** This file is part of Qt Creator
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#include "maemodeviceconfigurations.h"

#include <projectexplorer/projectexplorer.h>
#include <projectexplorer/runconfiguration.h>

#include <QtCore/QDateTime>


namespace Qt4ProjectManager {

class Qt4Project;

namespace Internal {

class MaemoManager;
class MaemoToolChain;
class Qt4BuildConfiguration;
class Qt4ProFileNode;
class Qt4Target;

class MaemoRunConfigurationFactory;

class MaemoRunConfiguration : public ProjectExplorer::RunConfiguration
    friend class MaemoRunConfigurationFactory;

    MaemoRunConfiguration(Qt4Target *parent, const QString &proFilePath);
    virtual ~MaemoRunConfiguration();

    bool isEnabled(ProjectExplorer::BuildConfiguration *config) const;
    QWidget *configurationWidget();
    Qt4Target *qt4Target() const;
    Qt4BuildConfiguration *activeQt4BuildConfiguration() const;

    bool currentlyNeedsDeployment() const;
    void wasDeployed();

    bool hasDebuggingHelpers() const;
    bool debuggingHelpersNeedDeployment() const;
    void debuggingHelpersDeployed();

    QString maddeRoot() const;
    QString executable() const;
    const QString sysRoot() const;
    const QStringList arguments() const;
    void setArguments(const QStringList &args);
    void setDeviceConfig(const MaemoDeviceConfig &deviceConfig);
    MaemoDeviceConfig deviceConfig() const;

    QString simulator() const;
    QString simulatorArgs() const;
    QString simulatorPath() const;
    QString simulatorSshPort() const;
    QString simulatorGdbServerPort() const;
    QString visibleSimulatorParameter() const;

    const QString sshCmd() const;
    const QString scpCmd() const;
    const QString gdbCmd() const;
    const QString dumperLib() const;

    bool isQemuRunning() const;

    virtual QVariantMap toMap() const;

    void deviceConfigurationsUpdated();
    void deviceConfigurationChanged(ProjectExplorer::Target *target);
    void targetInformationChanged() const;
    void cachedSimulatorInformationChanged() const;
    void qemuProcessStatus(bool running);

    MaemoRunConfiguration(Qt4Target *parent, MaemoRunConfiguration *source);
    virtual bool fromMap(const QVariantMap &map);

private slots:
    void proFileUpdate(Qt4ProjectManager::Internal::Qt4ProFileNode *pro);
    void updateDeviceConfigurations();
    void invalidateCachedTargetInformation();

    void startStopQemu();
    void qemuProcessFinished();

    void init();
    void updateTarget() const;
    void updateSimulatorInformation() const;
    const QString cmd(const QString &cmdName) const;
    const MaemoToolChain *toolchain() const;
    bool fileNeedsDeployment(const QString &path, const QDateTime &lastDeployed) const;

    mutable QString m_executable;
    QString m_proFilePath;
    mutable bool m_cachedTargetInformationValid;

    mutable QString m_simulator;
    mutable QString m_simulatorArgs;
    mutable QString m_simulatorPath;
    mutable QString m_visibleSimulatorParameter;
    mutable QString m_simulatorLibPath;
    mutable QString m_simulatorSshPort;
    mutable QString m_simulatorGdbServerPort;
    mutable bool m_cachedSimulatorInformationValid;

    QString m_gdbPath;

    MaemoDeviceConfig m_devConfig;
    QStringList m_arguments;

    QDateTime m_lastDeployed;
    QDateTime m_debuggingHelpersLastDeployed;

    QProcess *qemu;

    } // namespace Internal
} // namespace Qt4ProjectManager