/*************************************************************************** ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator ** ** Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** ** Contact: Qt Software Information (qt-info@nokia.com) ** ** ** Non-Open Source Usage ** ** Licensees may use this file in accordance with the Qt Beta Version ** License Agreement, Agreement version 2.2 provided with the Software or, ** alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in a written ** agreement between you and Nokia. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General ** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging ** of this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU ** General Public Licensing requirements will be met: ** ** http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/info/GPLv2.html and ** http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt GPL Exception ** version 1.2, included in the file GPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ***************************************************************************/ #include "watchhandler.h" #if USE_MODEL_TEST #include "modeltest.h" #endif #include <utils/qtcassert.h> #include <QtCore/QDebug> #include <QtCore/QEvent> #include <QtGui/QApplication> #include <QtGui/QLabel> #include <QtGui/QToolTip> #include <QtGui/QTextEdit> #include <ctype.h> // creates debug output regarding pending watch data results //#define DEBUG_PENDING 1 // creates debug output for accesses to the itemmodel //#define DEBUG_MODEL 1 #if DEBUG_MODEL # define MODEL_DEBUG(s) qDebug() << s #else # define MODEL_DEBUG(s) #endif #define MODEL_DEBUGX(s) qDebug() << s using namespace Debugger::Internal; static const QString strNotInScope = QLatin1String("<not in scope>"); static bool isIntOrFloatType(const QString &type) { static const QStringList types = QStringList() << "char" << "int" << "short" << "float" << "double" << "long" << "bool" << "signed char" << "unsigned" << "unsigned char" << "unsigned int" << "unsigned long" << "long long"; return types.contains(type); } static bool isPointerType(const QString &type) { return type.endsWith("*") || type.endsWith("* const"); } static QString htmlQuote(const QString &str0) { QString str = str0; str.replace('&', "&"); str.replace('<', "<"); str.replace('>', ">"); return str; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // WatchData // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// WatchData::WatchData() { valuedisabled = false; state = InitialState; childCount = -1; parentIndex = -1; row = -1; level = -1; changed = false; } void WatchData::setError(const QString &msg) { setAllUnneeded(); value = msg; setChildCount(0); valuedisabled = true; } static QByteArray quoteUnprintable(const QByteArray &ba) { QByteArray res; char buf[10]; for (int i = 0, n = ba.size(); i != n; ++i) { char c = ba.at(i); if (isprint(c)) { res += c; } else { qsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "\\%x", int(c)); res += buf; } } return res; } void WatchData::setValue(const QByteArray &value0) { value = quoteUnprintable(value0); if (value == "{...