** This file is part of Qt Creator
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#include <utils/changeset.h>
#include <texteditor/basetexteditor.h>
#include <texteditor/texteditor_global.h>

#include <QtCore/QList>
#include <QtCore/QMap>
#include <QtCore/QString>

namespace TextEditor {

class RefactoringChanges;

class TEXTEDITOR_EXPORT RefactoringFile
    typedef Utils::ChangeSet::Range Range;

    RefactoringFile(const QString &fileName, RefactoringChanges *refactoringChanges);

    RefactoringFile(const RefactoringFile &other);

    bool isValid() const;

    const QTextDocument *document() const;
    const QTextCursor cursor() const;

    // converts 1-based line and column into 0-based offset
    int position(unsigned line, unsigned column) const;

    QChar charAt(int pos) const;
    QString textAt(int start, int end) const;
    QString textAt(const Range &range) const;

    bool change(const Utils::ChangeSet &changeSet, bool openEditor = true);
    bool indent(const Range &range, bool openEditor = true);

    // not assignable
    const RefactoringFile &operator=(const RefactoringFile &other);

    QTextDocument *mutableDocument() const;

    QString m_fileName;
    RefactoringChanges *m_refactoringChanges;
    mutable QTextDocument *m_document;
    BaseTextEditor *m_editor;

    This class batches changes to multiple file, which are applied as a single big
class TEXTEDITOR_EXPORT RefactoringChanges
    typedef Utils::ChangeSet::Range Range;

    virtual ~RefactoringChanges();

        Applies all changes to open editors or to text files.

        \return The list of changed files, including newly-created ones.
    virtual QStringList apply();

    bool createFile(const QString &fileName, const QString &contents, bool reindent = true, bool openEditor = true);
    bool removeFile(const QString &fileName);

    RefactoringFile file(const QString &fileName);

    void openEditor(const QString &fileName, int pos = -1);

     * \param fileName the file to activate the editor for
     * \param pos, 0-based offset to put the cursor on, -1 means don't move
    void setActiveEditor(const QString &fileName, int pos = -1);

    QT_DEPRECATED void changeFile(const QString &fileName, const Utils::ChangeSet &changes, bool openEditor = true);
    QT_DEPRECATED void reindent(const QString &fileName, const Range &range, bool openEditor = true);

    static BaseTextEditor *editorForFile(const QString &fileName,
                                         bool openIfClosed = false);

    static QList<QTextCursor> rangesToSelections(QTextDocument *document, const QList<Range> &ranges);
    virtual void indentSelection(const QTextCursor &selection) const = 0;

    QSet<QString> m_filesToCreate;
    QHash<QString, int> m_cursorByFile;
    QHash<QString, Utils::ChangeSet> m_changesByFile;
    QMultiHash<QString, Range> m_indentRangesByFile;
    QString m_fileNameToShow;

    friend class RefactoringFile;

} // namespace TextEditor