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qtsupportconstants.h 2.61 KiB
** This file is part of Qt Creator
** Copyright (c) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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namespace QtSupport {
namespace Constants {

//Qt4 settings pages
const char * const QT_SETTINGS_CATEGORY       = "L.Qt4";
const char * const QT_SETTINGS_CATEGORY_ICON  = ":/core/images/category_qt.png";
const char * const QT_SETTINGS_TR_CATEGORY    = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Qt4ProjectManager", "Qt4");
const char * const QTVERSION_SETTINGS_PAGE_ID = "Qt Versions";
const char * const QTVERSION_SETTINGS_PAGE_NAME = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Qt4ProjectManager", "Qt Versions");

// QtVersions
const char * const SYMBIANQT   = "Qt4ProjectManager.QtVersion.Symbian";
const char * const MAEMOQT     = "Qt4ProjectManager.QtVersion.Maemo";
const char * const DESKTOPQT   = "Qt4ProjectManager.QtVersion.Desktop";
const char * const SIMULATORQT = "Qt4ProjectManager.QtVersion.Simulator";
const char * const WINCEQT     = "Qt4ProjectManager.QtVersion.WinCE";

// QML wizard categories
// both the qt4projectmanager and the qmlprojectmanager do have qt quick wizards
// so we define the category here
const char * const QML_WIZARD_CATEGORY = "C.Projects"; // (before Qt)
const char * const QML_WIZARD_TR_SCOPE = "QmlProjectManager";
const char * const QML_WIZARD_TR_CATEGORY = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QmlProjectManager", "Qt Quick Project");
const char * const QML_WIZARD_ICON = ":/qmlproject/images/qml_wizard.png";
