1 d.endChildren() \endcode \section2 The 'Item' Python class is a thin wrapper around values corresponding to one line in the \gui{Locals and Watchers} view. The 'Item' members are as follows : \list \o \gui{__init__(self, value, parentiname, iname, name = None)} - A constructor. The object's internal name is created by concatenating \c parentiname and \c iname. If \c None is passed as \c name, a serial number is used. \o \gui{value} - An object of type gdb.Value representing the value to be displayed. \o \gui{iname} - The internal name of the object, constituting a dot-separated list of identifiers, corresponding to the position of the object's representation in the view. \o \gui{name} - An optional name. If given, is used in the \gui{name} column of the view. If not, a simple number in brackets is used instead. \endlist \section2 For each line in the \gui{Locals and Watchers} view, a string like the following needs to be created and channeled to Creator's debugger plugin. \code "{iname='some internal name', addr='object address in memory', name='contents of the name column', value='contents of the value column', type='contents of the type column', numchild='number of children', // zero/nonzero is sufficient childtype='default type of children', // optional childnumchild='default number of grandchildren', // optional children=[ // only needed if item is expanded in view {iname='internal name of first child', ... }, {iname='internal name of second child', ... }, ... ]}" \endcode While in theory, you can build up the entire string above manually, it is easier to employ the 'Dumper' Python class for that purpose. The 'Dumper' Python class contains a complete framework to take care of the 'iname' and 'addr' fields, to handle children of simple types, references, pointers, enums, known and unknown structs as well as some convenience methods to handle common situations. The 'Dumper' members are the following: \list \o \gui{__init__(self)} - Initializes the output to an empty string and empties the child stack. \o \gui{put(self, value)} - Low level method to directly append to the output string. \o \gui{putCommaIfNeeded(self)} - Appends a comma if the current output ends in '}', '"' or ']' . \o \gui{putField(self, name, value)} - Appends a comma if needed, and a name='value' field. \o \gui{beginHash(self)} - Appends a comma if needed and a '{', marking the begin of a set of fields. \o \gui{endHash(self)} - Appends a '}', marking the end of a set of fields. \o \gui{beginItem(self, name)} - Starts writing a field by writing \c {name='}. \o \gui{endItem(self)} - Ends writing a field by writing \c {'}. \o \gui{beginChildren(self, numChild_ = 1, childType_ = None, childNumChild_ = None)} - Starts writing a list of \c numChild children, with type \c childType_ and \c childNumChild_ grandchildren each. If \c numChild_ is a list of two integers, the first one specifies the actual number of children and the second the maximum number of children to print. \o \gui{endChildren(self)} - Ends writing a list of children. \o \gui{childRange(self)} - Return the range of children specified in \c beginChildren. \o \gui{putItemCount(self, count)} - Appends a field \c {value='<%d items'} to the output. \o \gui{putEllipsis(self)} - Appends fields \c {'{name="<incomplete>",value="",type="",numchild="0"}'}. This is automatically done by \c endChildren if the number of children to print is smaller than the number of actual children. \o \gui{putName(self, name)} - Appends a \c {name='...'} field. \o \gui{putType(self, type)} - Appends a field \c {type='...'} unless the \a type coincides with the parent's default child type. \o \gui{putNumChild(self, numchild)} - Appends a field \c {numchild='...'} unless the \c numchild coincides with the parent's default child numchild value. \o \gui{putValue(self, value, encoding = None)} - Append a file \c {value='...'}, optionally followed by a field \c {valueencoding='...'}. The \c value needs to be convertible to a string entirely consisting of alphanumerical values. The \c encoding parameter can be used to specify the encoding in case the real value had to be encoded in some way to meet the alphanumerical-only requirement. Currently the following encodings are supported: \list \o 0: unencoded 8 bit data, interpreted as Latin1. \o 1: base64 encoded 8 bit data, used for QByteArray, double quotes are added. \o 2: base64 encoded 16 bit data, used for QString, double quotes are added. \o 3: base64 encoded 32 bit data, double quotes are added. \o 4: base64 encoded 16 bit data, without quotes (see 2) \o 5: base64 encoded 8 bit data, without quotes (see 1) \o 6: %02x encoded 8 bit data (as with \c QByteArray::toHex), double quotes are added. \o 7: %04x encoded 16 bit data (as with \c QByteArray::toHex), double quotes are added. \endlist \o \gui{putStringValue(self, value)} - Encodes a QString and calls \c putValue with the correct \c encoding setting. \o \gui{putByteArrayValue(self, value)} - Encodes a QByteArray and calls \c putValue with the corrent \c encoding setting. \o \gui{isExpanded(self, item)} - Checks whether the item with the internal name \c item.iname is expanded in the view. \o \gui{isExpandedIName(self, iname)} - Checks whether the item with the internal name \c iname is expanded in the view. \o \gui{putIntItem(self, name, value)} - Equivalent to: \code self.beginHash() self.putName(name) self.putValue(value) self.putType("int") self.putNumChild(0) self.endHash() \endcode \o \gui{putBoolItem(self, name, value)} - Equivalent to: \code self.beginHash() self.putName(name) self.putValue(value) self.putType("bool") self.putNumChild(0) self.endHash() \endcode \o \gui{pushOutput(self)} - Moves the output string to a safe location from with it is sent to the frontend even if further operations raise an exception. \o \gui{putCallItem(self, name, item, func)} - Uses gdb to call the function \c func on the value specified by \a {item.value} and output the resulting item. This function is not available when debugging core dumps and it is not available on the Symbian platform due to restrictions imposed by AppTRK. \o \gui{putItemHelper(self, item)} - The "master function", handling basic types, references, pointers and enums directly, iterates over base classes and class members of compound types and calls \c qdump__* functions whenever appropriate. \o \gui{putItem(self, item)} - Equivalent to: self.beginHash() self.putItemHelper(item) self.endHash() \o \gui{safePutItemHelper(self, item)} - Calls \c putItemHelper(self, item). If an exception is raised, catch it, and replace all output produced by \c putItemHelper with the output of \code self.putName(item.name) self.putValue("<invalid>") self.putType(str(item.value.type)) self.putNumChild(0) self.beginChildren() self.endChildren() \endcode \o \gui{safePutItem(self, item)} - Equivalent to self.beginHash() self.safePutItemHelper(item) self.endHash() \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-project-qmake.html \page creator-project-cmake.html \nextpage creator-project-generic.html \title Setting Up a CMake Project Since Qt Creator 1.1, support for \c CMake project files is available. Qt Creator 1.3 supports the Microsoft Toolchain if the CMake version is at least 2.8. You can set the path for the \c CMake executable in \gui{Tools} > \gui{Options...