}") { value.clear(); childCount = 1; // at least one... } // avoid duplicated information if (value.startsWith("(") && value.contains(") 0x")) value = value.mid(value.lastIndexOf(") 0x") + 2); // doubles are sometimes displayed as "@0x6141378: 1.2". // I don't want that. if (/*isIntOrFloatType(type) && */ value.startsWith("@0x") && value.contains(':')) { value = value.mid(value.indexOf(':') + 2); setChildCount(0); } // "numchild" is sometimes lying //MODEL_DEBUG("\n\n\nPOINTER: " << type << value); if (isPointerType(type)) setChildCount(value != "0x0" && value != "<null>"); // pointer type information is available in the 'type' // column. No need to duplicate it here. if (value.startsWith("(" + type + ") 0x")) value = value.section(" ", -1, -1); setValueUnneeded(); } void WatchData::setValueToolTip(const QString &tooltip) { valuetooltip = tooltip; } void WatchData::setType(const QString &str) { type = str.trimmed(); bool changed = true; while (changed) { if (type.endsWith("const")) type.chop(5); else if (type.endsWith(" ")) type.chop(1); else if (type.endsWith("&")) type.chop(1); else if (type.startsWith("const ")) type = type.mid(6); else if (type.startsWith("volatile ")) type = type.mid(9); else if (type.startsWith("class ")) type = type.mid(6); else if (type.startsWith("struct ")) type = type.mid(6); else if (type.startsWith(" ")) type = type.mid(1); else changed = false; } setTypeUnneeded(); if (isIntOrFloatType(type)) setChildCount(0); } void WatchData::setAddress(const QString & str) { addr = str; } QString WatchData::toString() const { QString res = "{"; res += "level=\"" + QString::number(level) + "\","; res += "parent=\"" + QString::number(parentIndex) + "\","; res += "row=\"" + QString::number(row) + "\","; res += "child=\""; foreach (int index, childIndex) res += QString::number(index) + ","; if (res.endsWith(',')) res[res.size() - 1] = '"'; else res += '"'; res += ","; if (!iname.isEmpty()) res += "iname=\"" + iname + "\","; if (!exp.isEmpty()) res += "exp=\"" + exp + "\","; if (!variable.isEmpty()) res += "variable=\"" + variable + "\","; if (isValueNeeded()) res += "value=<needed>,"; if (isValueKnown() && !value.isEmpty()) res += "value=\"" + value + "\","; if (!editvalue.isEmpty()) res += "editvalue=\"" + editvalue + "\","; if (isTypeNeeded()) res += "type=<needed>,"; if (isTypeKnown() && !type.isEmpty()) res += "type=\"" + type + "\","; if (isChildCountNeeded()) res += "numchild=<needed>,"; if (isChildCountKnown() && childCount == -1) res += "numchild=\"" + QString::number(childCount) + "\","; if (isChildrenNeeded()) res += "children=<needed>,"; if (res.endsWith(',')) res[res.size() - 1] = '}'; else res += '}'; return res; } static bool iNameSorter(const WatchData &d1, const WatchData &d2) { if (d1.level != d2.level) return d1.level < d2.level; for (int level = 0; level != d1.level; ++level) { QString name1 = d1.iname.section('.', level, level); QString name2 = d2.iname.section('.', level, level); //MODEL_DEBUG(" SORT: " << name1 << name2 << (name1 < name2)); if (name1 != name2) { // This formerly used inames. in this case 'lastIndexOf' probably // makes more sense. if (name1.startsWith('[') && name2.startsWith('[')) { return name1.mid(1, name1.indexOf(']') - 1).toInt() < name2.mid(1, name2.indexOf(']') - 1).toInt(); // numbers should be sorted according to their numerical value //int pos = d1.name.lastIndexOf('.'); //if (pos != -1 && pos + 1 != d1.name.size() && d1.name.at(pos + 1).isDigit()) // return d1.name.size() < d2.name.size(); // fall through } return name1 < name2; } } return false; } static QString parentName(const QString &iname) { int pos = iname.lastIndexOf("."); if (pos == -1) return QString(); return iname.left(pos); } static void insertDataHelper(QList<WatchData> &list, const WatchData &data) { // FIXME: Quadratic algorithm for (int i = list.size(); --i >= 0; ) { if (list.at(i).iname == data.iname) { list[i] = data; return; } } list.append(data); } static