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#include "vcsbase_global.h"
#include <coreplugin/dialogs/iwizard.h>
#include <QtCore/QSharedPointer>
#include <QtCore/QList>
class QWizardPage;
namespace VCSBase {
class AbstractCheckoutJob;
struct BaseCheckoutWizardPrivate;
/* A Core::IWizard implementing a wizard for initially checking
* out a project using a version control system.
* Implements all of Core::IWizard with the exception of
* name()/description() and icon().
* Pops up a QWizard consisting of a Parameter Page which is created
* by a virtual factory function and a progress
* page containing a log text. The factory function createJob()
* creates a job with the output connected to the log window,
* returning the path to the checkout.
* On success, the wizard tries to locate a project file
* and open it.
* BaseCheckoutWizardPage is provided as a convenience base class
* for parameter wizard pages. */
class VCSBASE_EXPORT BaseCheckoutWizard : public Core::IWizard
explicit BaseCheckoutWizard(QObject *parent = 0);
virtual ~BaseCheckoutWizard();
virtual WizardKind kind() const;
virtual QString category() const;
virtual QString displayCategory() const;
virtual void runWizard(const QString &path, QWidget *parent);
static QString openProject(const QString &path, QString *errorMessage);
virtual QList<QWizardPage *> createParameterPages(const QString &path) = 0;
virtual QSharedPointer<AbstractCheckoutJob> createJob(const QList<QWizardPage *> ¶meterPages,
QString *checkoutPath) = 0;