} > \gui{CMake} > \gui{CMake}. \image qtcreator-cmakeexecutable.png \note Before you open a \c CMake project it is necessary to modify the \c{PATH} environment variable to include the bin folders of \c mingw and Qt Creator in the SDK. For instance, if you have the Qt Creator SDK installed in your C drive, use the following command to set the environment variables in the command line prompt: \code set PATH=C:\qtsdk\mingw\bin;C:\qtsdk\qt\bin; \endcode Then start Qt Creator by typing: \code C:\qtsdk\bin\qtcreator.exe \endcode \section1 Opening CMake Projects To open a \c CMake project: \list 1 \o Select \gui{File} > \gui{Open File or Project...} \o Select the \c{CMakeLists.txt} file from your \c CMake project \endlist A wizard guides you with the rest of the process. \note If the \c CMake project does not have an in-place build, Qt Creator lets you specify the directory in which the project is built (\l{glossary-shadow-build}{shadow build}). \image qtcreator-cmake-import-wizard1.png The screenshot below shows how you can specify command line arguments to \c CMake for your project. \image qtcreator-cmake-import-wizard2.png Normally, there is no need to pass any command line arguments for projects that are already built, as \c CMake caches that information. \section1 Building CMake Projects Qt Creator builds \c CMake projects by running \c make, \c mingw32-make, or \c nmake depending on your platform. The build errors and warnings are parsed and displayed in the \gui{Build Issues} output pane. By default, Qt Creator builds the \bold{all} target. You can specify which targets to build in \gui{Project} mode, under \gui{Build Settings}. \image qtcreator-cmake-build-settings.png Qt Creator supports multiple build configurations. The build directory can also be modified after the initial import. \section1 Running CMake Projects Qt Creator automatically adds \gui{Run Configurations} for all targets specified in the \c CMake project file. Known issues for the current version can be found \l{Known Issues of version 1.3.82}{here}. \section1 Adding External Libraries to a CMake Project Through external libraries Qt Creator can support code completion and syntax highlighting as if they were part of the current project or the Qt library. Qt Creator detects the external libraries using the \c FIND_PACKAGE() macro. Some libraries come with the CMake installation. You can find those in the \bold{Modules} directory of your CMake installation. \note If you provide your own libraries, you also need to provide your own \c FindFoo.cmake file. For more information, see \l{http://vtk.org/Wiki/CMake_FAQ#Writing_FindXXX.cmake_files}{CMake FAQ}. Syntax completion and highlighting work once your project successfully builds and links against the external library. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-project-cmake.html \page creator-project-generic.html \nextpage creator-project-managing-sessions.html \title Setting Up a Generic Project Qt Creator supports generic projects, so you can import existing projects that do not use qmake or CMake and Qt Creator ignores your build system. Generic project support allows you to use Qt Creator as a code editor. You can change the way your project is built by modifying the \c make command in the \gui{Projects} mode under \gui{Build Settings}. When you import a project, Qt Creator creates the following files that allow you to specify which files belong to your project and which include directories or defines you want to pass to your compile: \tt{.files}, \tt{.includes}, and \tt{.config}. \section1 Importing a Generic Project To import an existing generic project: \list 1 \o Select \gui File > \gui{New File or Project...} > \gui{Other Project} > \gui{Import Existing Project}. \o In \gui{Import Existing Project}, enter the project name and select the location for the project file you want to import. Qt Creator automatically generates the following files in the project directory: \list \o \l{Specifying Files}{.files} \o \l{Specifying Include Paths}{.includes} \o \l{Specifying Defines}{.config} \o .creator \endlist \endlist When the project is successfully imported, Qt Creator creates its project tree in the sidebar. After importing a generic project into Qt Creator, open it by selecting the \tt{.creator} file. \section1 Working with Generic Project Files For a generic project, you have to manually specify which files belong to your project and which include directories or defines you want to pass to your compiler. \section1 Specifying Files The list of files for a generic project is specified in the \tt{.files} file. When you first create a generic project, Qt Creator adds any files it recognizes to your project. To add or remove files, edit the \tt{.files} file in Qt Creator. Qt Creator recreates your project tree when you save the \tt{.files} file. Alternatively, you can add and remove files using the context menu in the project tree. If you frequently need to update the \tt{.files} file, you can do so efficiently by using a script that updates the file for you. If the file is modified externally, you have to restart Qt Creator for the changes to take effect. To update the \tt{.files} on the \gui git repository use the following script: \code git ls-files *.cpp > MyProject.files \endcode \section1 Specifying Include Paths The include paths are specified in the \tt{.includes} file, one include path per line. The paths can be either absolute or relative to the \tt{.includes} file. \section1 Specifying Defines The defines are specified in the \tt{.config} file. The \tt{.config} file is a regular C++ file, prepended to all your source files when they are parsed. Only use the \tt{.config} file to add lines as in the example below: \code #define NAME value \endcode \section1 Creating a Run Configuration Qt Creator cannot automatically determine which executable to run. In the \gui{Projects} mode under \gui{Run Settings}, define the executable file to run: \list 1 \o Click \gui Add and select \gui{Custom Executable}. \o Define the configuration name, the location of the executable, any additional arguments you want to and the working directory. \endlist \section1 Adding External Libraries to a Generic Project Through external libraries Qt Creator can support code completion and syntax highlighting as if they were part of the current project or the Qt library. If you import a project using the \gui{Import Existing Project} function, Qt Creator creates a file called \tt{<projectname>.includes} in your project directory. The \tt{.includes} file contains all project subdirectories for which Qt Creator found relevant headers. Add your include paths here. \note In \gui Projects mode of a generic project, Qt Creator does not modify any project settings prior to the build. Syntax completion and highlighting work once your project successfully builds and links against the external library. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-visual-editor.html \page creator-developing-applications.html \nextpage creator-developing-maemo.html \title Developing Mobile Applications \omit Use \QD or \QMLD to design and implement application UI. \endomit Qt Creator provides support for development of various applications on your mobile device. Qt Creator allows you to build and run various types of mobile applications once you have specified the build and run settings in Qt Creator. The applications developed on Qt Creator are then deployed on your mobile device. The following are the development environment's that can be set up on Qt Creator to develop applications for your mobile device: \list \o \bold{Maemo}: You require the MADDE development tool for development of Maemo applications. For more information, see \l{Developing Maemo Applications}. \o \bold{Symbian}: You require to have the S60 platform SDK and the Qt for Symbian in place for development of Symbian applications. For more information, see \l{Developing Symbian Applications}. \endlist You need to have certain guidelines in place before you begin developing applications for mobile devices. For more information, see \l{Developing Usable Applications}. \note If you do not have a mobile device connected to your system. You can run the applications developed on Qt Creator on a \gui{Local Simulator} for Maemo based applications and a \gui{Symbian Emulator} for Symbian based applications. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-project-managing-sessions.html \page creator-visual-editor.html \nextpage creator-developing-applications.html \title Developing QML Applications You can either create QML projects from scratch or import them to Qt Creator. \section1 Creating QML Projects Select \gui {File > New File or Project > Qt Quick Project > QML Application}. \QMLD creates the following files: \list \o .qmlproject project file defines that all QML, JavaScript, and image files in the project folder belong to the project. Therefore, you do not need to individually list all the files in the project. \o .qml file defines an element, such as a component, screen, or the whole application UI. \endlist To use JavaScript and image files in the application, copy them to the project folder. To import a QML project to Qt Creator, select \gui {File > New File or Project > Qt Quick Project > Import Existing Qt QML Directory}. \section1 Designing Application UI One .qml file can define a component, screen, or the whole application. \section2 Creating Components A QML component provides a way of defining a new type that you can re-use in other QML files. A component is like a black box; it interacts with the outside world through properties, signals, and slots, and is generally defined in its own QML file. You can import components to screens and applications. You can use the \gui Library items to create components. Drag and drop them to the editor and modify their properties in the \gui Properties pane. You can use QML to add properties for a component. The properties are automatically displayed in the \gui Properties pane. For example, to create a button component: \list 1 \o Select \gui {File > New File or Project > Qt > Qt QML File} to create a QML file called button.qml. \o Double-click the file to open it in the code editor. \o Click \gui {Design} to edit the file in the visual editor. \o Drag and drop a \gui Rectangle from the \gui Library pane to the scene. \o In the \gui Properties pane, modify the appearance of the button. \list a \o In the \gui Color field, select the button color. \o In the \gui Radius field, use the slider to set the radius of the rectangle and produce rounded corners for the button. \endlist \o Drag and drop a \gui {Text} item on top of the \gui Rectangle. \o In the \gui Properties pane, edit the properties of the text. \list a \o In the \gui Text field, type \bold Button. You can select the text color, font, size, and style in the \gui Font section. \o In the \gui Alignment field, select the center button to align the text to the center of the button. \o Click \gui {Geometry}, and then click the \inlineimage qmldesigner-anchor-fill-screen.png button to anchor the text to the whole button area. \endlist \o Click \gui Edit to edit the \c width and \c height properties of the button to fit the button size. \o Press \key {Ctrl+S} to save the button. \image qmldesigner-button.png "Button component" \endlist \section2 Creating Screens You can use the \gui Library items to create screens. Use states and transitions to navigate between screens. QML states typically describe user interface configurations, such as the UI elements, their properties and behavior and the available actions. For example, you can specify different states of a screen to allow users to view and edit the properties of an object. To make movement between states smooth, you can specify transitions. The \c from and \c to properties define the states between which the transitions run. To run the transitions in reverse when changing back from the down state to the default state, set \c reversible to \c true. This is equivalent to writing the two transitions separately. You can use the \c ParallelAnimation element to start several animations at the same time. Or use the \c SequentialAnimation element to run them one after another. \section2 Adding User Interaction Methods To add interaction methods, drag and drop a \gui {Focus Scope} or \gui {Mouse Area} to the screen. In the code editor, add signal handlers to execute when users select the scope or area. Signal handlers allow actions to be taken in reponse to an event. For instance, the \gui {MouseArea} element has signal handlers to handle mouse press, release, and click. \section1 Implementing Application Logic A user interface is only a part of an application, and not really useful by itself. You can use Qt to implement the application logic. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-developing-applications.html \page creator-developing-maemo.html \nextpage creator-developing-symbian.html \title Developing Maemo Applications Maemo is a software platform developed by Nokia for smartphones and Internet Tablets. The Maemo SDK provides an open development environment for different applications on top of the Maemo platform. Maemo 5 is based on the Linux 2.6 operating system. You can find more information about the Maemo platform \l{http://maemo.org/intro/platform/}{here}. \section1 Getting Started with Maemo Based Applications To begin development for Maemo applications, you require the following: \list \o An N900 device with updates installed. \o MADDE is a cross-platform Maemo development tool. For more information about MADDE pertaining to its installation, configuration, and deployment on the device, see \l{http://wiki.maemo.org/MADDE}{Introdution to MADDE}. \o An IP address for the device. In order to setup the device IP address, you need to install PC Connectivity or implement it using CLI. More information about PC Connectivity can be found \l{http://pc-connectivity.garage.maemo.org/2nd_edition/node3.html#SECTION00032300000000000000} {here}. \endlist For deploying and running applications on the device, you need the following: \list \o The Nokia USB drivers that come, for example with, PC Suite. \o Qt installed on the device. A simple technique to install Qt is to run the Maemo device \gui{Application Manager} and download any application using Qt Creator. Running the Maemo device \gui{Application Manager} and downloading an application with Qt Creator installs all dependencies required for Qt Creator at the same time. \endlist The Qt Creator/MADDE integration is supported on the following platforms: \list \o Linux (32 bit and 64 bit) \o Windows (32 bit and 64 bit) \endlist \section1 Setting Up the N900 You can connect your device to your workstation using either an USB or a WLAN connection. For the device, you need to use a tool called Mad Developer to create the device-side end point for USB and WLAN connections. It provides no diagnostics functions but is essential for creating connections between the device and your workstation. For the workstation, you need to set up a network port that detects the Maemo device as a network device \note If you use the device's USB network functionality and plan to connect your development PC to the N900 via a common WLAN network, you can ignore the USB-specific parts in the following sections. \section2 Installing the Mad Developer Package To install Mad Developer on your device, you need to add an application catalogue (repository) to