WatchData take(const QString &iname, QList<WatchData> *list) { for (int i = list->size(); --i >= 0;) { if (list->at(i).iname == iname) { WatchData res = list->at(i); (*list)[i] = list->back(); (void) list->takeLast(); return res; //return list->takeAt(i); } } return WatchData(); } static QList<WatchData> initialSet() { QList<WatchData> result; WatchData root; root.state = 0; root.level = 0; root.row = 0; root.name = "Root"; root.parentIndex = -1; root.childIndex.append(1); root.childIndex.append(2); root.childIndex.append(3); result.append(root); WatchData local; local.iname = "local"; local.name = "Locals"; local.state = 0; local.level = 1; local.row = 0; local.parentIndex = 0; result.append(local); WatchData tooltip; tooltip.iname = "tooltip"; tooltip.name = "Tooltip"; tooltip.state = 0; tooltip.level = 1; tooltip.row = 1; tooltip.parentIndex = 0; result.append(tooltip); WatchData watch; watch.iname = "watch"; watch.name = "Watchers"; watch.state = 0; watch.level = 1; watch.row = 2; watch.parentIndex = 0; result.append(watch); return result; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // WatchHandler // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// WatchHandler::WatchHandler() { m_expandPointers = true; m_inFetchMore = false; m_inChange = false; m_completeSet = initialSet(); m_incompleteSet.clear(); m_displaySet = m_completeSet; } bool WatchHandler::setData(const QModelIndex &idx, const QVariant &value, int role) { /* Q_UNUSED(idx); Q_UNUSED(value); Q_UNUSED(role); if (role == VisualRole) { QString iname = inameFromIndex(index); setDisplayedIName(iname, value.toBool()); return true; } return true; */ return QAbstractItemModel::setData(idx, value, role); } static QString niceType(QString type) { if (type.contains("std::")) { static QRegExp re("std::vector<(.*)\\s*,std::allocator<(.*)>\\s*>"); re.setMinimal(true); type.replace("std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, " "std::allocator<char> >", "std::string"); type.replace("std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, " "std::allocator<wchar_t> >", "std::wstring"); for (int i = 0; i != 10; ++i) { if (re.indexIn(type) == -1 || re.cap(1) != re.cap(2)) break; type.replace(re.cap(0), "std::vector<" + re.cap(1) + ">"); } type.replace(" >", ">"); } return type; } QVariant WatchHandler::data(const QModelIndex &idx, int role) const { int node = idx.internalId(); if (node < 0) return QVariant(); QTC_ASSERT(node < m_displaySet.size(), return QVariant()); const WatchData &data = m_displaySet.at(node); switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: { switch (idx.column()) { case 0: return data.name; case 1: return data.value; case 2: return niceType(data.type); default: break; } break; } case Qt::ToolTipRole: { QString val = data.value; if (val.size() > 1000) val = val.left(1000) + " ... <cut off>"; QString tt = "<table>"; //tt += "<tr><td>internal name</td><td> : </td><td>"; //tt += htmlQuote(iname) + "</td></tr>"; tt += "<tr><td>expression</td><td> : </td><td>"; tt += htmlQuote(data.exp) + "</td></tr>"; tt += "<tr><td>type</td><td> : </td><td>"; tt += htmlQuote(data.type) + "</td></tr>"; //if (!valuetooltip.isEmpty()) // tt += valuetooltip; //else tt += "<tr><td>value</td><td> : </td><td>"; tt += htmlQuote(data.value) + "</td></tr>"; tt += "<tr><td>addr</td><td> : </td><td>"; tt += htmlQuote(data.addr) + "</td></tr>"; tt += "<tr><td>iname</td><td> : </td><td>"; tt += htmlQuote(data.iname) + "</td></tr>"; tt += "</table>"; tt.replace("@value@", htmlQuote(data.value)); if (tt.size() > 