/************************************************************************** ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator ** ** Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** ** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com) ** ** Commercial Usage ** ** Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and Nokia. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements ** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please ** contact the sales department at http://qt.nokia.com/contact. ** **************************************************************************/ #include "s60devices.h" #include "gccetoolchain.h" #include <utils/environment.h> #include <coreplugin/icore.h> #include <QtCore/QSettings> #include <QtCore/QXmlStreamReader> #include <QtCore/QTextStream> #include <QtCore/QFile> #include <QtCore/QDir> #include <QtCore/QCoreApplication> #include <QtCore/QDebug> namespace { const char * const SYMBIAN_SDKS_KEY = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Symbian\\EPOC SDKs"; const char * const SYMBIAN_PATH_KEY = "CommonPath"; const char * const SYMBIAN_DEVICES_FILE = "devices.xml"; const char * const DEVICES_LIST = "devices"; const char * const DEVICE = "device"; const char * const DEVICE_ID = "id"; const char * const DEVICE_NAME = "name"; const char * const DEVICE_DEFAULT = "default"; const char * const DEVICE_EPOCROOT = "epocroot"; const char * const DEVICE_TOOLSROOT = "toolsroot"; const char * const GNUPOC_SETTINGS_GROUP = "GnuPocSDKs"; const char * const AUTODETECT_SETTINGS_GROUP = "SymbianSDKs"; const char * const SDK_QT_ASSOC_SETTINGS_KEY_ROOT = "SymbianSDK"; const char * const SETTINGS_DEFAULT_SDK_POSTFIX = ",default"; } namespace Qt4ProjectManager { namespace Internal { static int findDefaultDevice(const QList<S60Devices::Device> &d) { const int count = d.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) if (d.at(i).isDefault) return i; return -1; } S60Devices::Device::Device() : isDefault(false) { } bool S60Devices::Device::equals(const Device &rhs) const { return id == rhs.id && name == rhs.name && isDefault == rhs.isDefault && epocRoot == rhs.epocRoot && toolsRoot == rhs.toolsRoot && qt == rhs.qt; } QString S60Devices::Device::toHtml() const { QString rc; QTextStream str(&rc); str << "<html><body><table>" << "<tr><td><b>" << QCoreApplication::translate("Qt4ProjectManager::Internal::S60Devices::Device", "Id:") << "</b></td><td>" << id << "</td></tr>" << "<tr><td><b>" << QCoreApplication::translate("Qt4ProjectManager::Internal::S60Devices::Device", "Name:") << "</b></td><td>" << name << "</td></tr>" << "<tr><td><b>" << QCoreApplication::translate("Qt4ProjectManager::Internal::S60Devices::Device", "EPOC:") << "</b></td><td>" << epocRoot << "</td></tr>" << "<tr><td><b>" << QCoreApplication::translate("Qt4ProjectManager::Internal::S60Devices::Device", "Tools:") << "</b></td><td>" << toolsRoot << "</td></tr>" << "<tr><td><b>" << QCoreApplication::translate("Qt4ProjectManager::Internal::S60Devices::Device", "Qt:") << "</b></td><td>" << qt << "</td></tr>"; return rc; } // ------------ S60Devices S60Devices::S60Devices(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { } QList<S60Devices::Device> S60Devices::devices() const { return m_devices; } void S60Devices::setDevices(const QList<Device> &devices) { if (m_devices != devices) { m_devices = devices; // Ensure a default device if (!m_devices.isEmpty() && findDefaultDevice(m_devices) == -1) m_devices.front().isDefault = true; writeSettings(); emit qtVersionsChanged(); } } const QList<S60Devices::Device> &S60Devices::devicesList() const { return m_devices; } QList<S60Devices::Device> &S60Devices::devicesList() { return m_devices; } S60Devices *S60Devices::createS60Devices(QObject *parent) { S60Devices *rc = 0; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN AutoDetectS60QtDevices *ad = new AutoDetectS60QtDevices(parent); ad->detectDevices(); rc = ad; #else rc = new GnuPocS60Devices(parent); #endif rc->readSettings(); return rc; } int S60Devices::findById(const QString &id) const { const int count = m_devices.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) if (m_devices.at(i).id == id) return i; return -1; } int S60Devices::findByEpocRoot(const QString &er) const { const int count = m_devices.