the list of catalogues your device checks for installable software, and install the actual Mad Developer software package using root privileges. This is done according to the following steps: \list 1 \o Start the application manager Enter the data as displayed in the screenshot below. \note The complete web address is \l http://repository.maemo.org/extras-devel \image qtcreator-app-manager-extras-devel-screenshot.png \o Select \gui{Download} > \gui{Development} > \gui{mad-developer}. The screenshots below shows the process for selecting the \gui{mad-developer}: \image qt-creator-app_manager_screenshot1.png \image qt-creator-app_manager_screenshot2.png \o Install the Mad Developer software package. \o Start the Mad Developer application. \endlist \note If you are using Microsoft Windows as development host, you must change the driver loaded for instantiating the connection. For this click \gui{Manage USB} and select \gui{Load g_ether}. Follow the steps mentioned below to set up the USB settings: \list 1 \o Click \gui Edit in the usb0 row and confirm with \gui Configure. \note By default, you do not need to make changes. The usb0 row displays the IP address \o Select \gui{Developer Password} to generate a password for a freshly created user called "developer". The password stays valid for as long the password generation dialog is open. Refer to the screenshot below as an example. \image qtcreator-mad-developer-screenshot.png \endlist \section2 Establishing the USB Connection Connect your device to the development PC via the USB cable. A dialog pops up asking for the mode to use. Choose \gui{PC suite mode}. \note If you experience connection problems due to a USB port issue, switch to a different port. \section1 Setting Up Connectivity \section2 Linux The device uses the IP address with the subnet for its USB connection by default, so you can create the network interface with a different address inside the same subnet too. \note If you have changed the IP address of the device when configuring Mad Developer, you need to reflect those changes in your workstation's USB network settings as well. Run the following command in a shell as root user: \c{ifconfig usb0 up} \section2 Windows When you connect the device to your Windows PC, Windows tries to install a driver for the Linux USB Ethernet connection. In the \gui{Found New Hardware Wizard}, select \gui{No, not this time} in the first dialog and \gui{Install the software automatically} in the second dialog. Open the Network Connections window. The just installed Linux USB Ethernet connection is now displayed as a new Local Area Connection. Perform the same steps through the Network configuration tools available with the operating system. Change the IP to be set statically and enter the following values: \list \o IP Address: \o SubnetMask: \o Default gateway: \endlist Accept these settings and close the Network Configuration. Depending on your version of Microsoft Windows you may have to unplug and re-plug the N900 to reload the driver with its configuration accordingly. \section2 Setting Up MADDE After having downloaded the MADDE installer file for your platform from \l{http://wiki.maemo.org/MADDE}{here}, execute it and follow the instructions. The package will be installed. Then run: \c{mad-admin list targets} to see which targets are available. Install the targets that starts with "fremantle" by using the command: \c{mad-admin create fremantle-qt-xxx} When you have installed the target, you have a toolchain and a sysroot environment for cross-compiling \section1 Setting Up Qt Creator Set up the Qt Creator for developing Maemo applications by following the steps mentioned below: \list 1 \o \bold{Registering the MADDE Toolchain} Select \gui Tools > \gui Options > \gui Qt4 > \gui{Qt Versions}. Click \inlineimage qtcreator-windows-add.png, to add a new Qt version. The \gui{qmake Location} is the qmake executable in \c{<MADDE dir>/targets/<fremantle target>/bin}. \image qtcreator-screenshot-toolchain.png \o \bold{Creating a Device Configuration} In order to deploy applications and run them remotely, Qt Creator needs parameters for device access which you can set in device configurations. Select \gui Tools > \gui Options > \gui Qt4 > \gui{Maemo Device Configurations} and add a new configuration. \image qtcreator-screenshot-devconf.png \note The password is the one MADDE Developer displays on the device. Click \gui Test to check whether the device can be accessed properly. It is recommended that you use the password-based login only to deploy your public SSH key to the device (using the \gui{Deploy Key} button) and then switch to key-based authentication. Close the dialog by clicking the \gui OK button after completion. \o \bold{Setting Build and Run Configuration} Open a project for an application you want to develop for your N900. Click \gui Projects to open the projects mode. In the \gui{Build Settings} section, choose the MADDE Qt version which you registered earlier: \image qtcreator-screenshot-build-settings.png In the \gui{Run Settings} section, click \gui Add to add a new run configuration on the Maemo device. Set a name and select the device configuration you created above in the popup menu. The following screenshot shows the result below: \image qtcreator-screenshot-run-settings.png \o \bold{Compiling, Running and Debugging Your Application} You can now continue your work as if developing for any other platform supported by Qt Creator: for compiling, Qt Creator will use the MADDE toolchain's cross compiler. When you run your application, it is automatically copied onto the device and executed there. Your application's windows will be displayed on the N900 and command-line output is visible in Qt Creator's "Application output" window. Debugging also works transparently. \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-developing-maemo.html \page creator-developing-symbian.html \nextpage creator-usability.html \title Developing Symbian Applications Qt Creator 1.3 comes with preliminary support for development of applications using Qt for the Symbian Platform. \e{Note that this is highly experimental, and not intended for production use. The primary aim is to allow Symbian developers to familiarize themselves with Qt Creator and provide feedback that helps us improve Symbian support in future versions of Qt Creator.} Please provide us with feedback, using the mailing list or IRC, as described on the \l{http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-creator/pages/Home}{Qt Creator Development Wiki}. \section1 Getting Started with Symbian Based Applications You need the following software installed on your PC. Only Windows development is supported. \list \o \l{http://www.forum.nokia.com/main/resources/tools_and_sdks/S60SDK/} {S60 Platform SDK 3rd Edition FP1 or higher} \o \l{http://www.forum.nokia.com/main/resources/technologies/openc_cpp/} {Open C/C++ v1.6.0 or higher} (Install this to all S60 SDKs you plan to use Qt with. This is included in the Qt for Symbian binary installers.) \o Either the GCCE ARM Toolchain that is included in the S60 Platform SDKs, or RVCT 2.2 [build 686] or later (which is not available free of charge) (Your environment needs to find the compiler in the PATH.) \o Qt for Symbian 4.6.0, installed into the S60 SDKs you want to use \endlist For deploying and running applications on the device, you need the following: \list \o The Nokia USB drivers that come e.g. with PC Suite \o The \l{http://tools.ext.nokia.com/trk/}{App TRK} application for your device \endlist Running Qt based applications on real devices requires the following packages to be installed on your device. The packages can be found in the S60 SDK where you installed Open C/C++: \list \o nokia_plugin\\openc\\s60opencsis\\pips_s60_\<version\>.sis \o nokia_plugin\\openc\\s60opencsis\\openc_ssl_s60_\<version\>.sis \o nokia_plugin\\opencpp\\s60opencppsis\\stdcpp_s60_\<version\>.sis \endlist If you want to run your applications in the Symbian emulator, you also need to install Carbide.c++ v2.0.0 or higher. \section1 Setting Up Qt Creator When you run Qt Creator after installing the S60 Platform SDK and Qt for Symbian, the installed SDKs and their corresponding Qt versions are automatically detected. For each detected S60 SDK with Qt, a special entry is made in the Qt version management settings \gui{Tools > Options... > Qt4 > Qt Versions}. \e{Note that if you manually add a Qt version for Symbian, you must also manually specify the S60 SDK to use for this version.