** Copyright (C) 2013 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and Digia. For licensing terms and
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** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
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#include <cplusplus/CppDocument.h>
#include <languageutils/fakemetaobject.h>
#include "cpptools_global.h"
#include "cppprojectfile.h"
#include <QObject>
#include <QHash>
#include <QPointer>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QFuture>
namespace Core {
class IEditor;
namespace CPlusPlus {
class LookupContext;
namespace ProjectExplorer {
class Project;
namespace CppTools {
class AbstractEditorSupport;
class CppCompletionSupport;
class CppCompletionAssistProvider;
class CppHighlightingSupport;
class CppHighlightingSupportFactory;
namespace CPlusPlus {
class CPPTOOLS_EXPORT ProjectPart
: cVersion(C89)
, cxxVersion(CXX11)
, cxxExtensions(NoExtensions)
, qtVersion(UnknownQt)
enum CVersion {
enum CXXVersion {
enum CXXExtension {
NoExtensions = 0x0,
GnuExtensions = 0x1,
MicrosoftExtensions = 0x2,
BorlandExtensions = 0x4,
OpenMP = 0x8
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(CXXExtensions, CXXExtension)
enum QtVersion {
UnknownQt = -1,
NoQt = 0,
Qt4 = 1,
Qt5 = 2
typedef QSharedPointer<ProjectPart> Ptr;
public: //attributes
QList<ProjectFile> files;
QByteArray defines;
QStringList includePaths;
QStringList frameworkPaths;
QStringList precompiledHeaders;
CVersion cVersion;
CXXVersion cxxVersion;
CXXExtensions cxxExtensions;
QtVersion qtVersion;
class CPPTOOLS_EXPORT CppModelManagerInterface : public QObject
class CPPTOOLS_EXPORT ProjectInfo
{ }
ProjectInfo(QPointer<ProjectExplorer::Project> project)
: m_project(project)
{ }
operator bool() const
{ return ! m_project.isNull(); }
{ return ! m_project.isNull(); }
{ return m_project.isNull(); }
QPointer<ProjectExplorer::Project> project() const
{ return m_project; }
const QList<ProjectPart::Ptr> projectParts() const
{ return m_projectParts; }
void clearProjectParts();
void appendProjectPart(const ProjectPart::Ptr &part);
const QStringList includePaths() const
{ return m_includePaths; }
const QStringList frameworkPaths() const
{ return m_frameworkPaths; }
const QStringList sourceFiles() const
{ return m_sourceFiles; }
const QByteArray defines() const
{ return m_defines; }
private: // attributes
QPointer<ProjectExplorer::Project> m_project;
QList<ProjectPart::Ptr> m_projectParts;
// the attributes below are calculated from the project parts.
QStringList m_includePaths;
QStringList m_frameworkPaths;
QStringList m_sourceFiles;
QByteArray m_defines;
class CPPTOOLS_EXPORT WorkingCopy
void insert(const QString &fileName, const QString &source, unsigned revision = 0)
{ _elements.insert(fileName, qMakePair(source, revision)); }
bool contains(const QString &fileName) const
{ return _elements.contains(fileName); }
QString source(const QString &fileName) const
{ return _elements.value(fileName).first; }
QPair<QString, unsigned> get(const QString &fileName) const
{ return _elements.value(fileName); }
QHashIterator<QString, QPair<QString, unsigned> > iterator() const
{ return QHashIterator<QString, QPair<QString, unsigned> >(_elements); }
int size() const
{ return _elements.size(); }
typedef QHash<QString, QPair<QString, unsigned> > Table;
Table _elements;

Roberto Raggi
enum ExtraDiagnosticKind
AllExtraDiagnostics = -1,
static const QString configurationFileName();
CppModelManagerInterface(QObject *parent = 0);
virtual ~CppModelManagerInterface();

Roberto Raggi
static CppModelManagerInterface *instance();
virtual bool isCppEditor(Core::IEditor *editor) const = 0;

Roberto Raggi
virtual WorkingCopy workingCopy() const = 0;

Roberto Raggi
virtual CPlusPlus::Snapshot snapshot() const = 0;
virtual QList<ProjectInfo> projectInfos() const = 0;
virtual ProjectInfo projectInfo(ProjectExplorer::Project *project) const = 0;
virtual void updateProjectInfo(const ProjectInfo &pinfo) = 0;
virtual QList<ProjectPart::Ptr> projectPart(const QString &fileName) const = 0;
virtual void addEditorSupport(CppTools::AbstractEditorSupport *editorSupport) = 0;
virtual void removeEditorSupport(CppTools::AbstractEditorSupport *editorSupport) = 0;
virtual QList<int> references(CPlusPlus::Symbol *symbol,
const CPlusPlus::LookupContext &context) = 0;
virtual void renameUsages(CPlusPlus::Symbol *symbol, const CPlusPlus::LookupContext &context,
const QString &replacement = QString()) = 0;
virtual void findUsages(CPlusPlus::Symbol *symbol, const CPlusPlus::LookupContext &context) = 0;
virtual void renameMacroUsages(const CPlusPlus::Macro ¯o, const QString &replacement = QString()) = 0;
virtual void findMacroUsages(const CPlusPlus::Macro ¯o) = 0;
virtual void setExtraDiagnostics(const QString &fileName, int key,
const QList<CPlusPlus::Document::DiagnosticMessage> &diagnostics) = 0;
virtual QList<CPlusPlus::Document::DiagnosticMessage> extraDiagnostics(
const QString &fileName, int key = AllExtraDiagnostics) const = 0;
virtual CppTools::CppCompletionSupport *completionSupport(Core::IEditor *editor) const = 0;
virtual void setCppCompletionAssistProvider(CppTools::CppCompletionAssistProvider *completionAssistProvider) = 0;
virtual CppTools::CppHighlightingSupport *highlightingSupport(Core::IEditor *editor) const = 0;
virtual void setHighlightingSupportFactory(CppTools::CppHighlightingSupportFactory *highlightingFactory) = 0;
virtual void setIndexingSupport(CppTools::CppIndexingSupport *indexingSupport) = 0;
virtual CppTools::CppIndexingSupport *indexingSupport() = 0;
void documentUpdated(CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr doc);
void sourceFilesRefreshed(const QStringList &files);
void extraDiagnosticsUpdated(QString fileName);
/// \brief Emitted after updateProjectInfo method is called on the model-manager.
/// Other classes can use this to get notified when the \c ProjectExplorer has updated the parts.
void projectPartsUpdated(ProjectExplorer::Project *project);
public Q_SLOTS:
virtual void updateModifiedSourceFiles() = 0;
virtual QFuture<void> updateSourceFiles(const QStringList &sourceFiles) = 0;
virtual void GC() = 0;
} // namespace CPlusPlus