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#include "CheckUndefinedSymbols.h"
#include "Overview.h"

#include <Names.h>
#include <Literals.h>
#include <Symbols.h>
#include <TranslationUnit.h>
#include <Scope.h>
#include <AST.h>

using namespace CPlusPlus;

CheckUndefinedSymbols::CheckUndefinedSymbols(Document::Ptr doc)
    : ASTVisitor(doc->control()), _doc(doc)
{ }

{ }

void CheckUndefinedSymbols::setGlobalNamespaceBinding(NamespaceBindingPtr globalNamespaceBinding)
    _globalNamespaceBinding = globalNamespaceBinding;

    if (_globalNamespaceBinding) {
        QSet<NamespaceBinding *> processed;
        buildTypeMap(_globalNamespaceBinding.data(), &processed);

void CheckUndefinedSymbols::operator()(AST *ast)
{ accept(ast); }

QByteArray CheckUndefinedSymbols::templateParameterName(NameAST *ast) const
    if (ast && ast->name) {
        if (Identifier *id = ast->name->identifier())
            return QByteArray::fromRawData(id->chars(), id->size());

    return QByteArray();

QByteArray CheckUndefinedSymbols::templateParameterName(DeclarationAST *ast) const
    if (ast) {
        if (TypenameTypeParameterAST *d = ast->asTypenameTypeParameter())
            return templateParameterName(d->name);
        else if (TemplateTypeParameterAST *d = ast->asTemplateTypeParameter())
            return templateParameterName(d->name);
    return QByteArray();

bool CheckUndefinedSymbols::isType(const QByteArray &name) const
    for (int i = _templateDeclarationStack.size() - 1; i != - 1; --i) {
        TemplateDeclarationAST *templateDeclaration = _templateDeclarationStack.at(i);
        for (DeclarationListAST *it = templateDeclaration->template_parameters; it; it = it->next) {
            DeclarationAST *templateParameter = it->declaration;
            if (templateParameterName(templateParameter) == name)
                return true;
    return _types.contains(name);

bool CheckUndefinedSymbols::isType(Identifier *id) const
    if (! id)
        return false;

    return isType(QByteArray::fromRawData(id->chars(), id->size()));

void CheckUndefinedSymbols::addType(Name *name)
    if (! name)

    if (Identifier *id = name->identifier())
        _types.insert(QByteArray(id->chars(), id->size()));

void CheckUndefinedSymbols::buildTypeMap(Class *klass)

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < klass->memberCount(); ++i) {
        Symbol *member = klass->memberAt(i);

        if (Class *klass = member->asClass()) {
        } else if (Enum *e = member->asEnum()) {
        } else if (ForwardClassDeclaration *fwd = member->asForwardClassDeclaration()) {
        } else if (Declaration *decl = member->asDeclaration()) {
            if (decl->isTypedef())

void CheckUndefinedSymbols::buildTypeMap(NamespaceBinding *binding, QSet<NamespaceBinding *> *processed)
    if (! processed->contains(binding)) {

        if (Identifier *id = binding->identifier()) {
            _namespaceNames.insert(QByteArray(id->chars(), id->size()));

        foreach (Namespace *ns, binding->symbols) {
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < ns->memberCount(); ++i) {
                Symbol *member = ns->memberAt(i);

                if (Class *klass = member->asClass()) {
                } else if (Enum *e = member->asEnum()) {
                } else if (ForwardClassDeclaration *fwd = member->asForwardClassDeclaration()) {
                } else if (Declaration *decl = member->asDeclaration()) {
                    if (decl->isTypedef())

        foreach (NamespaceBinding *childBinding, binding->children) {
            buildTypeMap(childBinding, processed);

FunctionDeclaratorAST *CheckUndefinedSymbols::currentFunctionDeclarator() const
    if (_functionDeclaratorStack.isEmpty())
        return 0;

    return _functionDeclaratorStack.last();

bool CheckUndefinedSymbols::visit(FunctionDeclaratorAST *ast)

    return true;

void CheckUndefinedSymbols::endVisit(FunctionDeclaratorAST *)

bool CheckUndefinedSymbols::visit(TypeofSpecifierAST *ast)
    return false;

bool CheckUndefinedSymbols::visit(NamedTypeSpecifierAST *ast)
    if (ast->name) {
        if (! ast->name->name) {
            unsigned line, col;
            getTokenStartPosition(ast->firstToken(), &line, &col);
            // qWarning() << _doc->fileName() << line << col;
        } else if (Identifier *id = ast->name->name->identifier()) {
            if (! isType(id)) {
                if (FunctionDeclaratorAST *functionDeclarator = currentFunctionDeclarator()) {
                    if (functionDeclarator->as_cpp_initializer)
                        return true;

