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** This file is part of Qt Creator
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#include "cppfindreferences.h"
#include "cppmodelmanager.h"
#include "cpptoolsconstants.h"

#include <texteditor/basetexteditor.h>
#include <find/searchresultwindow.h>
#include <extensionsystem/pluginmanager.h>
#include <utils/filesearch.h>
#include <coreplugin/progressmanager/progressmanager.h>
#include <coreplugin/editormanager/editormanager.h>
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#include <coreplugin/icore.h>

#include <ASTVisitor.h>
#include <AST.h>
#include <Control.h>
#include <Literals.h>
#include <TranslationUnit.h>
#include <Symbols.h>
#include <Names.h>
#include <Scope.h>
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#include <cplusplus/CppDocument.h>
#include <cplusplus/CppBindings.h>
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#include <cplusplus/ExpressionUnderCursor.h>
#include <cplusplus/ResolveExpression.h>
#include <cplusplus/Overview.h>
#include <cplusplus/TypeOfExpression.h>
#include <cplusplus/FastPreprocessor.h>
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#include <QtCore/QTime>
#include <QtCore/QtConcurrentRun>
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <QtGui/QApplication>
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#include <qtconcurrent/runextensions.h>

using namespace CppTools::Internal;
using namespace CPlusPlus;

namespace {

struct Process: protected ASTVisitor
    Process(Document::Ptr doc, const Snapshot &snapshot,
            QFutureInterface<Utils::FileSearchResult> *future)
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            : ASTVisitor(doc->control()),
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    void setGlobalNamespaceBinding(NamespaceBindingPtr globalNamespaceBinding)
        _globalNamespaceBinding = globalNamespaceBinding;

    QList<int> operator()(Symbol *symbol, Identifier *id, AST *ast)
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        _declSymbol = symbol;
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        _id = id;
        _exprDoc = Document::create("<references>");
        return _references;
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    using ASTVisitor::visit;

    QString matchingLine(const Token &tk) const
        const char *beg = _source.constData();
        const char *cp = beg + tk.offset;
        for (; cp != beg - 1; --cp) {
            if (*cp == '\n')


        const char *lineEnd = cp + 1;
        for (; *lineEnd; ++lineEnd) {
            if (*lineEnd == '\n')

        const QString matchingLine = QString::fromUtf8(cp, lineEnd - cp);
        return matchingLine;


    void reportResult(unsigned tokenIndex, const QList<Symbol *> &candidates)
        const bool isStrongResult = checkCandidates(candidates);

        if (isStrongResult)

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    void reportResult(unsigned tokenIndex)
        const Token &tk = tokenAt(tokenIndex);
        const QString lineText = matchingLine(tk);

        unsigned line, col;
        getTokenStartPosition(tokenIndex, &line, &col);

        if (col)
            --col;  // adjust the column position.

        const int len = tk.f.length;
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    bool checkCandidates(const QList<Symbol *> &candidates) const
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        if (Symbol *canonicalSymbol = LookupContext::canonicalSymbol(candidates, {

#if 0
            qDebug() << "*** canonical symbol:" << canonicalSymbol->fileName()
                    << canonicalSymbol->line() << canonicalSymbol->column()
                    << "candidates:" << candidates.size();

            return isDeclSymbol(canonicalSymbol);

        return false;
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    bool isDeclSymbol(Symbol *symbol) const
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        if (! symbol)
            return false;
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        else if (symbol == _declSymbol) {
        } else if (symbol->line() == _declSymbol->line() && symbol->column() == _declSymbol->column()) {
            if (! qstrcmp(symbol->fileName(), _declSymbol->fileName()))
                return true;

        } else if (symbol->isForwardClassDeclaration() && (_declSymbol->isClass() ||
                                                           _declSymbol->isForwardClassDeclaration())) {
            return true;

        } else if (_declSymbol->isForwardClassDeclaration() && (symbol->isClass() ||
                                                                symbol->isForwardClassDeclaration())) {
            return true;
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    LookupContext _previousContext;

    LookupContext currentContext(AST *ast)
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        unsigned line, column;
        getTokenStartPosition(ast->firstToken(), &line, &column);
        Symbol *lastVisibleSymbol = _doc->findSymbolAt(line, column);
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        if (lastVisibleSymbol && lastVisibleSymbol == _previousContext.symbol())
            return _previousContext;