} \image qtcreator-qt4-qtversions-win-symbian.png If you want to run your applications in the Symbian emulator, you need to point Qt Creator to the Metrowerks Compiler that you want to use, by setting the \gui{Carbide Directory} of the Qt version to the corresponding Carbide.c++ installation directory. You can check what S60 SDKs and corresponding Qt versions are found in the \gui{Tools > Options... > Qt4 > S60 SDKs} preference page. \image qtcreator-qt4-s60sdks.png \section1 Building Your Project After installing all the prerequisites and checking the setup in Qt Creator as described above, you need to set up your project. \e{Note that the only supported build system for Qt for Symbian applications in Qt Creator is qmake.} Before you can build your project for the Symbian platform, you need to create build configurations for it. Open \gui{Projects mode} and make sure that your project is selected for editing in \gui{Edit Project Settings for Project ...}. Add debug and release build configurations for the Symbian target by selecting the corresponding Qt version from the build configuration \gui{Add} menu. \image qtcreator-symbian-add-buildconfiguration.png The created build configurations default to using the GCCE tool chain. If you want to build for the device using RVCT, or for the Symbian emulator using WINSCW, select \gui{Show Details} and change the tool chain in the \gui{General} section of the build configuration settings. Now you can switch to building your project for the device by selecting one of the new build configurations as the active configuration at the top of \gui{Projects mode}. \image qtcreator-symbian-change-buildconfiguration.png \section1 Running Your Project \section2 Running Your Project in the Emulator Similar to the build configuration setup for your project, you need to create a run configuration for running your project in the Symbian emulator: \list 1 \o Switch to \gui{Projects mode}. \o Select \gui{Run Settings} > \gui{Add > YourApplication in Symbian Emulator} \endlist \image qtcreator-symbian-add-run-in-emulator.png To start your project in the emulator, select this run configuration as the active configuration at the top of \gui{Projects mode} window and press the run button. \image qtcreator-symbian-change-run-in-emulator.png \section2 Running Your Project on the Device To run your project on a real Symbian device, just add another run configuration in \gui{Projects mode} via \gui{Run Settings} > \gui{Add > YourApplication on Symbian Device}. \image qtcreator-symbian-add-runconfiguration.png \image qtcreator-symbian-details-runconfiguration.png In the details of the run configuration you can specify a certificate to use, and select one of the devices that you have currently attached to your computer. The only connection mode supported at the moment is USB in \e{PC Suite} mode. For actually running your application on the device, you need to set the device run configuration as the active configuration at the top of \gui{Projects mode}. Start the \gui{App TRK} application on your device and press the run button to create a package for your application, deploy, install and run it automatically on your device. \image qtcreator-symbian-change-runconfiguration.png \section2 Troubleshooting If you cannot build the application, check if: \list \o You selected a Qt version for Symbian for building the application. \o The settings for the Qt version you use to build your project are correct. The path to the S60 SDK must point to the S60 SDK installation directory. Select \gui Tools > \gui Options... > \gui Debugger > \gui{Symbian TRK} and check if it points to the debugger toolchain. \endlist If you cannot run the application in the emulator, check if: \list \o The emulator or device run configuration selected is in the active run configuration. \o You built the application for the emulator by using WINSCW or for the device by using GCCE or RVCT. \o The emulator process cannot be started, try closing Qt Creator and starting the application directly from your file manager. Having done this, Qt Creator should be able to run your projects in the emulator. \endlist If you cannot run the application on a device, check if: \list \o The device is connected via USB in \e{PC Suite} mode. \o App TRK is running on the device, using the USB connection, with the status \e connected. \o The device is detected and selected in the run configuration details. \endlist If this does not help to solve your problem, search the qt-creator@trolltech.com mailing list archives or provide feedback to us via the methods described on the \l{http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-creator/pages/Home}{Qt Creator Development Wiki}. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-version-control.html \page adding-plugins.html \nextpage creator-tips.html \title Adding Qt Designer Plugins You can use Qt APIs to create plugins that extend Qt applications. This allows you to add your own widgets to \QD. The most flexible way to include a plugin with an application is to compile it into a dynamic library that is shipped separately, and detected and loaded at runtime. The applications can detect plugins that are stored in the standard plugin subdirectories. For more information on how to create and locate plugins and to change the default plugin path, see \l{How to Create Qt Plugins}. For more information about how to create plugins for \QD, see \l{http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/designer-using-custom-widgets.html}{Creating and Using Components for Qt Designer}. \section1 Locating Qt Designer Plugins \QD fetches plugins from the standard locations and loads the plugins that match its build key. \QD is delivered both as a standalone application and as part of an SDK, where it is integrated into Qt Creator. The correct folder to place the plugins depends on which one you use. The integrated \QD fetches plugins from the \c {%SDK%\bin\designer} folder on Windows and Linux and \c {QtCreator.app/Contents/MacOS/designer} folder on Mac. To check which plugins were loaded successfully and which failed, choose \gui{Tools > Form Editor > About Qt Designer Plugins}. The standalone \QD is part of the Qt library used for building projects, located under \c {%SDK%\qt}. Therefore, it fetches plugins from the following folder: \c {%SDK%\qt\plugins\designer}. To check which plugins were loaded successfully and which failed, choose \gui{Help > About Plugins}. \section1 Matching Build Keys The Qt Creator that is included in pre-built SDK packages on Windows is built with the Microsoft Visual Studio compiler, whereas the version of Qt shipped for building applications is configured and built to use the MinGW/g++ compiler. Plugins built by using this version of Qt cannot be loaded by Qt Creator because the build-keys do not match. The plugins can only be used in the standalone version of \QD. Choose \gui{Help > About Qt Creator} to check the Qt version Qt Creator was built with. To use \QD plugins that were built for the shipped Qt version, make sure that Qt Creator is built with the same compiler by either recompiling Qt Creator using MinGW or recompiling Qt with Microsoft Visual Studio, depending on which configuration you want to use for your applications. