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namespace Debugger {
namespace Constants {

// modes and their priorities
const char * const MODE_DEBUG           = "Debugger.Mode.Debug";
const int          P_MODE_DEBUG         = 85;

// common actions
const char * const INTERRUPT            = "Debugger.Interrupt";
const char * const RESET                = "Debugger.Reset";
const char * const STEP                 = "Debugger.StepLine";
const char * const STEPOUT              = "Debugger.StepOut";
const char * const NEXT                 = "Debugger.NextLine";
const char * const STEPI                = "Debugger.StepInstruction";
const char * const NEXTI                = "Debugger.NextInstruction";

const char * const M_VIEW_DEBUG         = "Debugger.Menu.View.Debug";
const char * const G_DEBUG              = "Debugger.Group.Debug";
const char * const G_VIEW_DEBUG         = "Debugger.Group.View.Debug";

const char * const C_GDBDEBUGGER        = "Gdb Debugger";
const char * const GDBRUNNING           = "Gdb.Running";

const char * const PROPERTY_REGISTER_FORMAT = "Debugger.Property.RegisterFormat";

} // namespace Constants
} // namespace Debugger