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        LookupContext ctx(lastVisibleSymbol, _exprDoc, _doc, _snapshot);
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        _previousContext = ctx;
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        return ctx;
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    void ensureNameIsValid(NameAST *ast)
        if (ast && ! ast->name)
            ast->name = _sem.check(ast, /*scope = */ 0);

    virtual bool visit(MemInitializerAST *ast)
        if (ast->name && ast->name->asSimpleName() != 0) {

            SimpleNameAST *simple = ast->name->asSimpleName();
            if (identifier(simple->identifier_token) == _id) {
                LookupContext context = currentContext(ast);
                const QList<Symbol *> candidates = context.resolve(simple->name);
                reportResult(simple->identifier_token, candidates);
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        return false;

    virtual bool visit(PostfixExpressionAST *ast)
        return true;

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    virtual void endVisit(PostfixExpressionAST *)

    virtual bool visit(MemberAccessAST *ast)
        if (ast->member_name) {
            if (SimpleNameAST *simple = ast->member_name->asSimpleName()) {
                if (identifier(simple->identifier_token) == _id) {
                    Q_ASSERT(! _postfixExpressionStack.isEmpty());
                    return false;
        return true;
    void checkExpression(unsigned startToken, unsigned endToken)
        const unsigned begin = tokenAt(startToken).begin();
        const unsigned end = tokenAt(endToken).end();
        const QString expression = _source.mid(begin, end - begin);
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        // qDebug() << "*** check expression:" << expression;
        TypeOfExpression typeofExpression;
        unsigned line, column;
        getTokenStartPosition(startToken, &line, &column);
        Symbol *lastVisibleSymbol = _doc->findSymbolAt(line, column);
        const QList<TypeOfExpression::Result> results =
                typeofExpression(expression, _doc, lastVisibleSymbol,
        QList<Symbol *> candidates;
        foreach (TypeOfExpression::Result r, results) {
            FullySpecifiedType ty = r.first;
            Symbol *lastVisibleSymbol = r.second;
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    virtual bool visit(QualifiedNameAST *ast)
        for (NestedNameSpecifierAST *nested_name_specifier = ast->nested_name_specifier;
             nested_name_specifier; nested_name_specifier = nested_name_specifier->next) {

            if (NameAST *class_or_namespace_name = nested_name_specifier->class_or_namespace_name) {
                SimpleNameAST *simple_name = class_or_namespace_name->asSimpleName();

                TemplateIdAST *template_id = 0;
                if (! simple_name) {
                    template_id = class_or_namespace_name->asTemplateId();

                    if (template_id) {
                        for (TemplateArgumentListAST *template_arguments = template_id->template_arguments;
                             template_arguments; template_arguments = template_arguments->next) {

                if (simple_name || template_id) {
                    const unsigned identifier_token = simple_name
                               ? simple_name->identifier_token
                               : template_id->identifier_token;

                    if (identifier(identifier_token) == _id)
                        checkExpression(ast->firstToken(), identifier_token);

        if (NameAST *unqualified_name = ast->unqualified_name) {
            unsigned identifier_token = 0;

            if (SimpleNameAST *simple_name = unqualified_name->asSimpleName())
                identifier_token = simple_name->identifier_token;

            else if (DestructorNameAST *dtor_name = unqualified_name->asDestructorName())
                identifier_token = dtor_name->identifier_token;

            TemplateIdAST *template_id = 0;
            if (! identifier_token) {
                template_id = unqualified_name->asTemplateId();

                if (template_id) {
                    identifier_token = template_id->identifier_token;

                    for (TemplateArgumentListAST *template_arguments = template_id->template_arguments;
                         template_arguments; template_arguments = template_arguments->next) {

            if (identifier_token && identifier(identifier_token) == _id)
                checkExpression(ast->firstToken(), identifier_token);
        return false;

    virtual bool visit(SimpleNameAST *ast)
        Identifier *id = identifier(ast->identifier_token);
        if (id == _id) {
            LookupContext context = currentContext(ast);
            const QList<Symbol *> candidates = context.resolve(ast->name);
            reportResult(ast->identifier_token, candidates);
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    virtual bool visit(DestructorNameAST *ast)
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        Identifier *id = identifier(ast->identifier_token);
        if (id == _id) {
            LookupContext context = currentContext(ast);
            const QList<Symbol *> candidates = context.resolve(ast->name);
            reportResult(ast->identifier_token, candidates);
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        return false;

    virtual bool visit(TemplateIdAST *ast)
        if (_id == identifier(ast->identifier_token)) {
            LookupContext context = currentContext(ast);
            const QList<Symbol *> candidates = context.resolve(ast->name);
            reportResult(ast->identifier_token, candidates);
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        for (TemplateArgumentListAST *template_arguments = ast->template_arguments;
             template_arguments; template_arguments = template_arguments->next) {
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    virtual bool visit(ParameterDeclarationAST *ast)
        for (SpecifierAST *spec = ast->type_specifier; spec; spec = spec->next)

        if (DeclaratorAST *declarator = ast->declarator) {
            for (SpecifierAST *attr = declarator->attributes; attr; attr = attr->next)

            for (PtrOperatorAST *ptr_op = declarator->ptr_operators; ptr_op; ptr_op = ptr_op->next)

