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  • Eike Ziller's avatar
    OS X: deployqtHelper: never deploy anyting twice · 3c2ec64d
    Eike Ziller authored
    There are targets that have a "depends" on "deployqt",
    and since the Makefile doesn't know any specifics, the deployqtHelper
    script is run twice when calling e.g.
    make deployqt
    make codesign
    make dmg
    That results in the "make dmg" calling the helper script again, which
    overwrites for example the previously signed designer plugins with
    the unsigned original again, leading to code signature verification
    failure. This became only apparent since OS X 10.9 changed to always
    do deep verification of signatures.
    Change-Id: I36ec6de1a7d184800c59a3db47e01afedc0e6879
    Reviewed-by: default avatarEike Ziller <>