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) if (m_devices.at(i).epocRoot == er) return i; return -1; } S60Devices::Device S60Devices::deviceForId(const QString &id) const { const int index = findById(id); return index == -1 ? Device() : m_devices.at(index); } S60Devices::Device S60Devices::deviceForEpocRoot(const QString &root) const { const int index = findByEpocRoot(root); return index == -1 ? Device() : m_devices.at(index); } S60Devices::Device S60Devices::defaultDevice() const { const int index = findDefaultDevice(m_devices); return index == -1 ? Device() : m_devices.at(index); } QString S60Devices::cleanedRootPath(const QString &deviceRoot) { QString path = deviceRoot; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN // sbsv2 actually recommends having the DK on a separate drive... // But qmake breaks when doing that! if (path.size() > 1 && path.at(1) == QChar(':')) path = path.mid(2); #endif if (!path.size() || path.at(path.size()-1) != '/') path.append('/'); return path; } S60Devices::StringStringPairList S60Devices::readSdkQtAssociationSettings(const QSettings *settings, const QString &group, int *defaultIndexPtr) { StringStringPairList rc; // Read out numbered pairs of EpocRoot/QtDir as many as exist // "SymbianSDK1=/epoc,/qt[,default]". const QChar separator = QLatin1Char(','); const QString keyRoot = group + QLatin1Char('/') + QLatin1String(SDK_QT_ASSOC_SETTINGS_KEY_ROOT); int defaultIndex = -1; for (int i = 1; ; i++) { // Split pairs of epocroot/qtdir. const QVariant valueV = settings->value(keyRoot + QString::number(i)); if (!valueV.isValid()) break; // Check for default postfix QString value = valueV.toString(); if (value.endsWith(QLatin1String(SETTINGS_DEFAULT_SDK_POSTFIX))) { value.truncate(value.size() - qstrlen(SETTINGS_DEFAULT_SDK_POSTFIX)); defaultIndex = rc.size(); } // Split into SDK and Qt const int separatorPos = value.indexOf(separator); if (separatorPos == -1) break; const QString epocRoot = value.left(separatorPos); const QString qtDir = value.mid(separatorPos + 1); rc.push_back(StringStringPair(epocRoot, qtDir)); } if (defaultIndexPtr) *defaultIndexPtr = defaultIndex; return rc; } void S60Devices::writeSdkQtAssociationSettings(QSettings *settings, const QString &group) const { // Write out as numbered pairs of EpocRoot/QtDir and indicate default // "SymbianSDK1=/epoc,/qt[,default]". settings->beginGroup(group); settings->remove(QString()); // remove all keys if (const int count = devicesList().size()) { const QString keyRoot = QLatin1String(SDK_QT_ASSOC_SETTINGS_KEY_ROOT); const QChar separator = QLatin1Char(','); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { const QString key = keyRoot + QString::number(i + 1); QString value = devicesList().at(i).epocRoot; value += separator; value += devicesList().at(i).qt; // Indicate default by postfix ",default" if (devicesList().at(i).isDefault) value += QLatin1String(SETTINGS_DEFAULT_SDK_POSTFIX); settings->setValue(key, value); } } settings->endGroup(); } void S60Devices::readSettings() { } void S60Devices::writeSettings() { } // ------------------ S60Devices AutoDetectS60Devices::AutoDetectS60Devices(QObject *parent) : S60Devices(parent) { } QString AutoDetectS60Devices::errorString() const { return m_errorString; } // as pointed to by environment. static QStringList commonProgramFilesPaths() { const QChar pathSep = QLatin1Char(';'); QStringList rc; const QByteArray commonX86 = qgetenv("CommonProgramFiles(x86)"); if (!commonX86.isEmpty()) rc += QString::fromLocal8Bit(commonX86).split(pathSep); const QByteArray common = qgetenv("CommonProgramFiles"); if (!common.isEmpty()) rc += QString::fromLocal8Bit(common).split(pathSep); return rc; } // Find the "devices.xml" file containing the SDKs static QString devicesXmlFile(QString *errorMessage) { const QString devicesFile = QLatin1String(SYMBIAN_DEVICES_FILE); // Try registry const QSettings settings(QLatin1String(SYMBIAN_SDKS_KEY), QSettings::NativeFormat); const QString devicesRegistryXmlPath = settings.value(QLatin1String(SYMBIAN_PATH_KEY)).toString(); if (!devicesRegistryXmlPath.isEmpty()) return QDir::cleanPath(devicesRegistryXmlPath + QLatin1Char('/') + devicesFile); // Look up common program data files const QString symbianDir = QLatin1String("/symbian/"); foreach(const QString &commonDataDir, commonProgramFilesPaths()) { const QFileInfo fi(commonDataDir + symbianDir + devicesFile); if (fi.isFile()) return fi.absoluteFilePath(); } // None found... *errorMessage = QString::fromLatin1("The file '%1' containing the device SDK configuration " "could not be found looking at the registry key " "%2\\%3 or the common program data directories."). arg(devicesFile, QLatin1String(SYMBIAN_SDKS_KEY), QLatin1String(SYMBIAN_PATH_KEY)); return