            // ### TODO: well, not exactly. We need to look at qualified-name-ids and nested-declarators.
            // accept(declarator->core_declarator);

            for (PostfixDeclaratorAST *fx_op = declarator->postfix_declarators; fx_op; fx_op = fx_op->next)

            for (SpecifierAST *spec = declarator->post_attributes; spec; spec = spec->next)


        return false;

    virtual bool visit(ExpressionOrDeclarationStatementAST *ast)
        return false;

    virtual bool visit(FunctionDeclaratorAST *ast)

        for (SpecifierAST *spec = ast->cv_qualifier_seq; spec; spec = spec->next)


        return false;

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    QFutureInterface<Utils::FileSearchResult> *_future;
    Identifier *_id; // ### remove me
    Symbol *_declSymbol;
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    Document::Ptr _doc;
    Snapshot _snapshot;
    QByteArray _source;
    Document::Ptr _exprDoc;
    NamespaceBindingPtr _globalNamespaceBinding;
    QList<PostfixExpressionAST *> _postfixExpressionStack;
    QList<QualifiedNameAST *> _qualifiedNameStack;
    QList<int> _references;
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} // end of anonymous namespace

CppFindReferences::CppFindReferences(CppModelManager *modelManager)
    : _modelManager(modelManager),
    connect(&m_watcher, SIGNAL(resultReadyAt(int)), this, SLOT(displayResult(int)));
    connect(&m_watcher, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(searchFinished()));


QList<int> CppFindReferences::references(Symbol *symbol,
                                         Document::Ptr doc,
                                         const Snapshot& snapshot) const
    Identifier *id = 0;
    if (Identifier *symbolId = symbol->identifier())
        id = doc->control()->findIdentifier(symbolId->chars(), symbolId->size());

    QList<int> references;

    if (! id)
        return references;

    TranslationUnit *translationUnit = doc->translationUnit();
    Q_ASSERT(translationUnit != 0);

    Process process(doc, snapshot, /*future = */ 0);
    process.setGlobalNamespaceBinding(bind(doc, snapshot));
    references = process(symbol, id, translationUnit->ast());

    return references;

static void find_helper(QFutureInterface<Utils::FileSearchResult> &future,
                        const QMap<QString, QString> wl,
                        Snapshot snapshot,
                        Symbol *symbol)
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    QTime tm;
    Identifier *symbolId = symbol->identifier();
    Q_ASSERT(symbolId != 0);

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    const QString sourceFile = QString::fromUtf8(symbol->fileName(), symbol->fileNameLength());
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    QStringList files(sourceFile);

    if (symbol->isClass() || symbol->isForwardClassDeclaration()) {
        foreach (const Document::Ptr &doc, snapshot) {
            if (doc->fileName() == sourceFile)

            Control *control = doc->control();

            if (control->findIdentifier(symbolId->chars(), symbolId->size()))
    } else {
        files += snapshot.dependsOn(sourceFile);

    //qDebug() << "done in:" << tm.elapsed() << "number of files to parse:" << files.size();
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    future.setProgressRange(0, files.size());

    for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i) {
        if (future.isPaused())

        if (future.isCanceled())

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        const QString &fileName =;
        future.setProgressValueAndText(i, QFileInfo(fileName).fileName());
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        if (Document::Ptr previousDoc = snapshot.value(fileName)) {
            Control *control = previousDoc->control();
            Identifier *id = control->findIdentifier(symbolId->chars(), symbolId->size());
            if (! id)
                continue; // skip this document, it's not using symbolId.