10000) tt = tt.left(10000) + " ... <cut off>"; return tt; } case Qt::ForegroundRole: { static const QVariant red(QColor(200, 0, 0)); static const QVariant black(QColor(0, 0, 0)); static const QVariant gray(QColor(140, 140, 140)); switch (idx.column()) { case 0: return black; case 1: return data.valuedisabled ? gray : data.changed ? red : black; case 2: return black; } break; } case INameRole: return data.iname; case VisualRole: return m_displayedINames.contains(data.iname); case ExpandedRole: //qDebug() << " FETCHING: " << data.iname // << m_expandedINames.contains(data.iname) // << m_expandedINames; // Level 0 and 1 are always expanded return node < 4 || m_expandedINames.contains(data.iname); default: break; } return QVariant(); } Qt::ItemFlags WatchHandler::flags(const QModelIndex &idx) const { using namespace Qt; if (!idx.isValid()) return ItemFlags(); int node = idx.internalId(); if (node < 0) return ItemFlags(); // enabled, editable, selectable, checkable, and can be used both as the // source of a drag and drop operation and as a drop target. static const ItemFlags DefaultNotEditable = ItemIsSelectable | ItemIsDragEnabled | ItemIsDropEnabled // | ItemIsUserCheckable // | ItemIsTristate | ItemIsEnabled; static const ItemFlags DefaultEditable = DefaultNotEditable | ItemIsEditable; const WatchData &data = m_displaySet.at(node); return idx.column() == 1 && data.isWatcher() ? DefaultEditable : DefaultNotEditable; } QVariant WatchHandler::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { if (orientation == Qt::Vertical) return QVariant(); if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { switch (section) { case 0: return tr("Name") + " "; case 1: return tr("Value") + " "; case 2: return tr("Type") + " "; } } return QVariant(); } QString WatchHandler::toString() const { QString res; res += "\nIncomplete:\n"; for (int i = 0, n = m_incompleteSet.size(); i != n; ++i) { res += QString("%1: ").arg(i); res += m_incompleteSet.at(i).toString(); res += '\n'; } res += "\nComplete:\n"; for (int i = 0, n = m_completeSet.size(); i != n; ++i) { res += QString("%1: ").arg(i); res += m_completeSet.at(i).toString(); res += '\n'; } res += "\nDisplay:\n"; for (int i = 0, n = m_displaySet.size(); i != n; ++i) { res += QString("%1: ").arg(i); res += m_displaySet.at(i).toString(); res += '\n'; } #if 0 res += "\nOld:\n"; for (int i = 0, n = m_oldSet.size(); i != n; ++i) { res += m_oldSet.at(i).toString(); res += '\n'; } #endif return res; } WatchData *WatchHandler::findData(const QString &iname) { for (int i = m_completeSet.size(); --i >= 0; ) if (m_completeSet.at(i).iname == iname) return &m_completeSet[i]; return 0; } WatchData WatchHandler::takeData(const QString &iname) { WatchData data = take(iname, &m_incompleteSet); if (data.isValid()) return data; return take(iname, &m_completeSet); } QList<WatchData> WatchHandler::takeCurrentIncompletes() { QList<WatchData> res = m_incompleteSet; //MODEL_DEBUG("TAKING INCOMPLETES" << toString()); m_incompleteSet.clear(); return res; } void WatchHandler::rebuildModel() { if (m_inChange) { MODEL_DEBUG("RECREATE MODEL IGNORED, CURRENT SET:\n" << toString()); return; } #ifdef DEBUG_PENDING MODEL_DEBUG("RECREATE MODEL, CURRENT SET:\n" << toString()); #endif QHash<QString, int> oldTopINames; QHash<QString, QString> oldValues; for (int i = 0, n = m_oldSet.size(); i != n; ++i) { WatchData &data = m_oldSet[i]; oldValues[data.iname] = data.value; if (data.level == 2) ++oldTopINames[data.iname]; } #ifdef DEBUG_PENDING MODEL_DEBUG("OLD VALUES: " << oldValues); #endif for (int i = m_completeSet.size(); --i >= 0; ) { WatchData &data = m_completeSet[i]; data.level = data.iname.isEmpty() ? 