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# New public API

A bunch of new CMake public API functions or renamed functions from `qt5_` to `qt6_`.


# qtbase


`qt6_make_output_file` - marked deprecated in qt5, should be internal?


`qt6_get_moc_flags` - marked deprecated in qt5, should be internal?


`qt6_create_moc_command` - marked deprecated in qt5, should be internal?


`qt6_generate_moc` - renamed from qt5_, has versionless


`add_qt_gui_executable` - maybe rename to `add_qt_executable`, or `qt_add_executable`?
function(add_qt_gui_executable target)
        add_executable("${target}" WIN32 MACOSX_BUNDLE ${ARGN})
        add_library("${target}" MODULE ${ARGN}) # android
        target_link_libraries("${target}" PRIVATE Qt::Core)
        if(TARGET Qt::Gui)
            target_link_libraries("${target}" PRIVATE Qt::Gui)


`qt6_generate_meta_types_json_file` - new, has versionless
# Generate Qt metatypes.json for a target.
#  INSTALL_DIR: Location where to install the metatypes file. For public consumption defaults to a ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/metatypes directory.
#  COPY_OVER_INSTALL: (Qt Internal) When present will install the file via a post build step copy rather than using install.
#   MANUAL_MOC_JSON_FILES: list of manually generated json files
function(qt6_generate_meta_types_json_file target)



`qt6_generate_win32_rc_file` - new, has versionless
# Generate Win32 RC files for a target.
# All entries in the RC file are generated
# from target properties:
# The QT_TARGET_WINDOWS_RC_FILE prop can be used to specify a custom RC file instead of autogenerating one
function(qt6_generate_win32_rc_file target)



`qt6_add_plugin` - new, has versionless

# Build a Qt plugin.
# No installation behavior.
# Might be missing some implementation details that are handled by the internal counterpart.
# Arguments:
# STATIC: Make it a static plugin
# OUTPUT_NAME: name of the plugin file
# TYPE: imageformats, etc
function(qt6_add_plugin target)


`qt6_disable_utf8_sources` - new, has versionless

# By default Qt6 forces usage of utf8 sources for consumers of Qt.
# Users can opt out of utf8 sources by calling this function with the target name of their application or library.
function(qt6_disable_utf8_sources target)


`qt6_add_resources` - old, has versionless, new `TARGET` behavior instead of outfiles var.

# When using this command with static libraries, one or more special targets
# will be generated. Should you wish to perform additional processing on these targets pass a value to the OUTPUT_TARGETS parameter.
function(qt6_add_resources outfiles )
    if (TARGET ${outfiles})


`qt6_android_generate_deployment_settings` - new, has versionless, should be internal?

# Generate the deployment settings json file for a cmake target.
# Uses global vars
# Uses target properties:
# Sets target property:
function(qt6_android_generate_deployment_settings target)


`qt6_android_apply_arch_suffix` - new, has versionless, should be internal?

function(qt6_android_apply_arch_suffix target)
    get_target_property(target_type ${target} TYPE)
        set_property(TARGET "${target}" PROPERTY SUFFIX "_${CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI}.so")


`qt6_android_add_apk_target` - new, has versionless, should be internal?

# Add custom target to package the APK
# Uses global vars:
#    QT_NO_GLOBAL_APK_TARGET - allow opt out of global target add_dependencies
# Uses target properties:
function(qt6_android_add_apk_target target)


`qt6_android_get_sdk_build_tools_revision` - new, has versionless, should be internal?

# Locate newest Android sdk build tools revision
# Uses global vars:
function(qt6_android_get_sdk_build_tools_revision out_var)

# qtdeclarative

`qt6_import_qml_plugins` - old, has versionless

# For static builds only.
# Calls qmlimportscanner, links in used qml plugins, generates and compiles a cpp file with relevant Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN() macro calls.
# Arguments:
# PATH_TO_SCAN: Path to pass to qmlimportscanner to scan .qml files for the modules they use.

function(qt6_import_qml_plugins target)


`qt6_add_qml_module` - new, has versionless

# Creates a QML module.
# Arguments:
# URI: Declares the module identifier of the module (REQUIRED)

# VERSION: The module's version. (REQUIRED)

# TARGET_PATH: Overwrite the generated target path. (OPTIONAL)

# RESOURCE_PREFIX: Resource Prefix to be used when generating a static library. (OPTIONAL)

# OUTPUT_DIRECTORY: If the module is not to be built under ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}. This ensures the qmldir file is copied to the right location. (OPTIONAL)

# INSTALL_LOCATION: Intended installation directory for this module. Default installation path will be ${INSTALL_QMLDIR}. (OPTIONAL).

