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#include <texteditor/basetextdocument.h>
#include <texteditor/basetexteditor.h>
#include <utils/uncommentselection.h>

namespace TextEditor {
class FontSettings;
class TextEditorActionHandler;

namespace Qt4ProjectManager {

class Qt4Manager;
class Qt4Project;

namespace Internal {

class ProFileEditorFactory;
class ProFileHighlighter;

class ProFileEditor;

class ProFileEditorEditable : public TextEditor::BaseTextEditorEditable
    ProFileEditorEditable(ProFileEditor *);
    Core::Context context() const;

    bool duplicateSupported() const { return true; }
    Core::IEditor *duplicate(QWidget *parent);
    QString id() const;
    bool isTemporary() const { return false; }
    const Core::Context m_context;

class ProFileEditor : public TextEditor::BaseTextEditor

    ProFileEditor(QWidget *parent, ProFileEditorFactory *factory,
                  TextEditor::TextEditorActionHandler *ah);

    bool save(const QString &fileName = QString());

    ProFileEditorFactory *factory() { return m_factory; }
    TextEditor::TextEditorActionHandler *actionHandler() const { return m_ah; }

    void unCommentSelection();
    TextEditor::BaseTextEditorEditable *createEditableInterface();
    void contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *);

public slots:
    virtual void setFontSettings(const TextEditor::FontSettings &);
    void addLibrary();

    ProFileEditorFactory *m_factory;
    TextEditor::TextEditorActionHandler *m_ah;
    Utils::CommentDefinition m_commentDefinition;

class ProFileDocument : public TextEditor::BaseTextDocument

    QString defaultPath() const;
    QString suggestedFileName() const;

} // namespace Internal
} // namespace Qt4ProjectManager