/************************************************************************** ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator ** ** Copyright (c) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** ** Contact: Nokia Corporation (info@qt.nokia.com) ** ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and ** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file. ** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General ** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met: ** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ** Other Usage ** ** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and ** conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and Nokia. ** ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact ** Nokia at info@qt.nokia.com. ** **************************************************************************/ #include "qtoutputformatter.h" #include <texteditor/basetexteditor.h> #include <qt4projectmanager/qt4project.h> #include <utils/qtcassert.h> #include <QtCore/QFileInfo> #include <QtCore/QUrl> #include <QtGui/QPlainTextEdit> #include <QtGui/QTextCursor> using namespace ProjectExplorer; using namespace QtSupport; QtOutputFormatter::QtOutputFormatter(ProjectExplorer::Project *project) : OutputFormatter() , m_qmlError(QLatin1String("^(?:\\[Qt Message\\] )?" // '[Qt Message] ' prefix (optional, on Symbian) "(file:///.+" // file url ":\\d+" // colon, line "(?::\\d+)?)" // colon, column (optional) ":")) // colon , m_qtError(QLatin1String("Object::.*in (.*:\\d+)")) , m_qtAssert(QLatin1String("ASSERT: .* in file (.+, line \\d+)")) , m_qtTestFail(QLatin1String("^ Loc: \\[(.*)\\]")) , m_project(project) { if(project) { m_projectFinder.setProjectFiles(project->files(Project::ExcludeGeneratedFiles)); m_projectFinder.setProjectDirectory(project->projectDirectory()); connect(project, SIGNAL(fileListChanged()), this, SLOT(updateProjectFileList())); } } LinkResult QtOutputFormatter::matchLine(const QString &line) const { LinkResult lr; lr.start = -1; lr.end = -1; if (m_qmlError.indexIn(line) != -1) { lr.href = m_qmlError.cap(1); lr.start = m_qmlError.pos(1); lr.end = lr.start + lr.href.length(); } else if (m_qtError.indexIn(line) != -1) { lr.href = m_qtError.cap(1); lr.start = m_qtError.pos(1); lr.end = lr.start + lr.href.length(); } else if (m_qtAssert.indexIn(line) != -1) { lr.href = m_qtAssert.cap(1); lr.start = m_qtAssert.pos(1); lr.end = lr.start + lr.href.length(); } else if (m_qtTestFail.indexIn(line) != -1) { lr.href = m_qtTestFail.cap(1); lr.start = m_qtTestFail.pos(1); lr.end = lr.start + lr.href.length(); } return lr; } void QtOutputFormatter::appendMessage(const QString &txt, Utils::OutputFormat format) { QTextCursor cursor(plainTextEdit()->document()); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::End); cursor.beginEditBlock(); QString text = txt; text.remove(QLatin1Char('\r')); QString deferedText; int start = 0; int pos = txt.indexOf(QLatin1Char('\n')); while (pos != -1) { // Line identified if (!m_lastLine.isEmpty()) { // Line continuation const QString newPart = txt.mid(start, pos - start + 1); const QString line = m_lastLine + newPart; LinkResult lr = matchLine(line); if (!lr.href.isEmpty()) { // Found something && line continuation cursor.insertText(deferedText, charFormat(format)); deferedText.clear(); clearLastLine(); appendLine(cursor, lr, line, format); } else { // Found nothing, just emit the new part deferedText += newPart; } // Handled line continuation m_lastLine.clear(); } else { const QString line = txt.mid(start, pos - start + 1); LinkResult lr = matchLine(line); if (!lr.href.isEmpty()) { cursor.insertText(deferedText, charFormat(format)); deferedText.clear(); appendLine(cursor, lr, line, format); } else { deferedText += line; } } start = pos + 1; pos = txt.indexOf(QLatin1Char('\n'), start); } // Handle left over stuff if (start < txt.length()) { if (!m_lastLine.isEmpty()) { // Line continuation const QString newPart = txt.mid(start); m_lastLine.append(newPart); LinkResult lr = matchLine(m_lastLine); if (!lr.href.isEmpty()) { // Found something && line continuation cursor.insertText(deferedText, charFormat(format)); deferedText.clear(); clearLastLine(); appendLine(cursor, lr, m_lastLine, format); } else { // Found nothing, just emit the new part deferedText += newPart; } } else { m_lastLine = txt.mid(start); LinkResult lr = matchLine(m_lastLine); if (!lr.href.isEmpty()) { cursor.insertText(deferedText, charFormat(format)); deferedText.clear(); appendLine(cursor, lr, m_lastLine, format); } else { deferedText += m_lastLine; } } } cursor.insertText(deferedText, charFormat(format)); // deferedText.clear(); cursor.endEditBlock(); } void QtOutputFormatter::appendLine(QTextCursor &cursor, LinkResult lr, const QString &line, Utils::OutputFormat format) { const QTextCharFormat normalFormat = charFormat(format); cursor.insertText(line.left(lr.start), normalFormat); QTextCharFormat linkFormat = normalFormat; const QColor textColor = plainTextEdit()->palette().color(QPalette::Text); linkFormat.setForeground(mixColors(textColor, QColor(Qt::blue))); linkFormat.setUnderlineStyle(QTextCharFormat::SingleUnderline); linkFormat.setAnchor(true); linkFormat.setAnchorHref(lr.href); cursor.insertText(line.mid(lr.start, lr.end - lr.start), linkFormat); cursor.insertText(line.mid(lr.end), normalFormat); } void QtOutputFormatter::handleLink(const QString &href) { if (!href.isEmpty()) { const QRegExp qmlLineColumnLink(QLatin1String("^(file:///.+)" // file url ":(\\d+)" // line ":(\\d+)$")); // column if (qmlLineColumnLink.indexIn(href) != -1) { const QString fileName = QUrl(qmlLineColumnLink.cap(1)).toLocalFile(); const int line = qmlLineColumnLink.cap(2).toInt(); const int column = qmlLineColumnLink.cap(3).toInt(); TextEditor::BaseTextEditorWidget::openEditorAt(m_projectFinder.findFile(fileName), line, column - 1); return; } const QRegExp qmlLineLink(QLatin1String("^(file:///.+)" // file url ":(\\d+)$")); // line if (qmlLineLink.indexIn(href) != -1) { const QString fileName = QUrl(qmlLineLink.cap(1)).toLocalFile(); const int line = qmlLineLink.cap(2).toInt(); TextEditor::BaseTextEditorWidget::openEditorAt(m_projectFinder.findFile(fileName), line); return; } QString fileName; int line = -1; QRegExp qtErrorLink(QLatin1String("^(.*):(\\d+)$")); if (qtErrorLink.indexIn(href) != -1) { fileName = qtErrorLink.cap(1); line = qtErrorLink.cap(2).toInt(); } QRegExp qtAssertLink(QLatin1String("^(.+), line (\\d+)$")); if (qtAssertLink.indexIn(href) != -1) { fileName = qtAssertLink.cap(1); line = qtAssertLink.cap(2).toInt(); } QRegExp qtTestFailLink(QLatin1String("^(.*)\\((\\d+)\\)$")); if (qtTestFailLink.indexIn(href) != -1) { fileName = qtTestFailLink.cap(1); line = qtTestFailLink.cap(2).toInt(); } if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { QFileInfo fi(fileName); if (fi.isRelative()) { // Yeah fileName is relative, no surprise ProjectExplorer::Project *pro = m_project.data(); if (pro) { QString baseName = fi.fileName(); foreach (const QString &file, pro->files(Project::AllFiles)) { if (file.endsWith(baseName)) { // pick the first one... fileName = file; break; } } } } else if (!fi.exists()) { // map possible on-device path to source path fileName = m_projectFinder.findFile(fileName); } TextEditor::BaseTextEditorWidget::openEditorAt(fileName, line, 0); return; } } } void QtOutputFormatter::updateProjectFileList() { if (m_project) m_projectFinder.setProjectFiles(m_project.data()->files(Project::ExcludeGeneratedFiles)); }