#include "mercurialcommitwidget.h" #include <texteditor/texteditorsettings.h> #include <texteditor/fontsettings.h> #include <texteditor/texteditorconstants.h> #include <QtGui/QSyntaxHighlighter> #include <QtGui/QTextEdit> #include <QtCore/QDebug> #include <QtCore/QRegExp> //see the git submit widget for details of the syntax Highlighter //TODO Check to see when the Highlighter has been moved to a base class and use that instead namespace Mercurial { namespace Internal { // Retrieve the comment char format from the text editor. static QTextCharFormat commentFormat() { const TextEditor::FontSettings settings = TextEditor::TextEditorSettings::instance()->fontSettings(); return settings.toTextCharFormat(QLatin1String(TextEditor::Constants::C_COMMENT)); } // Highlighter for Mercurial submit messages. Make the first line bold, indicates // comments as such (retrieving the format from the text editor) and marks up // keywords (words in front of a colon as in 'Task: <bla>'). class MercurialSubmitHighlighter : QSyntaxHighlighter { public: explicit MercurialSubmitHighlighter(QTextEdit *parent); virtual void highlightBlock(const QString &text); private: enum State { Header, Comment, Other }; const QTextCharFormat m_commentFormat; const QRegExp m_keywordPattern; const QChar m_hashChar; }; MercurialSubmitHighlighter::MercurialSubmitHighlighter(QTextEdit * parent) : QSyntaxHighlighter(parent), m_commentFormat(commentFormat()), m_keywordPattern(QLatin1String("^\\w+:")), m_hashChar(QLatin1Char('#')) { Q_ASSERT(m_keywordPattern.isValid()); } void MercurialSubmitHighlighter::highlightBlock(const QString &text) { // figure out current state State state = Other; const QTextBlock block = currentBlock(); if (block.position() == 0) { state = Header; } else { if (text.startsWith(m_hashChar)) state = Comment; } // Apply format. switch (state) { case Header: { QTextCharFormat charFormat = format(0); charFormat.setFontWeight(QFont::Bold); setFormat(0, text.size(), charFormat); } break; case Comment: setFormat(0, text.size(), m_commentFormat); break; case Other: // Format key words ("Task:") italic if (m_keywordPattern.indexIn(text, 0, QRegExp::CaretAtZero) == 0) { QTextCharFormat charFormat = format(0); charFormat.setFontItalic(true); setFormat(0, m_keywordPattern.matchedLength(), charFormat); } break; } } MercurialCommitWidget::MercurialCommitWidget(QWidget *parent) : Core::Utils::SubmitEditorWidget(parent), mercurialCommitPanel(new QWidget) { mercurialCommitPanelUi.setupUi(mercurialCommitPanel); insertTopWidget(mercurialCommitPanel); new MercurialSubmitHighlighter(descriptionEdit()); } void MercurialCommitWidget::setFields(const QString &repositoryRoot, const QString &branch, const QString &userName, const QString &email) { mercurialCommitPanelUi.repositoryLabel->setText(repositoryRoot); mercurialCommitPanelUi.branchLabel->setText(branch); mercurialCommitPanelUi.authorLineEdit->setText(userName); mercurialCommitPanelUi.emailLineEdit->setText(email); } QString MercurialCommitWidget::committer() { QString user = mercurialCommitPanelUi.authorLineEdit->text() + QLatin1String(" <") + mercurialCommitPanelUi.emailLineEdit->text() + QLatin1String(">"); return user; } QString MercurialCommitWidget::repoRoot() { return mercurialCommitPanelUi.repositoryLabel->text(); } } // namespace Internal } // namespace Mercurial