0 : data.iname.count('.') + 1; data.childIndex.clear(); } qSort(m_completeSet.begin(), m_completeSet.end(), &iNameSorter); // This helps to decide whether the view has completely changed or not. QHash<QString, int> topINames; QHash<QString, int> iname2idx; for (int i = m_completeSet.size(); --i > 0; ) { WatchData &data = m_completeSet[i]; data.parentIndex = 0; data.childIndex.clear(); iname2idx[data.iname] = i; if (data.level == 2) ++topINames[data.iname]; } //qDebug() << "TOPINAMES: " << topINames << "\nOLD: " << oldTopINames; for (int i = 1; i < m_completeSet.size(); ++i) { WatchData &data = m_completeSet[i]; QString parentIName = parentName(data.iname); data.parentIndex = iname2idx.value(parentIName, 0); WatchData &parent = m_completeSet[data.parentIndex]; data.row = parent.childIndex.size(); parent.childIndex.append(i); } m_oldSet = m_completeSet; m_oldSet += m_incompleteSet; for (int i = 0, n = m_completeSet.size(); i != n; ++i) { WatchData &data = m_completeSet[i]; data.changed = !data.value.isEmpty() && data.value != oldValues[data.iname] && data.value != strNotInScope; } emit layoutAboutToBeChanged(); if (oldTopINames != topINames) { m_displaySet = initialSet(); m_expandedINames.clear(); emit reset(); } m_displaySet = m_completeSet; #ifdef DEBUG_PENDING MODEL_DEBUG("SET " << toString()); #endif #if 1 // Append dummy item to get the [+] effect for (int i = 0, n = m_displaySet.size(); i != n; ++i) { WatchData &data = m_displaySet[i]; if (data.childCount > 0 && data.childIndex.size() == 0) { WatchData dummy; dummy.state = 0; dummy.row = 0; dummy.iname = data.iname + ".dummy"; //dummy.name = data.iname + ".dummy"; //dummy.name = "<loading>"; dummy.level = data.level + 1; dummy.parentIndex = i; dummy.childCount = 0; data.childIndex.append(m_displaySet.size()); m_displaySet.append(dummy); } } #endif // Possibly append dummy items to prevent empty views bool ok = true; QTC_ASSERT(m_displaySet.size() >= 2, ok = false); QTC_ASSERT(m_displaySet.at(1).iname == "local", ok = false); QTC_ASSERT(m_displaySet.at(2).iname == "tooltip", ok = false); QTC_ASSERT(m_displaySet.at(3).iname == "watch", ok = false); if (ok) { for (int i = 1; i <= 3; ++i) { WatchData &data = m_displaySet[i]; if (data.childIndex.size() == 0) { WatchData dummy; dummy.state = 0; dummy.row = 0; if (i == 1) { dummy.iname = "local.dummy"; dummy.name = "<No Locals>"; } else if (i == 2) { dummy.iname = "tooltip.dummy"; dummy.name = "<No Tooltip>"; } else { dummy.iname = "watch.dummy"; dummy.name = "<No Watchers>"; } dummy.level = 2; dummy.parentIndex = i; dummy.childCount = 0; data.childIndex.append(m_displaySet.size()); m_displaySet.append(dummy); } } } m_inChange = true; //qDebug() << "WATCHHANDLER: RESET ABOUT TO EMIT"; emit reset(); //qDebug() << "WATCHHANDLER: RESET EMITTED"; m_inChange = false; #if DEBUG_MODEL #if USE_MODEL_TEST //(void) new ModelTest(this, this); #endif #endif #ifdef DEBUG_PENDING MODEL_DEBUG("SORTED: " << toString()); MODEL_DEBUG("EXPANDED INAMES: " << m_expandedINames); #endif } void WatchHandler::cleanup() { m_oldSet.clear(); m_expandedINames.clear(); m_displayedINames.clear(); m_incompleteSet.clear(); m_completeSet = initialSet(); m_displaySet = m_completeSet; #if 0 for (EditWindows::ConstIterator it = m_editWindows.begin(); it != m_editWindows.end(); ++it) { if (!it.value().isNull()) delete it.value(); } m_editWindows.clear(); #endif emit reset(); } void WatchHandler::collapseChildren(const QModelIndex &idx) { if (m_inChange || m_completeSet.