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Friedemann Kleint
#include <QtCore/QtGlobal>
namespace CppTools {
namespace Constants {
const char * const M_TOOLS_CPP = "CppTools.Tools.Menu";
const char * const M_CPP_REFACTORING = "CppTools.Refactoring.Menu";
const char * const SWITCH_HEADER_SOURCE = "CppTools.SwitchHeaderSource";
const char * const TASK_INDEX = "CppTools.Task.Index";
const char * const TASK_SEARCH = "CppTools.Task.Search";
const char * const C_SOURCE_MIMETYPE = "text/x-csrc";
const char * const C_HEADER_MIMETYPE = "text/x-chdr";
const char * const CPP_SOURCE_MIMETYPE = "text/x-c++src";
const char * const OBJECTIVE_CPP_SOURCE_MIMETYPE = "text/x-objcsrc";

Friedemann Kleint
// QSettings keys for use by the "New Class" wizards.
const char * const CPPTOOLS_SETTINGSGROUP = "CppTools";
const char * const LOWERCASE_CPPFILES_KEY = "LowerCaseFiles";
enum { lowerCaseFilesDefault = 1 };

Friedemann Kleint
const char * const CPP_SETTINGS_ID = "File Naming";
const char * const CPP_SETTINGS_NAME = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("CppTools", "File Naming");
const char * const CPP_SETTINGS_CATEGORY = "I.C++";
const char * const CPP_SETTINGS_TR_CATEGORY = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("CppTools", "C++");
const char * const SETTINGS_CATEGORY_CPP_ICON = ":/core/images/category_cpp.png";

Friedemann Kleint