        QByteArray source;

        if (wl.contains(fileName))
            source = snapshot.preprocessedCode(wl.value(fileName), fileName);
        else {
            QFile file(fileName);
            if (!

            const QString contents = QTextStream(&file).readAll(); // ### FIXME
            source = snapshot.preprocessedCode(contents, fileName);

        Document::Ptr doc = snapshot.documentFromSource(source, fileName);
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        Control *control = doc->control();
        if (Identifier *id = control->findIdentifier(symbolId->chars(), symbolId->size())) {
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            QTime tm;
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            //qDebug() << "***" << unit->fileName() << "parsed in:" << tm.elapsed();

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            //qDebug() << "***" << unit->fileName() << "checked in:" << tm.elapsed();

            Process process(doc, snapshot, &future);
            process.setGlobalNamespaceBinding(bind(doc, snapshot));
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            TranslationUnit *unit = doc->translationUnit();
            process(symbol, id, unit->ast());
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            //qDebug() << "***" << unit->fileName() << "processed in:" << tm.elapsed();
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void CppFindReferences::findUsages(Symbol *symbol)
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    Find::SearchResult *search = _resultWindow->startNewSearch(Find::SearchResultWindow::SearchOnly);

    connect(search, SIGNAL(activated(Find::SearchResultItem)),
            this, SLOT(openEditor(Find::SearchResultItem)));


void CppFindReferences::renameUsages(Symbol *symbol)
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    if (Identifier *id = symbol->identifier()) {
        const QString textToReplace = QString::fromUtf8(id->chars(), id->size());
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        Find::SearchResult *search = _resultWindow->startNewSearch(Find::SearchResultWindow::SearchAndReplace);
        connect(search, SIGNAL(activated(Find::SearchResultItem)),
                this, SLOT(openEditor(Find::SearchResultItem)));
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        connect(search, SIGNAL(replaceButtonClicked(QString,QList<Find::SearchResultItem>)),


void CppFindReferences::findAll_helper(Symbol *symbol)
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    const Snapshot snapshot = _modelManager->snapshot();
    const QMap<QString, QString> wl = _modelManager->buildWorkingCopyList();

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    Core::ProgressManager *progressManager = Core::ICore::instance()->progressManager();

    QFuture<Utils::FileSearchResult> result = QtConcurrent::run(&find_helper, wl, snapshot, symbol);
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    Core::FutureProgress *progress = progressManager->addTask(result, tr("Searching..."),
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    connect(progress, SIGNAL(clicked()), _resultWindow, SLOT(popup()));

static void applyChanges(QTextDocument *doc, const QString &text, const QList<Find::SearchResultItem> &items)
    QList<QTextCursor> cursors;

    foreach (const Find::SearchResultItem &item, items) {
        const int blockNumber = item.lineNumber - 1;
        QTextCursor tc(doc->findBlockByNumber(blockNumber));
        tc.setPosition(tc.position() + item.searchTermStart);
        tc.setPosition(tc.position() + item.searchTermLength,

    foreach (QTextCursor tc, cursors)

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void CppFindReferences::onReplaceButtonClicked(const QString &text,
                                               const QList<Find::SearchResultItem> &items)
    if (text.isEmpty())

    QHash<QString, QList<Find::SearchResultItem> > changes;

    foreach (const Find::SearchResultItem &item, items)

    Core::EditorManager *editorManager = Core::EditorManager::instance();

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    QHashIterator<QString, QList<Find::SearchResultItem> > it(changes);
    while (it.hasNext()) {;

        const QString fileName = it.key();
        const QList<Find::SearchResultItem> items = it.value();
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        const QList<Core::IEditor *> editors = editorManager->editorsForFileName(fileName);
        TextEditor::BaseTextEditor *textEditor = 0;
        foreach (Core::IEditor *editor, editors) {
            textEditor = qobject_cast<TextEditor::BaseTextEditor *>(editor->widget());
            if (textEditor != 0)

        if (textEditor != 0) {
            QTextCursor tc = textEditor->textCursor();
            applyChanges(textEditor->document(), text, items);
        } else {
            QFile file(fileName);
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            if ( {
                QTextStream stream(&file);
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                // ### set the encoding
                const QString plainText = stream.readAll();

                QTextDocument doc;

                applyChanges(&doc, text, items);

                QFile newFile(fileName);
                if ( {
                    QTextStream stream(&newFile);
                    // ### set the encoding
                    stream << doc.toPlainText();
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    const QStringList fileNames = changes.keys();
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void CppFindReferences::displayResult(int index)
    Utils::FileSearchResult result = m_watcher.future().resultAt(index);
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void CppFindReferences::searchFinished()
    emit changed();

void CppFindReferences::openEditor(const Find::SearchResultItem &item)
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    TextEditor::BaseTextEditor::openEditorAt(item.fileName, item.lineNumber, item.searchTermStart);
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