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#include "maemotoolchain.h"
#include "maemoconstants.h"

#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <QtCore/QStringBuilder>
#include <QtCore/QTextStream>

using namespace ProjectExplorer;
using namespace Qt4ProjectManager::Internal;

MaemoToolChain::MaemoToolChain(const QString &targetRoot)
    : GccToolChain(targetRoot % QLatin1String("/bin/gcc"))
    , m_maddeInitialized(false)
    , m_sysrootInitialized(false)
    , m_targetRoot(targetRoot)


ToolChain::ToolChainType MaemoToolChain::type() const
    return ToolChain::GCC_MAEMO;

void MaemoToolChain::addToEnvironment(ProjectExplorer::Environment &env)
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN

QString MaemoToolChain::makeCommand() const
    return QLatin1String("make" EXEC_SUFFIX);

bool MaemoToolChain::equals(ToolChain *other) const
    MaemoToolChain *toolChain = static_cast<MaemoToolChain*> (other);
    return other->type() == type()
        && toolChain->sysrootRoot() == sysrootRoot()
        && toolChain->targetRoot() == targetRoot();

QString MaemoToolChain::maddeRoot() const
    if (!m_maddeInitialized)
    return m_maddeRoot;

QString MaemoToolChain::targetRoot() const
    return m_targetRoot;

QString MaemoToolChain::sysrootRoot() const
    if (!m_sysrootInitialized)
    return m_sysrootRoot;

void MaemoToolChain::setMaddeRoot() const
    QDir dir(targetRoot());
    dir.cdUp(); dir.cdUp();

    m_maddeInitialized = true;
    m_maddeRoot = dir.absolutePath();

void MaemoToolChain::setSysroot() const
    QFile file(QDir::cleanPath(targetRoot()) + QLatin1String("/information"));
    if (file.exists() && file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
        QTextStream stream(&file);
        while (!stream.atEnd()) {
            const QString &line = stream.readLine().trimmed();
            const QStringList &list = line.split(QLatin1Char(' '));
            if (list.count() <= 1)
            if (list.at(0) == QLatin1String("sysroot")) {
                m_sysrootRoot = maddeRoot() + QLatin1String("/sysroots/")
                    + list.at(1);

    m_sysrootInitialized = true;