"README.md" did not exist on "5c6c442883df7c926c868ab3bfede39d5b4aff66"
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#include "gitsubmiteditor.h"
#include "gitsubmiteditorwidget.h"
#include "gitconstants.h"
#include "commitdata.h"

Friedemann Kleint
#include <vcsbase/submitfilemodel.h>
#include <QtCore/QDebug>
namespace Git {
namespace Internal {
GitSubmitEditor::GitSubmitEditor(const VCSBase::VCSBaseSubmitEditorParameters *parameters, QWidget *parent) :
VCSBaseSubmitEditor(parameters, new GitSubmitEditorWidget(parent))
setDisplayName(tr("Git Commit"));
GitSubmitEditorWidget *GitSubmitEditor::submitEditorWidget()
return static_cast<GitSubmitEditorWidget *>(widget());

Friedemann Kleint
static void addStateFileListToModel(const QList<CommitData::StateFilePair> &l,
VCSBase::SubmitFileModel *model,
bool checked)

Friedemann Kleint
typedef QList<CommitData::StateFilePair>::const_iterator ConstIterator;
const ConstIterator cend = l.constEnd();
for (ConstIterator it = l.constBegin(); it != cend; ++it)
model->addFile(it->second, it->first, checked);
void GitSubmitEditor::setCommitData(const CommitData &d)

Friedemann Kleint
VCSBase::SubmitFileModel *model = new VCSBase::SubmitFileModel(this);
addStateFileListToModel(d.stagedFiles, model, true);
addStateFileListToModel(d.unstagedFiles, model, false);
if (!d.untrackedFiles.empty()) {
const QString untrackedSpec = QLatin1String("untracked");
const QStringList::const_iterator cend = d.untrackedFiles.constEnd();
for (QStringList::const_iterator it = d.untrackedFiles.constBegin(); it != cend; ++it)
model->addFile(*it, untrackedSpec, false);
GitSubmitEditorPanelData GitSubmitEditor::panelData() const
return const_cast<GitSubmitEditor*>(this)->submitEditorWidget()->panelData();