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#include "searchsymbols.h"
#include <Literals.h>
#include <Scope.h>
using namespace CPlusPlus;
using namespace CppTools::Internal;
SearchSymbols::SymbolTypes SearchSymbols::AllTypes =
| SearchSymbols::Functions
| SearchSymbols::Enums
| SearchSymbols::Declarations;
symbolsToSearchFor(Classes | Functions | Enums),
void SearchSymbols::setSymbolsToSearchFor(SymbolTypes types)
symbolsToSearchFor = types;
void SearchSymbols::setSeparateScope(bool separateScope)
this->separateScope = separateScope;
QList<ModelItemInfo> SearchSymbols::operator()(Document::Ptr doc, const QString &scope)
QString previousScope = switchScope(scope);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < doc->globalSymbolCount(); ++i) {
(void) switchScope(previousScope);
return items;
QString SearchSymbols::switchScope(const QString &scope)
QString previousScope = _scope;
_scope = scope;
return previousScope;
bool SearchSymbols::visit(Enum *symbol)
if (!(symbolsToSearchFor & Enums))
return false;
QString name = symbolName(symbol);
QString scopedName = scopedSymbolName(name);
QString previousScope = switchScope(scopedName);
appendItem(separateScope ? name : scopedName,
separateScope ? previousScope : QString(),
ModelItemInfo::Enum, symbol);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < symbol->memberCount(); ++i) {
(void) switchScope(previousScope);
return false;
bool SearchSymbols::visit(Function *symbol)
if (!(symbolsToSearchFor & Functions))
if (const QualifiedNameId *q = name->asQualifiedNameId()) {
if (q->base())
extraScope = overview.prettyName(q->base());
QString fullScope = _scope;
if (!_scope.isEmpty() && !extraScope.isEmpty())
fullScope += QLatin1String("::");
fullScope += extraScope;
QString name = symbolName(symbol);
QString scopedName = scopedSymbolName(name);
QString type = overview.prettyType(symbol->type(),
separateScope ? symbol->identity() : 0);
appendItem(separateScope ? type : scopedName,
separateScope ? fullScope : type,
ModelItemInfo::Method, symbol);
return false;
bool SearchSymbols::visit(Namespace *symbol)
QString name = findOrInsert(scopedSymbolName(symbol));
QString previousScope = switchScope(name);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < symbol->memberCount(); ++i) {
(void) switchScope(previousScope);
return false;
bool SearchSymbols::visit(Declaration *symbol)
if (!(symbolsToSearchFor & Declarations))
return false;
QString name = symbolName(symbol);
QString scopedName = scopedSymbolName(name);
QString type = overview.prettyType(symbol->type(),
separateScope ? symbol->identity() : 0);
appendItem(separateScope ? type : scopedName,
separateScope ? _scope : type,
ModelItemInfo::Declaration, symbol);
return false;
bool SearchSymbols::visit(Class *symbol)
QString name = symbolName(symbol);
QString scopedName = scopedSymbolName(name);
QString previousScope = switchScope(scopedName);
if (symbolsToSearchFor & Classes) {
appendItem(separateScope ? name : scopedName,
separateScope ? previousScope : QString(),
ModelItemInfo::Class, symbol);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < symbol->memberCount(); ++i) {
(void) switchScope(previousScope);
return false;
QString SearchSymbols::scopedSymbolName(const QString &symbolName) const
QString name = _scope;
name += QLatin1String("::");
name += symbolName;
return name;
QString SearchSymbols::scopedSymbolName(const Symbol *symbol) const
return scopedSymbolName(symbolName(symbol));
QString SearchSymbols::symbolName(const Symbol *symbol) const
QString symbolName = overview.prettyName(symbol->name());
if (symbolName.isEmpty()) {
QString type;
if (symbol->isNamespace()) {
type = QLatin1String("namespace");
} else if (symbol->isEnum()) {
type = QLatin1String("enum");
} else if (const Class *c = symbol->asClass()) {
if (c->isUnion()) {
type = QLatin1String("union");
} else if (c->isStruct()) {
type = QLatin1String("struct");
} else {
type = QLatin1String("class");
} else {
type = QLatin1String("symbol");
symbolName = QLatin1String("<anonymous ");
symbolName += type;
return symbolName;
void SearchSymbols::appendItem(const QString &name,
const QString &info,
ModelItemInfo::ItemType type,
if (!symbol->name())
QStringList fullyQualifiedName;
foreach (const Name *name, LookupContext::fullyQualifiedName(symbol))
const QIcon icon = icons.iconForSymbol(symbol);
items.append(ModelItemInfo(name, info, type,
QString::fromUtf8(symbol->fileName(), symbol->fileNameLength()),
symbol->column() - 1, // 1-based vs 0-based column