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#include "cppsemanticinfo.h"
using namespace CPlusPlus;
using namespace CppTools;
namespace {
class FindLocalSymbols: protected ASTVisitor
Scope *_functionScope;
Document::Ptr _doc;
FindLocalSymbols(Document::Ptr doc)
: ASTVisitor(doc->translationUnit()), _doc(doc)
{ }
// local and external uses.
SemanticInfo::LocalUseMap localUses;
void operator()(DeclarationAST *ast)
if (!ast)
if (FunctionDefinitionAST *def = ast->asFunctionDefinition()) {
if (def->symbol) {
} else if (ObjCMethodDeclarationAST *decl = ast->asObjCMethodDeclaration()) {
if (decl->method_prototype->symbol) {
_functionScope = decl->method_prototype->symbol;
using ASTVisitor::visit;
using ASTVisitor::endVisit;
typedef TextEditor::HighlightingResult HighlightingResult;
void enterScope(Scope *scope)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < scope->memberCount(); ++i) {
if (Symbol *member = scope->memberAt(i)) {
if (!member->isGenerated() && (member->isDeclaration() || member->isArgument())) {
if (member->name() && member->name()->isNameId()) {
const Identifier *id = member->identifier();
unsigned line, column;
getTokenStartPosition(member->sourceLocation(), &line, &column);
HighlightingResult(line, column, id->size(),
bool checkLocalUse(NameAST *nameAst, unsigned firstToken)
if (SimpleNameAST *simpleName = nameAst->asSimpleName()) {
if (tokenAt(simpleName->identifier_token).generated())
return false;
const Identifier *id = identifier(simpleName->identifier_token);
for (int i = _scopeStack.size() - 1; i != -1; --i) {
if (Symbol *member =>find(id)) {
if (member->isTypedef() || !(member->isDeclaration() || member->isArgument()))
if (!member->isGenerated() && (member->sourceLocation() < firstToken
|| member->enclosingScope()->isFunction())) {
unsigned line, column;
getTokenStartPosition(simpleName->identifier_token, &line, &column);
HighlightingResult(line, column, id->size(),
virtual bool visit(CaptureAST *ast)
return checkLocalUse(ast->identifier, ast->firstToken());
virtual bool visit(IdExpressionAST *ast)
return checkLocalUse(ast->name, ast->firstToken());
virtual bool visit(SizeofExpressionAST *ast)
if (ast->expression && ast->expression->asTypeId()) {
TypeIdAST *typeId = ast->expression->asTypeId();
if (!typeId->declarator && typeId->type_specifier_list && !typeId->type_specifier_list->next) {
if (NamedTypeSpecifierAST *namedTypeSpec = typeId->type_specifier_list->value->asNamedTypeSpecifier()) {
if (checkLocalUse(namedTypeSpec->name, namedTypeSpec->firstToken()))
return false;
return true;
virtual bool visit(CastExpressionAST *ast)
if (ast->expression && ast->expression->asUnaryExpression()) {
TypeIdAST *typeId = ast->type_id->asTypeId();
if (typeId && !typeId->declarator && typeId->type_specifier_list && !typeId->type_specifier_list->next) {
if (NamedTypeSpecifierAST *namedTypeSpec = typeId->type_specifier_list->value->asNamedTypeSpecifier()) {
if (checkLocalUse(namedTypeSpec->name, namedTypeSpec->firstToken())) {
return false;
return true;
virtual bool visit(FunctionDefinitionAST *ast)
virtual void endVisit(FunctionDefinitionAST *ast)
if (ast->symbol)
virtual bool visit(CompoundStatementAST *ast)
virtual void endVisit(CompoundStatementAST *ast)
if (ast->symbol)
virtual bool visit(IfStatementAST *ast)
virtual void endVisit(IfStatementAST *ast)
if (ast->symbol)
virtual bool visit(WhileStatementAST *ast)
virtual void endVisit(WhileStatementAST *ast)
if (ast->symbol)
virtual bool visit(ForStatementAST *ast)
virtual void endVisit(ForStatementAST *ast)
if (ast->symbol)
virtual bool visit(ForeachStatementAST *ast)
if (ast->symbol)
virtual void endVisit(ForeachStatementAST *ast)
if (ast->symbol)
virtual bool visit(RangeBasedForStatementAST *ast)
if (ast->symbol)
return true;
virtual void endVisit(RangeBasedForStatementAST *ast)
if (ast->symbol)
virtual bool visit(SwitchStatementAST *ast)
virtual void endVisit(SwitchStatementAST *ast)
if (ast->symbol)
virtual bool visit(CatchClauseAST *ast)
if (ast->symbol)
virtual void endVisit(CatchClauseAST *ast)
if (ast->symbol)
virtual bool visit(ExpressionOrDeclarationStatementAST *ast)
QList<Scope *> _scopeStack;
} // end of anonymous namespace
LocalSymbols::LocalSymbols(CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr doc, CPlusPlus::DeclarationAST *ast)
FindLocalSymbols findLocalSymbols(doc);
uses = findLocalSymbols.localUses;