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#include "clonewizardpage.h"
#include "cloneoptionspanel.h"
using namespace Bazaar::Internal;
CloneWizardPage::CloneWizardPage(QWidget *parent)
m_optionsPanel(new CloneOptionsPanel)
setSubTitle(tr("Specify repository URL, clone directory and path."));
setRepositoryLabel(tr("Clone URL:"));
const CloneOptionsPanel *CloneWizardPage::cloneOptionsPanel() const
return m_optionsPanel;
QString CloneWizardPage::directoryFromRepository(const QString &repository) const
// Bazaar repositories are generally of the form
// 'lp:project' or 'protocol://repositoryUrl/repository/'
// We are just looking for repository.
QString repo = repository.trimmed();
if (repo.startsWith(QLatin1String("lp:")))
return repo.mid(3);
const QChar slash = QLatin1Char('/');
if (repo.endsWith(slash))
repo.truncate(repo.size() - 1);
// Take the basename or the repository url
return repo.mid(repo.lastIndexOf(slash) + 1);