QString(); } bool AutoDetectS60Devices::detectDevices() { devicesList().clear(); m_errorString.clear(); const QString devicesXmlPath = devicesXmlFile(&m_errorString); if (devicesXmlPath.isEmpty()) return false; QFile devicesFile(devicesXmlPath); if (!devicesFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly|QIODevice::Text)) { m_errorString = QString::fromLatin1("Could not open the devices file %1: %2").arg(devicesXmlPath, devicesFile.errorString()); return false; } QXmlStreamReader xml(&devicesFile); while (!xml.atEnd()) { xml.readNext(); if (xml.isStartElement() && xml.name() == DEVICES_LIST) { if (xml.attributes().value("version") == "1.0") { // Look for correct device while (!(xml.isEndElement() && xml.name() == DEVICES_LIST) && !xml.atEnd()) { xml.readNext(); if (xml.isStartElement() && xml.name() == DEVICE) { Device device; device.id = xml.attributes().value(DEVICE_ID).toString(); device.name = xml.attributes().value(DEVICE_NAME).toString(); if (xml.attributes().value(DEVICE_DEFAULT).toString() == "yes") device.isDefault = true; else device.isDefault = false; while (!(xml.isEndElement() && xml.name() == DEVICE) && !xml.atEnd()) { xml.readNext(); if (xml.isStartElement() && xml.name() == DEVICE_EPOCROOT) { device.epocRoot = QDir::fromNativeSeparators(xml.readElementText()); } else if (xml.isStartElement() && xml.name() == DEVICE_TOOLSROOT) { device.toolsRoot = QDir::fromNativeSeparators(xml.readElementText()); } } if (device.toolsRoot.isEmpty()) device.toolsRoot = device.epocRoot; devicesList().append(device); } } } else { xml.raiseError("Invalid 'devices' element version."); } } } devicesFile.close(); if (xml.hasError()) { m_errorString = QString::fromLatin1("Syntax error in devices file %1: %2"). arg(devicesXmlPath, xml.errorString()); return false; } return true; } void AutoDetectS60Devices::readSettings() { // Read the associated Qt version from the settings // and set on the autodetected SDKs. bool changed = false; const QSettings *settings = Core::ICore::instance()->settings(); foreach (const StringStringPair &p, readSdkQtAssociationSettings(settings, QLatin1String(GNUPOC_SETTINGS_GROUP))) { const int index = findByEpocRoot(p.first); if (index != -1 && devicesList().at(index).qt != p.second) { devicesList()[index].qt = p.second; changed = true; } } if (changed) emit qtVersionsChanged(); } void AutoDetectS60Devices::writeSettings() { writeSdkQtAssociationSettings(Core::ICore::instance()->settings(), QLatin1String(AUTODETECT_SETTINGS_GROUP)); } // ========== AutoDetectS60QtDevices AutoDetectS60QtDevices::AutoDetectS60QtDevices(QObject *parent) : AutoDetectS60Devices(parent) { } // Detect a Qt version that is installed into a Symbian SDK static QString detect_SDK_installedQt(const QString &epocRoot) { const QString coreLibDllFileName = epocRoot + QLatin1String("/epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/QtCore.dll"); QFile coreLibDllFile(coreLibDllFileName); if (!coreLibDllFile.exists() || !coreLibDllFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) return QString(); // Do not normalize these backslashes since they are in ARM binaries: const QByteArray indicator("\\src\\corelib\\kernel\\qobject.h"); const int indicatorlength = indicator.size(); const int chunkSize = 10000; int index = -1; QByteArray buffer; while (true) { buffer = coreLibDllFile.read(chunkSize); index = buffer.indexOf(indicator); if (index >= 0) break; if (buffer.size() < chunkSize || coreLibDllFile.atEnd()) return QString(); coreLibDllFile.seek(coreLibDllFile.pos() - indicatorlength); } coreLibDllFile.close(); int lastIndex = index; while (index >= 0 && buffer.at(index)) --index; if (index < 0) return QString(); index += 2; // the 0 and another byte for some reason return QDir(QString::fromLatin1(buffer.mid(index, lastIndex-index))).absolutePath(); } bool AutoDetectS60QtDevices::detectQtForDevices() { bool changed = false; const int deviceCount = devicesList().size(); for (int i = 0; i < deviceCount; ++i) { Device &device = devicesList()[i]; if (device.qt.isEmpty()) { device.qt = detect_SDK_installedQt(device.epocRoot); if (device.qt.isEmpty()) { qWarning("Unable to detect Qt version for '%s'.", qPrintable(device.epocRoot)); } else { changed = true; } } } if (changed) emit qtVersionsChanged(); return true; } bool AutoDetectS60QtDevices::detectDevices() { return AutoDetectS60Devices::detectDevices() && detectQtForDevices(); } // ------- GnuPocS60Devices GnuPocS60Devices::GnuPocS60Devices(QObject *parent) : S60Devices(parent) { } S60Devices::Device GnuPocS60Devices::createDevice(const QString &epoc, const QString &qtDir) { Device device; device.id = device.name = QLatin1String("GnuPoc"); device.toolsRoot = device.epocRoot = epoc; device.qt = qtDir; return device; } // GnuPoc settings are just the pairs of EpocRoot and Qt Dir. void GnuPocS60Devices::readSettings() { // Read out numbered pairs of EpocRoot/QtDir as many as exist // "SymbianSDK1=/epoc,/qt". devicesList().clear(); int defaultIndex = 0; const QSettings *settings = Core::ICore::instance()->settings(); const StringStringPairList devices =readSdkQtAssociationSettings(settings, QLatin1String(GNUPOC_SETTINGS_GROUP), &defaultIndex); foreach (const StringStringPair &p, devices) devicesList().append(createDevice(p.first, p.second)); // Ensure a default if (!devicesList().isEmpty()) { if (defaultIndex >= 0 && defaultIndex < devicesList().size()) { devicesList()[defaultIndex].isDefault = true; } else { devicesList().front().isDefault = true; } } } void GnuPocS60Devices::writeSettings() { writeSdkQtAssociationSettings(Core::ICore::instance()->settings(), QLatin1String(GNUPOC_SETTINGS_GROUP)); } // S60ToolChainMixin S60ToolChainMixin::S60ToolChainMixin(const S60Devices::Device &d) : m_device(d) { } const S60Devices::Device & S60ToolChainMixin::device() const { return m_device; } bool S60ToolChainMixin::equals(const S60ToolChainMixin &rhs) const { return m_device.id == rhs.m_device.id && m_device.name == rhs.m_device.name; } QList<ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath> S60ToolChainMixin::epocHeaderPaths() const { QList<ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath> rc; const QString epocRootPath(S60Devices::cleanedRootPath(m_device.epocRoot)); rc << ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath(epocRootPath, ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath::GlobalHeaderPath) << ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath(epocRootPath + QLatin1String("include"), ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath::GlobalHeaderPath) << ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath(epocRootPath + QLatin1String("mkspecs/common/symbian"), ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath::GlobalHeaderPath) << ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath(epocRootPath + QLatin1String("epoc32/include"), ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath::GlobalHeaderPath) << ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath(epocRootPath + QLatin1String("epoc32/include/osextensions/stdapis"), ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath::GlobalHeaderPath) << ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath(epocRootPath + QLatin1String("epoc32/include/osextensions/stdapis/sys"), ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath::GlobalHeaderPath) << ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath(epocRootPath + QLatin1String("epoc32/include/stdapis"), ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath::GlobalHeaderPath) << ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath(epocRootPath + QLatin1String("epoc32/include/stdapis/sys"), ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath::GlobalHeaderPath) << ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath(epocRootPath + QLatin1String("epoc32/include/osextensions/stdapis/stlport"), ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath::GlobalHeaderPath) << ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath(epocRootPath + QLatin1String("epoc32/include/stdapis/stlport"), ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath::GlobalHeaderPath) << ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath(epocRootPath + QLatin1String("epoc32/include/oem"), ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath::GlobalHeaderPath) << ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath(epocRootPath + QLatin1String("epoc32/include/middleware"), ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath::GlobalHeaderPath) << ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath(epocRootPath + QLatin1String("epoc32/include/domain/middleware"), ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath::GlobalHeaderPath) << ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath(epocRootPath + QLatin1String("epoc32/include/osextensions"), ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath::GlobalHeaderPath) << ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath(epocRootPath + QLatin1String("epoc32/include/domain/osextensions"), ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath::GlobalHeaderPath) << ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath(epocRootPath + QLatin1String("epoc32/include/domain/osextensions/loc"), ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath::GlobalHeaderPath) << ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath(epocRootPath + QLatin1String("epoc32/include/domain/middleware/loc"), ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath::GlobalHeaderPath) << ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath(epocRootPath + QLatin1String("epoc32/include/domain/osextensions/loc/sc"), ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath::GlobalHeaderPath) << ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath(epocRootPath + QLatin1String("epoc32/include/domain/middleware/loc/sc"), ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath::GlobalHeaderPath); return rc; } void S60ToolChainMixin::addEpocToEnvironment(Utils::Environment *env) const { QString epocRootPath(m_device.epocRoot); if (!epocRootPath.endsWith(QChar('/'))) epocRootPath.append(QChar('/')); env->prependOrSetPath(QDir::toNativeSeparators(epocRootPath + QLatin1String("epoc32/tools"))); // e.g. make.exe env->prependOrSetPath(QDir::toNativeSeparators(epocRootPath + QLatin1String("epoc32/gcc/bin"))); // e.g. gcc.exe env->prependOrSetPath(QDir::toNativeSeparators(epocRootPath + QLatin1String("perl/bin"))); // e.g. perl.exe (special SDK version) QString sbsHome(env->value(QLatin1String("SBS_HOME"))); // Do we use Raptor/SBSv2? if (!sbsHome.isEmpty()) env->prependOrSetPath(sbsHome + QDir::separator() + QLatin1String("bin")); // No longer set EPOCDEVICE as it conflicts with packaging env->set(QLatin1String("EPOCROOT"), QDir::toNativeSeparators(S60Devices::cleanedRootPath(epocRootPath))); } static const char *gnuPocHeaderPathsC[] = { "epoc32/include", "epoc32/include/variant", "epoc32/include/stdapis", "epoc32/include/stdapis/stlport" }; QList<ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath> S60ToolChainMixin::gnuPocHeaderPaths() const { QList<ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath> rc; const QString root = m_device.epocRoot + QLatin1Char('/'); const int count = sizeof(gnuPocHeaderPathsC)/sizeof(const char *); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) rc.push_back(ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath(root + QLatin1String(gnuPocHeaderPathsC[i]), ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath::GlobalHeaderPath)); return rc; } QStringList S60ToolChainMixin::gnuPocRvctLibPaths(int armver, bool debug) const { QStringList rc; QString root; QTextStream(&root) << m_device.epocRoot << "epoc32/release/armv" << armver << '/'; rc.push_back(root + QLatin1String("lib")); rc.push_back(root + (debug ? QLatin1String("udeb") : QLatin1String("urel"))); return rc; } QList<ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath> S60ToolChainMixin::gnuPocRvctHeaderPaths(int major, int minor) const { // Additional header for rvct QList<ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath> rc = gnuPocHeaderPaths(); QString rvctHeader; QTextStream(&rvctHeader) << m_device.epocRoot << "/epoc32/include/rvct" << major << '_' << minor; rc.push_back(ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath(rvctHeader, ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath::GlobalHeaderPath)); return rc; } void S60ToolChainMixin::addGnuPocToEnvironment(Utils::Environment *env) const { env->prependOrSetPath(QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_device.toolsRoot + QLatin1String("/epoc32/tools"))); const QString epocRootVar = QLatin1String("EPOCROOT"); // No trailing slash is required here, so, do not perform path cleaning. // The variable also should be set since it is currently used for autodetection. if (env->find(epocRootVar) == env->constEnd()) env->set(epocRootVar, m_device.epocRoot); } QDebug operator<<(QDebug db, const S60Devices::Device &d) { QDebug nospace = db.nospace(); nospace << "id='" << d.id << "' name='" << d.name << "' default=" << d.isDefault << " Epoc='" << d.epocRoot << "' tools='" << d.toolsRoot << "' Qt='" << d.qt << '\''; return db; } QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const S60Devices &d) { foreach(const S60Devices::Device &device, d.devices()) dbg << device; return dbg; } } // namespace Internal } // namespace Qt4ProjectManager