** Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
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** accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and Nokia.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
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#include <cpptools/cppmodelmanagerinterface.h>
#include <projectexplorer/project.h>
#include <cplusplus/CppDocument.h>
#include <texteditor/basetexteditor.h>
namespace Core {
class ICore;
class IEditor;
namespace TextEditor {
class ITextEditor;
namespace ProjectExplorer {
class ProjectExplorerPlugin;
namespace CppTools {
namespace Internal {
class CppEditorSupport;
class CppModelManager : public CppModelManagerInterface
CppModelManager(QObject *parent);
virtual ~CppModelManager();
virtual void updateSourceFiles(const QStringList &sourceFiles);
virtual QList<ProjectInfo> projectInfos() const;
virtual ProjectInfo projectInfo(ProjectExplorer::Project *project) const;
virtual void updateProjectInfo(const ProjectInfo &pinfo);
virtual QStringList includesInPath(const QString &path) const;

Roberto Raggi
virtual CPlusPlus::Snapshot snapshot() const;
virtual void GC();
QFuture<void> refreshSourceFiles(const QStringList &sourceFiles);
inline Core::ICore *core() const { return m_core; }
bool isCppEditor(Core::IEditor *editor) const; // ### private
CppEditorSupport *editorSupport(TextEditor::ITextEditor *editor) const
{ return m_editorSupport.value(editor); }
QMap<QString, QString> buildWorkingCopyList();
void stopEditorSelectionsUpdate()
{ m_updateEditorSelectionsTimer->stop(); }
virtual void addEditorSupport(AbstractEditorSupport *editorSupport);
virtual void removeEditorSupport(AbstractEditorSupport *editorSupport);
virtual void findReferences(CPlusPlus::Symbol *symbol);
void setHeaderSuffixes(const QStringList &suffixes)
{ m_headerSuffixes = suffixes; }
void projectPathChanged(const QString &projectPath);
void documentUpdated(CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr doc);
void aboutToRemoveFiles(const QStringList &files);
public Q_SLOTS:
void editorOpened(Core::IEditor *editor);
void editorAboutToClose(Core::IEditor *editor);
private Q_SLOTS:
// this should be executed in the GUI thread.
void onDocumentUpdated(CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr doc);
void onAboutToRemoveProject(ProjectExplorer::Project *project);
void onAboutToUnloadSession();
void onProjectAdded(ProjectExplorer::Project *project);
void postEditorUpdate();
void updateEditorSelections();
QStringList projectFiles()
return m_projectFiles;
QStringList includePaths()
return m_includePaths;
QStringList frameworkPaths()
return m_frameworkPaths;
QByteArray definedMacros()
return m_definedMacros;
QStringList internalProjectFiles() const;
QStringList internalIncludePaths() const;
QStringList internalFrameworkPaths() const;
QByteArray internalDefinedMacros() const;
void setIncludesInPaths(const QMap<QString, QStringList> includesInPaths);
static void updateIncludesInPaths(QFutureInterface<void> &future,
CppModelManager *manager,
QStringList paths,
QStringList suffixes);
CppPreprocessor *preproc,
QStringList files);

Roberto Raggi
CPlusPlus::Snapshot m_snapshot;
QStringList m_includePaths;
QStringList m_frameworkPaths;
QByteArray m_definedMacros;
QMap<QString, QStringList> m_includesInPaths;
QStringList m_headerSuffixes;
// editor integration
QMap<TextEditor::ITextEditor *, CppEditorSupport *> m_editorSupport;
QSet<AbstractEditorSupport *> m_addtionalEditorSupport;
// project integration
QMap<ProjectExplorer::Project *, ProjectInfo> m_projects;
: revision(-1) {}
int revision;

Roberto Raggi
QPointer<TextEditor::ITextEditor> textEditor;
QList<QTextEdit::ExtraSelection> selections;
QList<TextEditor::BaseTextEditor::BlockRange> ifdefedOutBlocks;
QList<Editor> m_todo;
QTimer *m_updateEditorSelectionsTimer;