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "WATCHHANDLER: COLLAPSE IGNORED" << idx; return; } QTC_ASSERT(checkIndex(idx.internalId()), return); #if 0 QString iname0 = m_displaySet.at(idx.internalId()).iname; MODEL_DEBUG("COLLAPSE NODE" << iname0); QString iname1 = iname0 + '.'; for (int i = m_completeSet.size(); --i >= 0; ) { QString iname = m_completeSet.at(i).iname; if (iname.startsWith(iname1)) { // Better leave it in in case the user re-enters the branch? (void) m_completeSet.takeAt(i); MODEL_DEBUG(" REMOVING " << iname); m_expandedINames.remove(iname); } } m_expandedINames.remove(iname0); //MODEL_DEBUG(toString()); //rebuildModel(); #endif } void WatchHandler::expandChildren(const QModelIndex &idx) { if (m_inChange || m_completeSet.isEmpty()) { //qDebug() << "WATCHHANDLER: EXPAND IGNORED" << idx; return; } int index = idx.internalId(); if (index == 0) return; QTC_ASSERT(index >= 0, qDebug() << toString() << index; return); QTC_ASSERT(index < m_completeSet.size(), qDebug() << toString() << index; return); const WatchData &display = m_displaySet.at(index); QTC_ASSERT(index >= 0, qDebug() << toString() << index; return); QTC_ASSERT(index < m_completeSet.size(), qDebug() << toString() << index; return); const WatchData &complete = m_completeSet.at(index); MODEL_DEBUG("\n\nEXPAND" << display.iname); if (display.iname.isEmpty()) { // This should not happen but the view seems to send spurious // "expand()" signals folr the root item from time to time. // Try to handle that gracfully. //MODEL_DEBUG(toString()); qDebug() << "FIXME: expandChildren, no data " << display.iname << "found" << idx; //rebuildModel(); return; } //qDebug() << " ... NODE: " << display.toString() // << complete.childIndex.size() << complete.childCount; if (m_expandedINames.contains(display.iname)) return; // This is a performance hack and not strictly necessary. // Remove it if there are troubles when expanding nodes. if (0 && complete.childCount > 0 && complete.childIndex.size() > 0) { MODEL_DEBUG("SKIP FETCHING CHILDREN"); return; } WatchData data = takeData(display.iname); // remove previous data m_expandedINames.insert(data.iname); if (data.iname.contains('.')) // not for top-level items data.setChildrenNeeded(); insertData(data); emit watchModelUpdateRequested(); } void WatchHandler::insertData(const WatchData &data) { //MODEL_DEBUG("INSERTDATA: " << data.toString()); QTC_ASSERT(data.isValid(), return); if (data.isSomethingNeeded()) insertDataHelper(m_incompleteSet, data); else insertDataHelper(m_completeSet, data); //MODEL_DEBUG("INSERT RESULT" << toString()); } void WatchHandler::watchExpression(const QString &exp) { // FIXME: 'exp' can contain illegal characters //MODEL_DEBUG("WATCH: " << exp); WatchData data; data.exp = exp; data.name = exp; data.iname = "watch." + exp; insertData(data); } void WatchHandler::setDisplayedIName(const QString &iname, bool on) { WatchData *d = findData(iname); if (!on || !d) { delete m_editWindows.take(iname); m_displayedINames.remove(iname); return; } if (d->exp.isEmpty()) { //emit statusMessageRequested(tr("Sorry. Cannot visualize objects without known address."), 5000); return; } d->setValueNeeded(); m_displayedINames.insert(iname); insertData(*d); } void WatchHandler::showEditValue(const WatchData &data) { // editvalue is always base64 encoded QByteArray ba = QByteArray::fromBase64(data.editvalue); //QByteArray ba = data.editvalue; QWidget *w = m_editWindows.value(data.iname); qDebug() << "SHOW_EDIT_VALUE " << data.toString() << data.type << data.iname << w; if (data.type == "QImage") { if (!w) { w = new QLabel; m_editWindows[data.iname] = w; } QDataStream ds(&ba, QIODevice::ReadOnly); QVariant v; ds >> v; QString type = QString::fromAscii(v.typeName()); QImage im = v.value<QImage>(); if (QLabel *l = qobject_cast<QLabel *>(w)) l->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(im)); } else if (data.type == "QPixmap") { if (!w) { w = new QLabel; m_editWindows[data.iname] = w; } QDataStream ds(&ba, QIODevice::ReadOnly); QVariant v; ds >> v; QString type = QString::fromAscii(v.typeName()); QPixmap im = v.value<QPixmap>(); if (QLabel *l = qobject_cast<QLabel *>(w)) l->setPixmap(im); } else if (data.type == "QString") { if (!w) { w = new QTextEdit; m_editWindows[data.iname] = w; } #if 0 QDataStream ds(&ba, QIODevice::ReadOnly); QVariant v; ds >> v; QString type = QString::fromAscii(v.typeName()); QString str = v.value<QString>(); #else MODEL_DEBUG("DATA: " << ba); QString str = QString::fromUtf16((ushort *)ba.constData(), ba.size()/2); #endif if (QTextEdit *t = qobject_cast<QTextEdit *>(w)) t->setText(str); } if (w) w->show(); } void WatchHandler::removeWatchExpression(const QString &iname) { MODEL_DEBUG("REMOVE WATCH: " << iname); (void) takeData(iname); emit watchModelUpdateRequested(); } void WatchHandler::reinitializeWatchers() { m_completeSet = initialSet(); m_incompleteSet.clear(); // copy over all watchers and mark all watchers as incomplete for (int i = 0, n = m_oldSet.size(); i < n; ++i) { WatchData data = m_oldSet.at(i); if (data.isWatcher()) { data.level = -1; data.row = -1; data.parentIndex = -1; data.variable.clear(); data.setAllNeeded(); data.valuedisabled = false; insertData(data); // properly handles "neededChildren" } } } bool WatchHandler::canFetchMore(const QModelIndex &parent) const { MODEL_DEBUG("CAN FETCH MORE: " << parent << "false"); #if 1 Q_UNUSED(parent); return false; #else // FIXME: not robust enough. Problem is that fetchMore // needs to be made synchronous to be useful. Busy loop is no good. if (!parent.isValid()) return false; QTC_ASSERT(checkIndex(parent.internalId()), return false); const WatchData &data = m_displaySet.at(parent.internalId()); MODEL_DEBUG("CAN FETCH MORE: " << parent << " children: " << data.childCount << data.iname); return data.childCount > 0; #endif } void WatchHandler::fetchMore(const QModelIndex &parent) { MODEL_DEBUG("FETCH MORE: " << parent); return; QTC_ASSERT(checkIndex(parent.internalId()), return); QString iname = m_displaySet.at(parent.internalId()).iname; if (m_inFetchMore) { MODEL_DEBUG("LOOP IN FETCH MORE" << iname); return; } m_inFetchMore = true; WatchData data = takeData(iname); MODEL_DEBUG("FETCH MORE: " << parent << ":" << iname << data.name); if (!data.isValid()) { MODEL_DEBUG("FIXME: FETCH MORE, no data " << iname << "found"); return; } m_expandedINames.insert(data.iname); if (data.iname.contains('.')) // not for top-level items data.setChildrenNeeded(); MODEL_DEBUG("FETCH MORE: data:" << data.toString()); insertData(data); //emit watchUpdateRequested(); while (m_inFetchMore) { QApplication::processEvents(); } m_inFetchMore = false; MODEL_DEBUG("BUSY LOOP FINISHED, data:" << data.toString()); } QModelIndex WatchHandler::index(int row, int col, const QModelIndex &parent) const { #ifdef DEBUG_MODEL MODEL_DEBUG("INDEX " << row << col << parent); #endif //if (col != 0) { // MODEL_DEBUG(" -> " << QModelIndex() << " (3) "); // return QModelIndex(); //} if (row < 0) { MODEL_DEBUG(" -> " << QModelIndex() << " (4) "); return