                Overview oo;
                translationUnit()->warning(ast->firstToken(), "`%s' is not a type name",
    return true;

bool CheckUndefinedSymbols::visit(TemplateDeclarationAST *ast)
    return true;

void CheckUndefinedSymbols::endVisit(TemplateDeclarationAST *)

bool CheckUndefinedSymbols::visit(ClassSpecifierAST *ast)
    if (ast->base_clause) {
        unsigned line, col;
        getTokenStartPosition(ast->firstToken(), &line, &col);

    bool hasQ_OBJECT_CHECK = false;

    if (ast->symbol) {
        Class *klass = ast->symbol->asClass();

        for (unsigned i = 0; i < klass->memberCount(); ++i) {
            Symbol *symbol = klass->memberAt(i);

            if (symbol->name() && symbol->name()->isNameId()) {
                NameId *nameId = symbol->name()->asNameId();

                if (! qstrcmp(nameId->identifier()->chars(), "qt_check_for_QOBJECT_macro")) {
                    hasQ_OBJECT_CHECK = true;


    return true;

void CheckUndefinedSymbols::endVisit(ClassSpecifierAST *)
{ _qobjectStack.removeLast(); }

bool CheckUndefinedSymbols::qobjectCheck() const
    if (_qobjectStack.isEmpty())
        return false;

    return _qobjectStack.last();

bool CheckUndefinedSymbols::visit(FunctionDefinitionAST *ast)
    if (ast->symbol) {
        Function *fun = ast->symbol->asFunction();
        if ((fun->isSignal() || fun->isSlot()) && ! qobjectCheck()) {
                                       "you forgot the Q_OBJECT macro");
    return true;

void CheckUndefinedSymbols::endVisit(FunctionDefinitionAST *)
{ }

bool CheckUndefinedSymbols::visit(SimpleDeclarationAST *ast)
    const bool check = qobjectCheck();
    for (List<Declaration *> *it = ast->symbols; it; it = it->next) {
        Declaration *decl = it->value;

        if (Function *fun = decl->type()->asFunctionType()) {
            if ((fun->isSignal() || fun->isSlot()) && ! check) {
                                           "you forgot the Q_OBJECT macro");
    return true;

bool CheckUndefinedSymbols::visit(BaseSpecifierAST *base)
    if (NameAST *nameAST = base->name) {
        bool resolvedBaseClassName = false;

        if (Name *name = nameAST->name) {
            Identifier *id = name->identifier();
            const QByteArray spell = QByteArray::fromRawData(id->chars(), id->size());
            if (isType(spell))
                resolvedBaseClassName = true;

        if (! resolvedBaseClassName) {
            const char *token = "after `:'";

            if (base->comma_token)
                token = "after `,'";

                                       "expected class-name %s token", token);

    return true;

bool CheckUndefinedSymbols::visit(UsingDirectiveAST *ast)
    if (ast->symbol && ast->symbol->name() && _globalNamespaceBinding) {
        const Location loc = Location(ast->symbol);

        NamespaceBinding *binding = _globalNamespaceBinding.data();

        if (Scope *enclosingNamespaceScope = ast->symbol->enclosingNamespaceScope())
            binding = NamespaceBinding::find(enclosingNamespaceScope->owner()->asNamespace(), binding);

        if (! binding || ! binding->resolveNamespace(loc, ast->symbol->name())) {
                                       "expected a namespace");

    return true;

bool CheckUndefinedSymbols::visit(QualifiedNameAST *ast)
    if (ast->name) {
        QualifiedNameId *q = ast->name->asQualifiedNameId();
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < q->nameCount() - 1; ++i) {
            Name *name = q->nameAt(i);
            if (Identifier *id = name->identifier()) {
                const QByteArray spell = QByteArray::fromRawData(id->chars(), id->size());
                if (! (_namespaceNames.contains(spell) || isType(id))) {
                                               "`%s' is not a namespace or class name",

    return true;

bool CheckUndefinedSymbols::visit(CastExpressionAST *ast)
    if (ast->lparen_token && ast->type_id && ast->rparen_token && ast->expression) {
        if (TypeIdAST *cast_type_id = ast->type_id->asTypeId()) {
            SpecifierAST *type_specifier = cast_type_id->type_specifier;
            if (! cast_type_id->declarator && type_specifier && ! type_specifier->next &&
                type_specifier->asNamedTypeSpecifier() && ast->expression &&
                ast->expression->asUnaryExpression()) {
                // this ast node is ambigious, e.g.
                //   (a) + b
                // it can be parsed as
                //   ((a) + b)
                // or
                //   (a) (+b)
                return false;

    return true;

bool CheckUndefinedSymbols::visit(SizeofExpressionAST *ast)
    if (ast->lparen_token && ast->expression && ast->rparen_token) {
        if (TypeIdAST *type_id = ast->expression->asTypeId()) {
            SpecifierAST *type_specifier = type_id->type_specifier;
            if (! type_id->declarator && type_specifier && ! type_specifier->next &&
                type_specifier->asNamedTypeSpecifier()) {
                // this sizeof expression is ambiguos, e.g.
                // sizeof (a)
                //   `a' can be a typeid or a nested-expression.
                return false;
            } else if (type_id->declarator
                       &&   type_id->declarator->postfix_declarators
                       && ! type_id->declarator->postfix_declarators->next
                       &&   type_id->declarator->postfix_declarators->asArrayDeclarator() != 0) {
                // this sizeof expression is ambiguos, e.g.
                // sizeof(a[10])
                //   `a' can be a typeid or an expression.
                return false;

    return true;