# DO_NOT_INSTALL_METADATA: Will not install supporting files.

# INSTALL_QML_FILES: Will install the qml files along side the plugin.

# SOURCES: List of C++ sources. (OPTIONAL)

# DEPENDENCIES: List of QML Module dependencies and their versions. The module and its version must be separated via a slash(/). E.g. QtQuick/2.0

# QML_FILES: List of Qml files.

# CLASSNAME: Provides the class name of the C++ plugin used by the module. (REQUIRED for static targets)

# DESIGNER_SUPPORTED: Specify this argument if the plugin is supported by Qt Designer (OPTIONAL)

# TYPEINFO: Path to a file which declares a type description file for the module that can be read by QML tools such as Qt Creator to access information about the types defined by the module's plugins. (OPTIONAL)

# IMPORTS: List of other Qml Modules that this module imports. (OPTIONAL)

# OPTIONAL_IMPORTS: List of other Qml Modules that this module may import at
# run-time. Those are not automatically imported by the QML engine when
# importing the current module, but rather serve as hints to tools like
# qmllint. (OPTIONAL)

# RESOURCE_EXPORT: In static builds, processed QML files are compiled into a static lib, this names the target.

# SKIP_TYPE_REGISTRATION: When present will cause the generated qmldir file
# to not list any qml types. These are expected to be registered by the
# c++ plugin code instead.

# PLUGIN_OPTIONAL: The plugin is marked as optional in the qmldir file.

function(qt6_add_qml_module target)

`qt6_target_qml_files` - new, has versionless

# Add Qml files (.qml,.js,.mjs) to a Qml module. This will also append the
# qml files to the qmldir file of the module. Source file properties can
# be used to control the generated qmldir entry.

# QT_QML_SOURCE_VERSION: Version(s) for this qml file.

# QT_QML_SOURCE_TYPENAME: Override the file's type name.

# QT_QML_SINGLETON_TYPE: The qml file contains a singleton type.

# QT_QML_INTERNAL_TYPE: When set to true, the type specified by

# QT_QML_SOURCE_TYPENAME will not be available to users of this module.

# QT_QML_SKIP_QMLDIR_ENTRY: No qmldir entry will be created for the source file. Useful if a file needs to be installed (like a private JS file) but does not expose a public type.

function(qt6_target_qml_files target)


`qt6_qml_type_registration` - new, has versionless, should be internal?

# Creates a .qmltypes file and compiles an auto-generated "${target}_qmltyperegistrations.cpp" file.

# Target properties used:
# QT_QMLTYPES_FILENAME: Used for the name of the generated file.
# QT_QML_MODULE_URI: Module URI of target
# QT_QML_MODULE_VERSION: Module version
# QT_QML_MODULE_INSTALL_DIR: Install location for .qmltypes file
# QT_QML_MODULE_INSTALL_QMLTYPES: Whether to install the .qmltypes file

# Sets properties:
# QT_QML_MODULE_PLUGIN_TYPES_FILE - path to the generated .qmltypes file

function(qt6_qml_type_registration target)

# qtquick3d

`qt6_quick3d_build_shaders` - new, has versionless

# Generates shaders from the given files and links the compiled resource files into ${target}.
# Arguments used:
# resource_name: creates .qrc file based on value of the argument
# FILES: list of shader file paths

function(qt6_quick3d_build_shaders target resource_name)

# qtshadertools

`qt6_add_shaders` - new, has versionless

# Invokes qsb on each file in FILES. Extensions must be .vert, .frag, or .comp.
# The resulting .qsb files are added as resources under PREFIX.
# target and resourcename are like for qt6_add_resources.
# Uses qt6_add_resources.
# Arguments used:
#  FILES: list of file paths, e.g.  color.vert

#  DEFINES: list of custom macros for glslang

#  PREFIX: Qt resource prefix to use, e.g  "/shaders"
#  BATCHABLE: enable generating batchable vertex shader variants

#  PRECOMPILE: invoke native tools where applicable

#  PERTARGETCOMPILE: compile to SPIR-V and translate separately per output language version

#  NOGLSL:  skip generating the language
#  NOHLSL:  skip generating the language
#  NOMSL: skip generating the language

#  DEBUGINFO: generate full debug
#  OPTIMIZED: optimize for performance

#  GLSL: override the version to generate
#  HLSL: override the version to generate
#  MSL: override the version to generate

function(qt6_add_shaders target resourcename)

# qtremoteobjects

All the functions below seem to implement what `qt5_generate_repc` does, but with completely new names and arguments. `qt5_generate_repc` is not ported to `qt6_` atm.


`qt6_add_repc_files` - new, no versionless yet

# Calls `repc` on list of FILES and adds them as `target` sources.
# Arguments:
# type: one of 'source', 'replica', 'merged'
# FILES: list of files to call repc on
function(qt6_add_repc_files type target)


`qt6_add_repc_source` - new, no versionless yet

Calls `qt6_add_repc_files` with `type` set to `source`.


`qt6_add_repc_replica` - new, no versionless yet

Calls `qt6_add_repc_files` with `type` set to `replica`.


`qt6_add_repc_merged` - new, no versionless yet

Calls `qt6_add_repc_files` with `type` set to `merged`.


`qt6_rep_from_header` - new, no versionless yet

# Creates a .rep interface file from a QObject header
# Arguments:
# ${ARGN}: list of files to run `repc -o rep` on.
function(qt6_rep_from_header target)