QModelIndex(); } if (!parent.isValid()) { if (row == 0 && col >= 0 && col < 3 && parent.row() == -1) { MODEL_DEBUG(" -> " << createIndex(0, 0, 0) << " (B) "); return createIndex(0, col, 0); } MODEL_DEBUG(" -> " << QModelIndex() << " (1) "); return QModelIndex(); } int parentIndex = parent.internalId(); if (parentIndex < 0) { //MODEL_DEBUG("INDEX " << row << col << parentIndex << "INVALID"); MODEL_DEBUG(" -> " << QModelIndex() << " (2) "); return QModelIndex(); } QTC_ASSERT(checkIndex(parentIndex), return QModelIndex()); const WatchData &data = m_displaySet.at(parentIndex); QTC_ASSERT(row >= 0, qDebug() << "ROW: " << row << "PARENT: " << parent << data.toString() << toString(); return QModelIndex()); QTC_ASSERT(row < data.childIndex.size(), MODEL_DEBUG("ROW: " << row << data.toString() << toString()); return QModelIndex()); QModelIndex idx = createIndex(row, col, data.childIndex.at(row)); QTC_ASSERT(idx.row() == m_displaySet.at(idx.internalId()).row, return QModelIndex()); MODEL_DEBUG(" -> " << idx << " (A) "); return idx; } QModelIndex WatchHandler::parent(const QModelIndex &idx) const { if (!idx.isValid()) { MODEL_DEBUG(" -> " << QModelIndex() << " (1) "); return QModelIndex(); } MODEL_DEBUG("PARENT " << idx); int currentIndex = idx.internalId(); QTC_ASSERT(checkIndex(currentIndex), return QModelIndex()); QTC_ASSERT(idx.row() == m_displaySet.at(currentIndex).row, MODEL_DEBUG("IDX: " << idx << toString(); return QModelIndex())); int parentIndex = m_displaySet.at(currentIndex).parentIndex; if (parentIndex < 0) { MODEL_DEBUG(" -> " << QModelIndex() << " (2) "); return QModelIndex(); } QTC_ASSERT(checkIndex(parentIndex), return QModelIndex()); QModelIndex parent = createIndex(m_displaySet.at(parentIndex).row, 0, parentIndex); MODEL_DEBUG(" -> " << parent); return parent; } int WatchHandler::rowCount(const QModelIndex &idx) const { MODEL_DEBUG("ROW COUNT " << idx); if (idx.column() > 0) { MODEL_DEBUG(" -> " << 0 << " (A) "); return 0; } int thisIndex = idx.internalId(); QTC_ASSERT(checkIndex(thisIndex), return 0); if (idx.row() == -1 && idx.column() == -1) { MODEL_DEBUG(" -> " << 3 << " (B) "); return 1; } if (thisIndex < 0) { MODEL_DEBUG(" -> " << 0 << " (C) "); return 0; } if (thisIndex == 0) { MODEL_DEBUG(" -> " << 3 << " (D) "); return 3; } const WatchData &data = m_displaySet.at(thisIndex); int rows = data.childIndex.size(); MODEL_DEBUG(" -> " << rows << " (E) "); return rows; // Try lazy evaluation //if (rows > 0) // return rows; //return data.childCount; } int WatchHandler::columnCount(const QModelIndex &idx) const { MODEL_DEBUG("COLUMN COUNT " << idx); if (idx == QModelIndex()) { MODEL_DEBUG(" -> " << 3 << " (C) "); return 3; } if (idx.column() != 0) { MODEL_DEBUG(" -> " << 0 << " (A) "); return 0; } MODEL_DEBUG(" -> " << 3 << " (B) "); QTC_ASSERT(checkIndex(idx.internalId()), return 3); return 3; } bool WatchHandler::hasChildren(const QModelIndex &idx) const { // that's the base implementation: bool base = rowCount(idx) > 0 && columnCount(idx) > 0; MODEL_DEBUG("HAS CHILDREN: " << idx << base); return base; QTC_ASSERT(checkIndex(idx.internalId()), return false); const WatchData &data = m_displaySet.at(idx.internalId()); MODEL_DEBUG("HAS CHILDREN: " << idx << data.toString()); return data.childCount > 0; // || data.childIndex.size() > 0; } bool WatchHandler::checkIndex(int id) const { if (id < 0) { MODEL_DEBUG("CHECK INDEX FAILED" << id); return false; } if (id >= m_displaySet.size()) { MODEL_DEBUG("CHECK INDEX FAILED" << id << toString()); return false; } return true; }