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#include "clonewizardpage.h"
#include "gitplugin.h"
#include "gitclient.h"
#include <vcsbase/checkoutjobs.h>
#include <utils/qtcassert.h>
#include <QtGui/QCheckBox>
namespace Git {
struct CloneWizardPagePrivate {
const QString mainLinePostfix;
const QString gitPostFix;
const QString protocolDelimiter;
QCheckBox *deleteMasterCheckBox;
CloneWizardPagePrivate::CloneWizardPagePrivate() :
CloneWizardPage::CloneWizardPage(QWidget *parent) :
setSubTitle(tr("Specify repository URL, checkout directory and path."));
setRepositoryLabel(tr("Clone URL:"));
d->deleteMasterCheckBox = new QCheckBox(tr("Delete master branch"));
d->deleteMasterCheckBox->setToolTip(tr("Delete the master branch after checking out the repository."));
delete d;
bool CloneWizardPage::deleteMasterBranch() const
return d->deleteMasterCheckBox->isChecked();
void CloneWizardPage::setDeleteMasterBranch(bool v)
QString CloneWizardPage::directoryFromRepository(const QString &urlIn) const
/* Try to figure out a good directory name from something like:
* 'user@host:qt/qt.git', 'http://host/qt/qt.git' 'local repo'
* ------> 'qt' . */
QString url = urlIn.trimmed().replace(QChar('\\'), QChar('/'));
const QChar slash = QLatin1Char('/');
// remove host
const int protocolDelimiterPos = url.indexOf(d->protocolDelimiter); // "://"
const int startRepoSearchPos = protocolDelimiterPos == -1 ? 0 : protocolDelimiterPos + d->protocolDelimiter.size();
int repoPos = url.indexOf(QLatin1Char(':'), startRepoSearchPos);
if (repoPos == -1)
repoPos = url.indexOf(slash, startRepoSearchPos);
if (repoPos != -1)
url.remove(0, repoPos + 1);
// Remove postfixes
if (url.endsWith(d->mainLinePostfix)) {
url.truncate(url.size() - d->mainLinePostfix.size());
} else {
if (url.endsWith(d->gitPostFix)) {
url.truncate(url.size() - d->gitPostFix.size());
// Check for equal parts, something like "qt/qt" -> "qt"
const int slashPos = url.indexOf(slash);
if (slashPos != -1 && slashPos == (url.size() - 1) / 2) {
if (url.leftRef(slashPos) == url.rightRef(slashPos))
// fix invalid characters
const QChar dash = QLatin1Char('-');
url.replace(QRegExp(QLatin1String("[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]")), dash);
// trim leading dashes (they are annoying and get created when using local pathes)
url.replace(QRegExp(QLatin1String("^-+")), QString());
return url;
QSharedPointer<VCSBase::AbstractCheckoutJob> CloneWizardPage::createCheckoutJob(QString *checkoutPath) const
const Internal::GitClient *client = Internal::GitPlugin::instance()->gitClient();
const QString workingDirectory = path();
const QString checkoutDir = directory();
*checkoutPath = workingDirectory + QLatin1Char('/') + checkoutDir;
const QString binary = client->binary();
QStringList args;
args << QLatin1String("clone") << repository() << checkoutDir;
VCSBase::ProcessCheckoutJob *job = new VCSBase::ProcessCheckoutJob;
const QProcessEnvironment env = client->processEnvironment();
// 1) Basic checkout step
job->addStep(binary, args, workingDirectory, env);
const QString checkoutBranch = branch();
// 2) Checkout branch, change to checkoutDir
const QString masterBranch = QLatin1String("master");
if (!checkoutBranch.isEmpty() && checkoutBranch != masterBranch) {
// Create branch
args << QLatin1String("branch") << QLatin1String("--track")
<< checkoutBranch << (QLatin1String("origin/") + checkoutBranch);
job->addStep(binary, args, *checkoutPath, env);
// Checkout branch
args << QLatin1String("checkout") << checkoutBranch;
job->addStep(binary, args, *checkoutPath, env);
// Delete master if desired
if (deleteMasterBranch()) {
args << QLatin1String("branch") << QLatin1String("-D") << masterBranch;
job->addStep(binary, args, *checkoutPath, env);
return QSharedPointer<VCSBase::AbstractCheckoutJob>(job);
QStringList CloneWizardPage::branches(const QString &repository, int *current)
// Run git on remote repository if an URL was specified.
if (repository.isEmpty())
return QStringList();
const QStringList branches = Internal::GitPlugin::instance()->gitClient()->synchronousRepositoryBranches(repository);
*current = branches.indexOf(QLatin1String("master"));
return branches;
} // namespace Git