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-developing-symbian.html \page creator-usability.html \nextpage creator-debugging.html \title Developing Usable Applications Before starting application development, analyze and define the requirements, scope, and functionality of the application to ensure efficient functionality and a smooth user experience. Design the application for a single purpose and analyze how it can best serve its users. Mobile devices have been designed for use when mobile. Keep the characteristics of mobile devices in mind when you create applications for them. The following guidelines help you design and develop usable applications for mobile devices with varying characteristics, such as screen size and support for input methods: \list \o Know your users Find out who will use the application, what they will use it for, and which mobile devices they have. Then design the application to fit a specific context of use. \o Design for small screens The screen size of mobile devices is significantly smaller than that available on desktop devices. Carefully consider what is the most relevant content to present on the application UI, as it might not be reasonable to try and fit as much content into the screen as you might have in a desktop application. \o Design for multiple screen sizes Relate the position and size of each control to the dimensions of the display. This enables the same set of information to be presented on the screen in all resolutions; higher resolution devices just display finer graphics. \o Design for changing screen orientation Some devices support screen rotation. On these devices, applications can be displayed in portrait or landscape orientation. Account for orientation and dynamically adjust the display when the screen is rotated. \o Design intuitive ways of moving within applications Mobile devices lack a mouse and full-size keyboard, so users must use the touch screen or five way navigation pad to move within applications. In addition, many users control the devices with one hand. To create an optimized user experience, allow users to access information with one click; do not make them scroll and type. \o Design for limited input methods Applications collect information from users on the task at hand. In addition to touch screen input, some devices contain physical keys such as a five way navigation pad, a keypad, and a keyboard. Users enter information by using screen controls, such as lists, check boxes, radio buttons, and text fields. \o Keep response times short Latency can cause delays in user interaction. If users perceive an application as being slow, they are likely to get frustrated and stop using it. \o Save battery time Mobile devices are not constantly connected to a power source but run on battery power. Optimize power consumption to keep the total consumption at an acceptable level and to prevent users from running out of battery time. \o Consider network issues If users do not have a flat-rate data plan or WLAN support, mobile network connections cost them money. Also, when users move around with the devices, the networks available for connections constantly change. \o Remember the processing limits of the device The memory available on devices is limited and you should use it carefully. Although all mobile devices have common functionality, each device is individual in terms of both the resources available and extra features. Therefore, you must consider the constraints of all the target devices. \endlist For more information about user experience techniques for mobile devices, see the \l{http://library.forum.nokia.com/topic/Design_and_User_Experience_Library/GUID-A8DF3EB8-E97C-4DA0-95F6-F464ECC995BC_cover.html}{Design and User Experience Library} on Forum Nokia. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage adding-plugins.html \page creator-tips.html \nextpage creator-keyboard-shortcuts.html \title Tips and Tricks \section1 Switching between modes Qt Creator uses different modes for different purposes. You can quickly switch between these modes with the following keyboard shortcuts: \list \o \gui Welcome mode \key Ctrl+1 \o \gui Edit mode \key Ctrl+2 \o \gui Debug mode \key Ctrl+3 \o \gui Projects mode \key Ctrl+4 \o \gui Help mode \key Ctrl+5 \endlist For more information about Qt Creator modes, see \l {Qt Creator Modes}. \section1 Moving Between Open Files To quickly move between currently open files, press \key Ctrl+Tab. \section1 Moving To the Edit Mode To move to the \gui Edit mode and currently active file, press \key Esc. If you already are in the \gui Edit mode: \list \o The first press moves focus to the editor \o The second press closes secondary windows \endlist \section1 Using the Filter in Options Dialog To find specific settings you require in \gui{Tools} > \gui{Options} use the filter located at the top left of the Options dialog box. \section1 Using Keyboard Shortcuts Qt Creator provides \l{Keyboard Shortcuts}{many useful keyboard shortcuts}. To customize, import or export keyboard shortcuts, select \gui Tools > \gui Options... > \gui Environment > \gui Keyboard. \section1 Running Qt Creator From Command Line You can launch Qt Creator from command line using the name of an existing session or \c .pro file by giving the name as the command argument. For example, running \tt{qtcreator somesession}, launches Qt Creator and loads session somesession. \note Make sure Qt Creator is included in the PATH environment variable. This can be done by typing the following in the command line: \code set PATH=c:\qtsdk\mingw\bin;c:\qtsdk\qt\bin;%PATH% \endcode \section1 Showing and Hiding the Sidebar To toggle the sidebar in the \gui Edit and \gui Debug modes, click \inlineimage qtcreator-togglebutton.png or press \key Alt+0 (\key Cmd+0 on Mac OS X). For more information on using the sidebar, see \l {Browsing Project Contents}. \section1 Moving To Symbols To move straight to a symbol used in a project, select the symbol in the \gui Editor toolbar drop-down menu. For more information on the editor toolbar, see \l {Using the Editor Toolbar}. \section1 Displaying Signals and Slots If an instance of a class is derived from QObject, and you would like to find all other objects connected to one of your object's slots using Qt's signals and slots mechanism, select \gui Tools > \gui Options... > \gui{Debugging Helper} > \gui{Use Debugging Helper}. In the \gui{Locals and Watchers} view, expand the object's entry and open the slot in the \e slots subitem. The objects connected to this slot are shown as children of the slot. This method works with signals too. \section1 Displaying Low Level Data If special debugging of Qt objects fails due to data corruption within the debugged objects, you can switch off the debugging helpers. When debugging helpers are switched off low-level structures become visible. To switch off the debugging helpers: \list 1 \o Select \gui Tools > \gui Options... > \gui Debugger > \gui{Debugging Helper}. \o Uncheck the \gui{Use