** Copyright (C) 2013 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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#include "gitversioncontrol.h"
#include "gitclient.h"
namespace Git {
namespace Internal {
GitVersionControl::GitVersionControl(GitClient *client) :
QString GitVersionControl::displayName() const
Core::Id GitVersionControl::id() const
return Core::Id(VcsBase::Constants::VCS_ID_GIT);
bool GitVersionControl::isConfigured() const
bool ok = false;
bool GitVersionControl::supportsOperation(Operation operation) const
if (!isConfigured())
return false;
switch (operation) {
case AddOperation:
case DeleteOperation:
case CreateRepositoryOperation:
case AnnotateOperation:

Tuomas Puranen
case CheckoutOperation:
case GetRepositoryRootOperation:
bool GitVersionControl::vcsOpen(const QString & /*fileName*/)
return false;
bool GitVersionControl::vcsAdd(const QString & fileName)
const QFileInfo fi(fileName);
return m_client->synchronousAdd(fi.absolutePath(), QStringList(fi.fileName()));
bool GitVersionControl::vcsDelete(const QString & fileName)
const QFileInfo fi(fileName);
return m_client->synchronousDelete(fi.absolutePath(), true, QStringList(fi.fileName()));
bool GitVersionControl::vcsMove(const QString &from, const QString &to)
const QFileInfo fromInfo(from);
const QFileInfo toInfo(to);
return m_client->synchronousMove(fromInfo.absolutePath(), fromInfo.absoluteFilePath(), toInfo.absoluteFilePath());
bool GitVersionControl::vcsCreateRepository(const QString &directory)
return m_client->synchronousInit(directory);

Tuomas Puranen
bool GitVersionControl::vcsCheckout(const QString &directory, const QByteArray &url)
return m_client->cloneRepository(directory,url);

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QString GitVersionControl::vcsGetRepositoryURL(const QString &directory)
return m_client->vcsGetRepositoryURL(directory);

Tuomas Puranen
QString GitVersionControl::vcsTopic(const QString &directory)
QString topic = m_client->synchronousTopic(directory);
const QString commandInProgress = m_client->commandInProgressDescription(directory);
if (!commandInProgress.isEmpty())
topic += QLatin1String(" (") + commandInProgress + QLatin1Char(')');
return topic;
bool GitVersionControl::managesDirectory(const QString &directory, QString *topLevel) const
const QString topLevelFound = m_client->findRepositoryForDirectory(directory);
if (topLevel)
*topLevel = topLevelFound;
return !topLevelFound.isEmpty();
bool GitVersionControl::managesFile(const QString &workingDirectory, const QString &fileName) const
return m_client->managesFile(workingDirectory, fileName);
bool GitVersionControl::vcsAnnotate(const QString &file, int line)
const QFileInfo fi(file);
m_client->blame(fi.absolutePath(), QStringList(), fi.fileName(), QString(), line);
return true;
void GitVersionControl::emitFilesChanged(const QStringList &l)
emit filesChanged(l);
void GitVersionControl::emitRepositoryChanged(const QString &r)
emit repositoryChanged(r);
void GitVersionControl::emitConfigurationChanged()
emit configurationChanged();
} // Internal
} // Git