Minicoin fails with macos guests on Linux with virtualbox and AMD processor
I need to run this in order to be able to boot virtual box VMs created by minicoin on my machine:
VBoxManage modifyvm "macos11" --cpu-profile "Intel Core i7-6700K"
After this the VM boots, but virtualbox is not able to communicate with it:
Vagrant is not able to mount VirtualBox shared folders on BSD-based
guests. BSD-based guests do not support the VirtualBox filesystem at
this time.
To change the type of the default synced folder, specify the type as
rsync or nfs:
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", type: "nfs" # or "rsync"
Alternatively, if you do not need to mount the default synced folder,
you can also disable it entirely:
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", disabled: true
You can read more about Vagrant's synced folder types and the various
configuration options on the Vagrant website.
This is not a bug in Vagrant.
macos1014 VM does not have all the rest declarations of love needed for macOS it seems.