debugging helper} checkbox. \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-tips.html \page creator-keyboard-shortcuts.html \nextpage creator-known-issues.html \title Keyboard Shortcuts Qt Creator provides various keyboard shortcuts to speed up your development process. \section1 Configuring Keyboard Shortcuts To customize a keyboard shortcut: \list 1 \o Select \gui Tools > \gui Options > \gui Environment > \gui Keyboard. \o Select an action from the list. \o In \gui{Key Sequence} enter the shortcut key you want to associate with the selected action. \endlist Qt Creator allows you to use different keyboard shortcut mapping schemes: \list \o To import a keyboard shortcut mapping scheme, click \gui Import and select the kms file containing keyboard shortcut mapping scheme you want to import. \o To export the current keyboard shortcut mapping scheme, click \gui Export and select the location where you want to save the exported kms file. \endlist \section1 Default Keyboard Shortcuts The following tables list the default keyboard shortcuts. They are categorized by actions. \section2 General Keyboard Shortcuts \table \header \o Action \o Keyboard shortcut \row \o Open file or project \o Ctrl+O \row \o New file or project \o Ctrl+N \row \o Open in external editor \o Alt+V, Alt+I \row \o Cut \o Ctrl+X \row \o Copy \o Ctrl+C \row \o Paste \o Ctrl+V \row \o Redo \o Ctrl+Y \row \o Save \o Ctrl+S \row \o Save all \o Ctrl+A \row \o Close window \o Ctrl+W \row \o Close all \o Ctrl+Shift+W \row \o Go back \o Alt+Left \row \o Go forward \o Alt+Right \row \o Go to line \o Ctrl+L \row \o Next open document in history \o Ctrl+Shift+Tab \row \o Goto other split \o Ctrl+E, O \row \o Previous open document in history \o Ctrl+Tab \row \o Activate \gui Locator \o Ctrl+K \row \o Switch to \gui Welcome mode \o Ctrl+1 \row \o Switch to \gui Edit mode \o Ctrl+2 \row \o Switch to \gui Design mode \o Ctrl+3 \row \o Switch to \gui Debug mode \o Ctrl+4 \row \o Switch to \gui Projects mode \o Ctrl+5 \row \o Switch to \gui Help mode \o Ctrl+6 \row \o Toggle \gui{Build Issues} pane \o Alt+1 (Cmd+1 on Mac OS X) \row \o Toggle \gui{Search Results} pane \o Alt+2 (Cmd+2 on Mac OS X) \row \o Toggle \gui{Application Output} pane \o Alt+3 (Cmd+3 on Mac OS X) \row \o Toggle \gui{Compile Output} pane \o Alt+4 (Cmd+4 on Mac OS X) \row \o Activate \gui Bookmarks pane \o Alt+M \row \o Activate \gui{File System} pane \o Alt+Y \row \o Activate \gui{Open Documents} pane \o Alt+O \row \o Activate \gui Projects pane \o Alt+X \row \o Full screen \o Ctrl+Shift+F11 \row \o Toggle the sidebar \o Alt+0 (Cmd+0 on Mac OS X) \row \o Undo \o Ctrl+Z \row \o Move to \gui Edit mode In \gui Edit mode: \list \o The first press moves focus to the editor \o The second press closes secondary windows \endlist \o Esc \endtable \section2 Editing Keyboard Shortcuts \table \header \o Action \o Keyboard shortcut \row \o Auto-indent selection \o Ctrl+I \row \o Collapse \o Ctrl+< \row \o Expand \o Ctrl+> \row \o Trigger a completion in this scope \o Ctrl+Space \row \o Copy line down \o Ctrl+Alt+Down \row \o Copy line up \o Ctrl+Alt+Up \row \o Cut line \o Shift+Del \row \o Decrease font size \o Ctrl+- (Ctrl+Roll mouse wheel down) \row \o Increase font size \o Ctrl++ (Ctrl+Roll mouse wheel up) \row \o Toggle vim-style editing \o Alt+V, Alt+V \row \o Split \o Ctrl+E, 2 \row \o Split side by side \o Ctrl+E, 3 \row \o Remove all splits \o Ctrl+E, 1 \row \o Remove current split \o Ctrl+E, 0 \row \o Select all \o Ctrl+A \row \o Go to block end \o Ctrl+] \row \o Go to block start \o Ctrl+[ \row \o Go to block end with selection \o Ctrl+} \row \o Go to block start with selection \o Ctrl+{ \row \o Move current line down \o Ctrl+Shift+Down \row \o Move current line up \o Ctrl+Shift+Up \row \o Trigger a quick fix in this scope \o Alt+Return \row \o Rewrap paragraph \o Ctrl+E, R \row \o Select the current block The second press extends the selection to the parent block \o Ctrl+U \row \o Enable text wrapping \o Ctrl+E, Ctrl+W \row \o Toggle comment for selection \o Ctrl+/ \row \o Visualize whitespace \o Ctrl+E, Ctrl+V \row \o Delete \o Del \row \o Adjust size \o Ctrl+J \row \o Lay out in a grid \o Ctrl+G \row \o Lay out horizontally \o Ctrl+H \row \o Lay out vertically \o Ctrl+L \row \o Preview \o Ctrl+Alt+R \row \o Edit signals and slots \o F4 \row \o Edit widgets \o F3 \row \o Toggle bookmark \o Ctrl+M \row \o Go to next bookmark \o Ctrl+. \row \o Go to previous bookmark \o Ctrl+, \row \o Fetch snippet \o Alt+C, Alt+F \row \o Paste snippet \o Alt+C, Alt+P \row \o Find usages \o Ctrl+Shift+U \row \o Follow symbol under cursor Works with namespaces, classes, methods, variables, include statements and macros \o F2 \row \o Rename symbol under cursor \o Ctrl+Shift+R \row \o Switch between method declaration and definition \o Shift+F2 \row \o Switch between header and source file \o F4 \endtable \section2 Debugging Keyboard Shortcuts \table \header \o Action \o Keyboard shortcut \row \o Start debugging \o F5 \row \o Stop or interrupt debugger \o Shift+F5 \row \o Reset debugger \o Ctrl+Shift+F5 \row \o Step over \o F10 \row \o Step into \o F11 \row \o Step out \o Shift+F11 \row \o Toggle breakpoint \o F9 \endtable \section2 Project Keyboard Shortcuts \table \header \o Action \o Keyboard shortcut \row \o Build project \o Ctrl+B \row \o Build all \o Ctrl+Shift+B \row \o New project \o Ctrl+Shift+N \row \o Run \o Ctrl+R \endtable \section2 Help Keyboard Shortcuts \table \header \o Action \o Keyboard shortcut \row \o View context-sensitive help \o F1 \row \o Activate contents in \gui Help mode \o Ctrl+T \row \o Add bookmark in \gui Help mode \o Ctrl+M \row \o Activate index in \gui Help mode \o Ctrl+I \row \o Reset font size in \gui Help mode \o Ctrl+0 \row \o Activate search in \gui Help mode \o Ctrl+S \endtable \section2 Version Control Keyboard Shortcuts \table \header \o {1,2} Action \o {5,1} Version control system \header \o CVS \o Git \o Perforce \o Subversion \o Mercurial \row \o Add \o Alt+C, Alt+A \o Alt+G, Alt+A \o \o Alt+S, Alt+A \o \row \o Commit \o Alt+C, Alt+C \o Alt+G, Alt+C \o \o \o Alt+H, Alt+C \row \o Diff \o Alt+C, Alt+D \o Alt+G, Alt+D \o \o Alt+S, Alt+D \o Alt+H, Alt+D \row \o Diff project \o \o Alt+G, Alt+Shift+D \o Alt+P, Alt+D \o \o \row \o Blame \o \o Alt+G, Alt+B \o \o \o \row \o Log \o \o Alt+G, Alt+L \o Alt+P, Alt+F \o \o Alt+H, Alt+L \row \o Log project \o \o Alt+G, Alt+K \o \o \o \row \o Status \o \o Alt+G, Alt+S \o \o \o Alt+H, Alt+S \row \o Undo changes \o \o Alt+G, Alt+U \o \o \o \row \o Diff project \o \o Alt+G, Alt+Shift+D \o Alt+P, Alt+D \o \o \row \o Edit \o \o \o Alt+P, Alt+E \o \o \row \o Opened \o \o \o Alt+P, Alt+O \o \o \row \o Revert \o \o \o Alt+P, Alt+R \o \o \row \o Submit \o \o \o Alt+P, Alt+S \o \o \endtable */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-known-issues.html \page creator-glossary.html \nextpage creator-acknowledgements.html \title Glossary \table \header \o Term \o Meaning \row \o \raw HTML Qt in PATH \endraw \target glossary-system-qt \o This is the Qt version for the \c qmake command found in your \c PATH environment variable. This is likely to be the system's Qt version. \row \o \raw HTML Default Qt \endraw \target glossary-default-qt \o The version of Qt configured in \gui{Tools > Options... > Qt 4 > Default Qt Version}. This is the Qt version used by your new projects. It defaults to the Qt in PATH. \row \o \raw HTML Project Qt \endraw \target glossary-project-qt \o The version of Qt configured in \gui{Build&Run > Build Settings > Build Configurations}. This is the Qt version that is actually used by a particular project. It defaults to Default Qt. \row \o \raw HTML Shadow build \endraw \target glossary-shadow-build \o Shadow building means building a project in a separate directory, the \e{build directory}. The build directory is different from the source directory. One of the benefits of shadow building is that it keeps your source directory clean. Shadow building is the best practice if you need many build configurations for a single set of source. \endtable */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-keyboard-shortcuts.html \page creator-known-issues.html \nextpage creator-glossary.html \title Known Issues There are some known issues with Qt Creator. The development team is aware of them, there is no need to report them as bugs. \section1 Known Issues of Version 1.3.82 \list \o Debugging Helper does not work while performing On-Device Debugging. \o QML Preview (Run Project) only works if built against Qt with Declarative UI. \o Setting breakpoints in code that is compiled into the binary more than once does not work. \o On Linux and Windows, installing Qt with one user account and then using it with another requires other users to manually set the Qt version. On Windows, setting the MinGW location is required as well. The same applies to the location of GDB for Symbian. A workaround is to copy %APPDATA%/Nokia/qtcreator.ini (Windows) or $HOME/.config/Nokia/QtCreator.ini (Linux) from the directory of the user who installed Qt Creator to the other user. This issue does not exist on Mac OS X. \endlist \section1 Known Issues of Version 1.2.0 and 1.2.1 \list \o Gdb on Windows may not work if the 'Embassy \reg Security Center' software by 'Wave \reg Systems' is installed and active (causing crashes in \c{vxvault.dll)}). \o Only simple data types (POD) work in the Watch Window of CDB. \o Qt Creator uses SQLite for storing some of its settings. SQLite is known to have problems with certain NFS servers (most notably the nfs-user-server 2.2beta), since they can lock up the application when it tries to lock the database. If your home directory is on an NFS share and you encounter this issue, one option would be to switch to the nfs-kernel-server, or create a symlink so that the settings are stored locally. \endlist \section1 Known Issues of Version 1.1.0 \list \o Paths or file names containing spaces or special characters, e.g., colons, dollar signs, hash marks etc. may cause problems. This is because some of the tools Qt Creator uses in the background have restrictions on the characters allowed in file and directory names. To be on the safe side, we recommend creating projects and project items with names consisting of plain characters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens. \o \c{.pro} files are reformatted if files have been added or removed. Whitespace is not preserved. \o There is no IDE support for adding files to include (\c .pri) files. \o There is no IDE support for adding/removing sub-projects. Project hierarchies (SUBDIRS template) have to be created manually. \o The file system sidebar does not update automatically. As a workaround, switch to another directory and then back. \o Loading KDE4 designer plugins breaks the style in KDE < 4.2.1 due to a bug in KDE. \o The DEFINES and INCLUDES set in \c{.pro} files are not dealt with on a file-specific level. Because of this, handling of DEFINES has been disabled completely. Also the \c{.qmake.cache} is not being parsed. In general, the \c{.pro} file parser is incomplete and problems are still to be expected. \o Code completion for generated UI header files is updated only after a build. \o Code completion does not support typedefs for nested classes. \o There is a kernel bug essentially making debugging unreliable on 2.6.24 kernels for i386 (which is, unfortunately, the default on Ubuntu 8.04). See \l{https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdb/+bug/230315/} for details. The only solution to this problem is to boot another kernel. \o Gdb may take long to load debugging symbols, especially from large libraries like \c libQtWebKit. Starting the debugging module can take up to several minutes without visible progress. \o Setting breakpoints in files that do not have unique absolute paths may fail. For example, remounting parts of a file system using the --bind mount option. \o There is no syntax highlighting for \c CMake project files. \o Project files included from \c{CMakeLists.txt} are not shown in the navigation tree. \o Using the Visual Studio Compiler with \c CMake is not supported. \o Creating new \c CMake projects with Qt Creator is not supported. \o Having more than one build directory for \c CMake is not supported. \o Changing the build directory for \c CMake after the initial import is disabled. \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-glossary.html \page creator-acknowledgements.html \title Acknowledgements \section1 Third-party Components Qt Creator contains the following third-party components: \list \o \bold{Open Source front-end for C++ (license MIT)}, enhanced for use in Qt Creator.\br Roberto Raggi <roberto.raggi@gmail.com>\br QtCreator/src/shared/cplusplus\br\br \o \bold{Botan, a C++ crypto library. Version 1.8.8}\br \list \o Copyright (C) 1999-2004 The Botan Project. All rights reserved. \o Copyright (C) 1999-2009 Jack Lloyd \o 2001 Peter J Jones \o 2004-2007 Justin Karneges \o 2005 Matthew Gregan \o 2005-2006 Matt Johnston \o 2006 Luca Piccarreta \o 2007 Yves Jerschow \o 2007-2008 FlexSecure GmbH \o 2007-2008 Technische Universitat Darmstadt \o 2007-2008 Falko Strenzke \o 2007-2008 Martin Doering \o 2007 Manuel Hartl \o 2007 Christoph Ludwig \o 2007 Patrick Sona \endlist All rights reserved.\br\br Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\br\br 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer.\br\br 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\br \br THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR(S) "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR(S) OR CONTRIBUTOR(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\br\br The source code of Botan C++ crypto library can be found here: \list \o QtCreator/src/libs/3rdparty \o \l{http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-creator/qt-creator/trees/master/src/libs/3rdparty} \endlist \br\br \o \bold{NetSieben SSH Library is a Secure Shell client library for C++. Version 1.3.2}\br \list \o \bold{Commercial License:} For organizations who do not want to release the source code for their applications as open source/ free software; in other words they do not want to comply with the GNU General Public License (GPL) or Q Public License. \o \bold{Non Commercial / Open Source License:} NetSieben believes in contributing back to the open source community, thus it has released the SSH Library under Q Public License as it is defined by Trolltech AS of Norway. The Open Source License allows the user to use software under an open source / free software license, and distribute it freely. The software can be used at no charge with the condition that if the user uses the SSH Library in an application they wish to redistribute, then the complete source code for your application must be available and freely redistributable under reasonable conditions. For more information on the used QPL License see: QtCreator/src/libs/3rdparty/net7ssh/LICENSE.QPL \endlist\br\br The source code of NetSieben Secure Shell C++ Library can be found here: \list \o QtCreator/src/libs/3rdparty \o \l{http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-creator/qt-creator/trees/master/src/libs/3rdparty} \endlist \endlist */